Forty Eight

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A week has been past. I'm in my house with Alucard. He decided to stay here for a while because of his parents decided to stay for another week.

I'm curious what kind of problem he has with his family. But, I decided not to say a thing about it. This could be sensitive topic for him. And he also didn't like to say about it. Everyone has a problem and so I am.

Gratefully, I already move on from Granger. It's all thanks to Alucard. And my feelings for him developed even more. I smile thinking about my life now. I know this smile can't be lasts forever. Problem will always come to us.

We decided to quit school and make a fake news that we're actually transferred into another school. Alucard still can survive because his parents are wealthy enough. What about me?

I decided to not think about it yet. Maybe I'll just die.

I scroll down my phone as I read the news. My heart stop as I read it. I gasp and my eyes widened. This can't be right. Why my face and Alucard all over the internet?! They showed about our crime and confirmed it.

I search for Alucard, he's downstairs while watching the television. It's the news. And yeah, they show our face there.

What's happening?!

"Alu, what're we going to? It's us all over the news and internet" I said as I stand infront of him. He stay quiet for while and think.

"We need to investigate it. Who report about us. Besides, Granger already died and it's confirm. We need to change our appearance and our identity. Then, we can investigate about it. We need to know about the truth. And also, it is dangerous to go out like this" He said while looking at my face seriously.

"Really? How can you do it. You said that it's some easy thing to change our identity and appearance. We even can't go out because we'll arrest quickly" I said and sigh.

"It's possible, I know how to do that. I hate to say this. But I need to get some help from them" He said while release a big sigh towards me. Okay now what? Who are we going to get help from.

"From who?" I said while focusing on him.

"My parents" He said and he look away. He stand up from the couch.

"Pack your important things. We need to get out from this house. They probably going to search us here. Be quick" He said. I nodded and head upstairs.

I take out a medium size bag and put the thing that I think it's important to me. Such as the knife that I usually use, my red hood that is my favourite, my purse, my smartphone and that stuffed toys. I know all of this thing are not neccessary.

But the memories behind them can't be erase. I'm grateful because Alucard seems to understand my feelings.

I quickly go downstairs and he already outside with his car. I enter it and he start to drive. I don't know where are we going to head. I just quiet and follow his order. I know he have something in mind.

Then, we arrive at another housing area as he park his car infront of the house. I have a lot of question in my mind as we get out from the car. Alucard lead the way and unlock the house.

"It's my other house. It's for back up. Like this situation" He said. I nod signing that I understand. We sit at the couch, I just keep quiet and wait for him to say.

But, he opened his phone and call someone. Probably his parents. Now, I am very curious about him.

"Hello, I need your help. Come at my house. You already know about the news right. I swear this is the first and last time I need your help. See you" He said with monotone and end the call.

That tone he use at his parents? So rude. I know I shouldn't say anything.

Suddenly something crossed my mind. So his parents knew about the news. And they knew Alucard is a murderer. And he is guilty with the crime that stated in the news. But why in the world Alucard need some help from them?

Just, who the hell his parents are?! How can they didn't disappointed to Alu and willing to help him?!

Sure his family are strange.


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