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As the school time over, Miya run towards me and hug me from behind. She thanked me alot because she and Alucard are well. I just smile at her and wave her goodbye.

She also said that she will treat me later. Ugh, whatever. I started to walk alone to go home. As I arrived at the gate, someone pat my shoulder and call me.

I turn around to see who's that person. As I turn around, it's Alucard. What he want right now? Is he need any favour?

"What do you want Alucard?" I ask him with one of my eyebrow raise.

"Ah nothing, can you accompany me tomorrow? I want to buy some stuff" he said and scratch his head while smile awkwardly to me.

How cute.

"You don't have friends or what?" I ask him with monotone. Well, I hope he didn't find that my question are rude to him. Ugh I don't know but I'm mad at him right now. Maybe I'm jealous?  Nah

"Of course I have. I'm bored because I'm always hang out with them. Let's go out okay?" He ask me again. What's wrong with him?

I sigh and reply

"Fine by me. Tell me the detail now" I said. But why he don't ask Miya instead? Now they're close right? Plus Miya must be happy if Alucard ask her out.

"Meet me at the mall. You have transportation right? If not, I can pick you up" He said.

"No it's okay. I can go by myself see you tomorrow Alucard" I said and look at him.

"Goodbye Ruby, see you" He said and wave to me. He smile a little while looking at me. Looking at his face make me blush so hard. Why he's such a visual. He's so good looking.

I trun aroud and walk go back home. Without my realisation, Alucard look at me while smirking from distant.


I wear my simple outfit to go out. I comb my hair and my bangs just to make it neat. I take all of my belongings and start to go out. I walk to the bus stop and wait for the bus to come.

There a lot of people wait for the bus because it's weekend. Everyone fill their schedule by hanging up with friends, buy some stuff and waste their time.

After several minutes of waiting, the bus come. I stop at the mall and Alucard already there, at the entrance while waving his hand at me. I walk to him and apologising because I'm late.

"No, it's okay. I just got here. So, let's go!" he said and pull my arm. I can feel that my cheek suddenly red and follow him. I don't know what kind  of stuff that we want to buy.

"So where are we going to go?" He ask me. Didn't he said yesterday that he want to buy some stuff? What's wrong with him? Is he hurt his head or what?

"About yesterday, I just fooled you. I just want to hang out with you. I decided to trick you because you're kinda introvert. You might reject me if I ask you out" he said and scratch his head. He smile to me and giggle.

Every person who ask me out will get rejected right away. But not you, Alucard.

"Do whatever you want. Since I'm here I can't do anything. Up to you, I'm just following you" I
said and smile at him. He nodded and pull me to enter a shop. It sells merchandise, keychain and some school stuff.

"But hey, I actually I do want to buy some stuff, School stuff. Ugh, I'm a president in photography club. I need to provide some stuff to them" He said and sigh. He's the president? I didn't know that. I'm not joining any club. I don't have any interest in those thing.

I look at all the keychain that they're sell. A keychain suddenly caught my attention. It's simple but it's caught my attention. It's written 'sweet but psycho'. I think this word describe me well. Alucard pat my shoulder and I turn around.

"You want that?" he ask me. I didn't respond but he take that keychain. He search for a keychain too. As he find the one he like, he take it and walk away and go to the school section.

As I look at the keychain that he took before, It's written,

'In love with a psycho'


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