Twenty Two

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It's already reccess time. And still, I decided to stay at the class. There just me in the class. I take out my bread that I bring from home and a milk.

After I done eating, I look around-- still, the students are still taking a break. I take a look at the table beside mine, which is Alucard. I still have some guts to him.

He hide something from me, no, from the entire school. Might him be the one who cause the murderer? I don't have any proof yet. I can't accuse him just like that. I look at his bag that he left at his chair.

Last time, I take a look at some random thing in his bag. I hold myself from looking inside his bag again. Everyone has their own privacy, I need to respect his.

But still, my eyes can't stop staring his bag. I gritted my teeth to hold myslef. Damn, It's to hard to do. I take a deep breath and sigh. My hand quickly go to his bag and opened it. Let's hope Alucard are still eating.

I take out the pouch that contains a lot of weird stuff. It's just the same except there are a thing added in the pouch. It's a necklace.

Come to think about it.

Necklace, comb, perfume, button badge, a small notebook.

It can't be!

I quickly take Irithel's badge that she gave it to me. Thankfully, I bring it today. I put my hand in my bad and serach for the batch. After I feel that I touch a round-shaped thing I quickly take it.

The button badge that Irithel give me is exactly the same like Alucard's. So.. It's Alucard right?

I stare at the thing and thinking.

The necklace it's probably Tigreal's. The necklace that Natalia searched for before. The day when seh exposed that Tigreal is one of the victim in this class. He died tragically. It's their couple necklace if I am not mistaken. I need to see Natalia's necklace for confirmation, but personally, I think it's the one that she searched for.

The comb, it's Lancelot's belongings which Odette's lover. When she suddenly appeared in the restaurant that Alucard brought me to. And when I carelessly left my belongings in that restaurant, and she appeared second time when I waited for the cab. With the comb that I looked at her bag, the design, It's just the same like this one. So, I am sure this is Lancelot's

The perfume it's Clint's, Layla lover. She told me about the perfume that Clint used before. The perfume's bottle clearly show it's citrus-vanilla scent. The most expensive brand in this world. This is the perfume that she hardworking search in every place but she can't find it. This is from abroad brand.

And then, the notebook which is Estes's, Miya's lover. The notebook that almost the same like Miya's. The day when she shared me about her past lover. She tried to follow her lover's habit so she make the notebook. And now, she move on and then she like Alucard... Urgh. I don't wanna talk about it.

And the last one, the button badge which is clearly Claude's a same pair like Irithel's, With Dexter face on it. Until now, Irithel didn't get to move on at all. She stil cried infront of me yesterday. I hope she's alright.

So, that's why I look at the design before, I felt like I already saw it. It's from Alucard's pouch. So it's confirm. It's Alucard.

That's why Odette and Irithel told me that they felt something about Alucard, Something isn't right. They told me that they have some guts at Alucard.

I keep thinking and match all the pieces together. I keep reminding about the past that happened at me in this school.

And that moment when Leo lick me.

"Maybe he like the smell of blood" Alucard said.

How could he said about blood. I'd never mention it before. Since, I'm actually a murderer, and he said about blood-- didn't it make sense? There're always some faint of blood in me, that I can't even clean it- because it's part of me-- no it's part of my life.

Alucard.. He's the murderer in this school. It's no doubt. I'd never felt confident like this before. I take a deep breath and close the pouch then put it back in his bag.

"So, you know already?"

Right after I sit back in my place, I heard a familiar voice said at me.


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