Forty Three

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I keep seducing him even I look like a prostitute out there. But, looking at my observation, his only weakness is me. He said that he fall for me. And 'love' is actually a great weakness. So, I just keep seducing him, teasing him and make sure he's not get out from this house.

But, come to think about it. How can Alucard contact me or give me message? I know that he'll never message me in this state. So, what the only option he has? Think of it Ruby.

Alucard is clever enough to send me message but I am afraid that he already give me message but I didn't realize that he give me the message.

Eventhough my mind and my body keep distracting me, I try to focus and think hard. I look at the calendar. It's the first day in a new month.

So, what are the usual thing happened in this town.


Oh yeah! the bill. The bill in this town will always send in the first day every month. A worker will send the bill by knocking the door or ring the bell and then, they give the bill to us. Let's hope that the bill didn't send to this apartment.

As we finish the other round, the door knocked. It must be him!

I want to get up but I drained my energy. Granger sigh and take the shirt and wear it. He just cover his lower part using his towel. He walk to the main door and open it.

"Good evening, Here is the bill sir. You can pay it through online or go to the pay point that we already show in our web. Thank you, have a nice day" The worker said. As the worker want to turn around and walk, all the paper and bills in his hand fall on the floor.

"Oh crap! I'm sorry sir, I'm really sorry" The worker said as he collect all the bill. I can see them through the door gap in the room.

"No no it is okay" Granger said a she help the worker collect the bills and some of the mail. When the worker collect the bill, his eyes move and look at me. He give me a wink.

He must be Alucard. He change his appearance. He use a short brunette hair and put some makeup to change some part of his face. Looking at his height, it is the same.

He must be slip a note anywhere. I need to search for it, but how? I'm afraid that there're hidden camera in his house. He's a police, it's not possible though.

I use all my strength to stand up and wrap myself using his blanket.

"Thank you sir, have a nice day" The worker said as he walk to the next door. I slowly walk to the living room and plop myself on the sofa. Fuck it! I'm tired.

I lean at the sofa as my head look at Granger. He check the bill and put it on the table-- at the same time, I look at that place and search for a note that Alucard slip. I need to search for it but I know it'll look obvious.

He look at me and sit beside me.

"Aren't you tired?" He ask me and raise one of his eyebrows while look at me. Hell, yes I am. I feel like dying. The soreness kill me.

"Obviously, but the tiredness can't be compared the pleasure" I said as I lean over his torso. Silent fill the air as he smirk towards me. I don't know but I might fall for him for real. Geez, Alucard help me.

But isn't it weird? He's a secret agent. Let's say I am his girlfriend. It is weird. A secret agent and a murdered together. Plus, my bloodlust can't be controlled.

"Let's have dinner together at 8?" He said as he look at me. I just nodded in agreement. But I don't have any shirt to wear.

"Can I borrow one of your shirt later?" I ask and look at him. He just nod. Clearly, he know why I want to borrow his shirt. I take a glance at the clock. It's already 4 p.m. I yawn since I am really tired and sleepy.

Granger suddenly lift me in a bridal style and walk to his room. We just lying together amd chill out. Then, we fell asleep together.


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