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It's suprise me that Irithel is actually still studying. She's too mature for me. And yeah, about the fact that she's from ML high is really hit me. That's why she know Alucard, they're friends before.

"Really? I just transfered there this year. So there's nothing I know about that school except the murder case that often happened there" I said and look at her.

"Oh yeah... the murder case. I guess, you should be careful okay? Although it's only male students that get killed" She said and put her hand on my shoulders.

"Yeah, I'll always be careful in that school. But, are you okay? It's okay, you don't need to tell me if you don't want. Let's take a walk? I'm sure it will help you okay" I said with a sweet tone to her. She suddenly look stressed out and sorrow written around her face. There must be something.

She space out for a while and she nod her head slowly with a small smile escape her lips. There must be important thing that she keep in herself. Dexter suddenly jump into her shoulder-- well he just want to join maybe?

You know, we need to make people put their trust in us even we're actually fake around them. We just need to act like we concern about them and always support them but it's totally opposite than our objective. Trust me, if we use this kind of method, we can at least know something did happened and we can gain some important information from them.

We start to walk around the Zoo, Leo didn't come because he's already sleep. Irithel said that he just take nap.

"You know, my boyfriend is one of the victim.. he was murdered in that school" she said while give food to the birds.

Oh really? Her boyfriends too. Come to think about it, it's Claude if I'm not mistaken. He's the only one left. So it's probably him right?

I'm just being silent and look at her. I didn't talk anything and just wait for her to continue. I can feel that she's not a person that we can push. She needs a little more time I think.

"It's just sad, we promised to give the vistors some shows in this Zoo. So sad, he died. Died tragically" She said again. I still keep quiet and wait for her to continue. She looks more depressed than before. Her entire body are shaking.

Dexter slowly hugging her while still at her shoulder. So did this thing know what we're actually talking about. Dexter also look sorrowful and not energetic like an hour past before. 

"Can you imagine, when you happy to meet your lovers, but then you just found him dead. How would you react if you found your lovers dead with cuts all over his body?! Happy?! Damn it!" She said with a loud tone.

Everybody draw attention to us and the birds at her hands fly aways because of her sudden reaction. I slowly approaching her and pat her back. Her face suddenly full with tears.

"Calm down, Irithel. It's already past. You should move on eventhough it is hard. I know what are your feelings" I said and oat her back. She's not in a good mood obviously. Geez, what should I do.

"How can you feel it?! Are you even suffer like I am? Fuck" She said and cover her face with her hands. Geez, with this behaviour, I just feel like I want to throw her at the lion or wolf place.

"What do you know about me? Literally nothing. You know, My entire family are dead because of accident. And the most interesting is, I'm the only one who survive. I am lonely, not like you. You still have your family but me?" I said and try to control my voice.

She stop crying and slowly look at me. The expression on her face clearly show that she's regretting what she said towards me. She put both her hands at ny shoulder and look at me with apologetic look.

"I'm sorry" She whispered slowly. I just shook my head and smile slowly to her.

"It's nothing. I already get used to it"

I wish I could kill her.


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