Forty Six

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I put my belongings at the table and walk to his bedroom. I plop myself into his bedroom like it is mine. I'm tired, confuse, hesitate. I hate everything.

"Wow, someone literally make this apartment like her's" He said as he sit next to me.

"Sorry. It can't be help. I am tired. Didn't I said? It's because of you" I said. He just laugh from my response. Then, the silence fill the room. I think for a while. What's my next move? I feel like I want to cry right now. The decision are hard to make.

Should I ask him? I need to clear everything up. I don't decided yet to kill him or not. But at least, I need to know the truth about him. Why he being like this towards me? I take a deep breath and release a big sigh. This gonna be complicated to know the truth.

Besides, truth always hurt.

"Tell, why are you so kind towards me? Why are you helping me? How do you know about me? Just..why?" I said and sit at the bed while looking straight towards him. He release a big sigh like he keeps a huge secret from me.

He stare at my face and hold my hands. He besitate for a while whether to tell me or not. He take a deep breath and start talking.

"I am sorry for not telling you earlier. But, I actually spy on you for a long time ago Ruby" He said and still he look at my eyes. What did he mean by that? His eyes show honesty and I know, he actually tell the truth.

"Explain" I said as we keep staring at each other. It makes the atmosphere becoming tense.

"Your family member died because of accident right?" He said. Now why he suddenly talk about my family member? I response his question with nod slowly. Is he link with their accident? Is he the cause because of the accident?

"I am the one who cause it. I am sorry again" He said and he look down. I don't know how to react. It's because I'm not too sad because of their death. I already move on. I lift his chin up as we look at each other.

"Tell me the whole thing. I'm not mad" I said and give him a kiss on his cheek. He must be guilty for his action.

"The accident occured because the tyre burst right. I need to carry out a mission to find for a car down the street. They told me to do any method until I catch the one. That time, I am still young and so are you. I'm still inexperience and no one being my mentor.

Also, I was being push with the senior member and I can't think well that day because I'm too tired. I decided to shoot the car from apart. But I end up shooting the wrong car which is yours.

Then, guilty flow over my body as I hit the wrong car. And its make the car lose its balance and bad accident happened there. It's involve around 5 cars in total.

Every victim are alright. But, only your family member dead. And knowing that you're the only one survived from the accident make me guilty all time. Because you have nobody to rely on.

In your 3 days coma, I always visit you secretly until you discharge from the hospital. Until then, I am the one who spy on you. It really shock me because you actually did a crime. And it's wrong.

But, I talked to myself. Maybe I am the one who make her like this. Maybe she's deppression because all her family member died. I feel the worst at that time." He finish his talk and I pat his back.

"No no, It's okay. Look, I am fine now. Forget about it! It shows your weakness. Really, I forgive you. There are nothing to feel guilty about. I am perfectly fine right now" I said as I hug him.

"Besides, I don't care if you decided to kill me-- to get a revenge from me" He said. I'm quiet from his sentences. I didn't response. I hate this, I HATE THIS!

"You're talking nonsense. Let's forget about it alright? Let's have some moments together" I said and I kiss his neck and rub my hand under his shirt.

We start doing that until we reach the pleasure. Then we fell asleep together as I glance at the clock. It's already 2.

But, I hold myself from being sleep. I already decided what to do.


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