Thirty Nine

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Ruby's POV

As I stop from jumping around the room, Miya looks tired and fed up with her life. I smile and reposition myself to stand infront of her. Her eyes look at me.

"J-just, Kill me" she whispered.

I just stand and watch her dying slowly. She lost a lot of blood already. She'll die because of herself not me.

I just stare right into her eyes as she breath heavily. She'll die soon. It's her time. I won't touch her. I want to watch her die slowly. My eyes are focusing just on her.

At some moments, her pupil move and her eyes widened. Why? Is she already come to her end? Or there's actually someone behind me?

Before I can turn my body to look behind me, a person hug me from behind. He put both of his hand around my waist and put his chin at my shoulder.

"What a great victim huh? Honey" He said and my eyes keep looking at Miya. I recognize this voice. It's clearly the guy that we talked about. It is Alucard. I smirk hearing his word. I look at Miya, I know her heart break after looking at us. Tears roll down her cheek as she tried to talk again.

"I hate you two" She said, almost whisper.

"And so are we" Alucard said and she cried even more. I smirk as she got a fakehope from Alucard. I turn my head to look at Alucard and suddenly lean his face and kiss me sweetly.

Then, he hold a knife and put it in my hand, we hold it together.

"It's your time. Meet you in hell with Estes" I said and we stab right into her heart. The blood stain us. Miya finally has her last breath with tears still in her eyes. The blood gushed out at she finally close her eyes forever.

We quiet for a while and I decided to talk.

"Didn't expect you to come though" I said as I let the knife go. So he's the one who hold it.

"Well, me too. But you need to close the curtain carefully" He said as we look at each other eyes. I shrugged my shoulder and nod.

I take a glance at Miya's corpse and look at Alucard. He know what exactly I want him to help me.

"Help me clean this mess, and tomorrow night, help me dig the backyards. I want to throw her in there" I said. He sigh and nod in agreement. Silent fill the room again.

Alucard walk to make our gap closer. He lift the knife in his hand and put it in my neck. I just keep calm and wait for him to explain. I know, he just messing around with me and it's really make me confuse.

But somehow, staring at his eyes with some of the blood in his, make there are some weird thing at my stomach. I can't describe it well.

He move the knife slightly and make a cut. I keep myself silent even I can feel the blood gushing out. But it didn't make me worry because it's just a small cut.

He drop the kinfe on the floor and draw his face into my neck as he suck the cut that he make. I yelp as he keep sucking it. It's make my entire body hot and my hand automatically hug his head. He sucking my neck and lick it as I can feel his tongue.

Then, he lift his head and look at my face. I close my eyes as we kissed again. He put his hand around my neck as he pull me closer until there is no gap between us. I put my hand at his face as I cup his cheeks.

He kissed me hungrily and tease me with his pelvis. I can't help myself but moan. We stop and catch our breath. I smirk as I look at him.

"Aww, are you can't hold it anymore? What's make you like this hun?" I said as I play my hand at his lips. His breath becoming heavy. He quickly touch the blood on the floor and look at me.

"Damn, You look sexy in blood" He said as he spread the blood at my left cheek, and go down to my body.

"I should say the same to you" I said and he lift my tigh as he draw closer. One of his hand start to unbotton my shirt.

"Impatient aren't we?" I said as I put both of my hand at his wide chest. I quickly unbotton his shirt.

"I can't hold it any longer" He said as we begin to give each other pleasure, bathing in blood with a corpse in the room.


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