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Sunghoon POV

“You guys are going to regret the day you were born.” I said as I connected my fist to one of the boys heads. Thankfully the store was empty except for these two workers.

“Take it easy Sunghoon, it was an accident after all.” Jay said. “However I do need to agree with him, you don’t mix baker and drug dealer.” I heard the sound of his fist connect with the other boy.

“Please we are so sorry, we didn’t mean to!” The worker by my feet begged.

“But then why didn’t you stop us and tell us the second you realized you gave him a weed brownie! You guys are seriosuly fucked up.” I punched him once again, this time in the stomach.

The two let out grunts from the hits and begged us to stop, but I was too angry. If it wasn’t for Jay holding my shoulder and making me leave, I might have killed them.

I’ve never felt this angry before.

“Sunghoon come on, lets go make sure Jake is okay.” Jay said.

Jake. The only thing that can calm my mind.

We walked back to our friends with messed up hair and scuffed knuckles. I have no regrets, they got what they deserved.

“What the hell was that!?” Jungwon ran up to us and yelled. “You leave us a sick Jake and run off. Speaking of which, what did you do to Jake?!” 

Heeseung walked up behind Jungwon and put a hand on his shoulder. Jay came up to them and tried to smile, but was too angry at the situation to do so.

Jungwon just looked at Jay and hugged him as he pulled Heeseung to join them. 

I walked up to Jake who was resting his head on Sunoos lap as the younger boy stroked his hair. Niki looked at the boy with a concerned face. I crouched down to Jakes level.

“Are you okay?” I asked him.

“Hehehehe, high Sunghoon~ah! I didn’t know you could fly.” He giggled.

“He’s so high.” I sighed and explained what happened to Sunoo and Niki. “That makes sense, he has been talking baby talk since you left him with us. Now he is just very tired.” Niki said.

“We should probably go home so he can take a rest. Jake has never done any kind of drug before, lord knows this will wreck him.” Jungwon said.

“I agree, and since it’s an edible it will last longer.” Jay said.

I nodded and picked up the now sleeping Jake. He was making a doofy smiling face in his sleep, he was on cloud nine.

“I'll have him with me so I can make sure he doesn't flop over.” I said as everyone nodded. This wasn’t exactly the way I wanted us to be physically close, but right now I need to put my feelings aside and focus on Jake.

Jungwon slept in the front seat as Jay sat next to me with Sunoo sleeping on top of Niki next to him. These humans seem to really like sleep, either that or the Jake situation stressed the two of them out into exhaustion.

I put my head on the sleeping boys shoulder as I felt him cuddle against me. I got the chance to enjoy his scent and be with him. It was hard at some points to not bite him. I never liked the idea of feeding from humans, but when his neck is right next to me is is a bit difficult.

Thankfully we got home before Niki or I caved from the humans sitting on us. I carried Jake out of the car as the others did the same with their humans and Heeseung opened the door to our apartment.

“Let's not put them in our beds, it might make them uncomfortable.” Jay said as I nodded.

I began to lay Jake down on one of our couches, but in his sleep he wrapped his arms around my torso. I guess he is a cuddle bug.

“Niki, stop!” I heard Heeseung say. Niki was looking down at Sunoo, fangs out and breathing heavily. The sleeping Sunoo didn’t know any better.

“Think about what you are doing.” Jay said as he put down Jungwon.

“I’m just so hungry, and he smells so good.” Niki said as Heeseung grabbed his collar, but not before his teeth lightly pierced Sunoos skin and the smell of blood filled the air.

The smell of human blood, the most delicious thing in the world. Niki fought against Heeseung, but I could barley pay attention.

I looked down at the sleeping boy in my arms, I could hear his heartbeat echoing in my ears.
Just a bite won’t hurt him. Just a little taste.

I lowered my face and sniffed Jake's neck. The beautiful blood was right there, just underneath a thin layer of skin. It would take merley milliseconds to have a taste of his sweet red blood.

I felt someone grab my hair and pull me backwards, and then took me away from Jake. I saw Jake behind me, but I couldn’t help but fight against him. I want it.

“We need to get out of here, all of us.” Heeseung said as he dragged Niki and Jay began dragging me out of the door.

“Jay get off!” I tried shoving him off of me, but he managed to pull me out of the door. As I was about to turn around and run right back in so I could taste Jake, I felt a hard slap on my head as Jay grabbed me and started running.

After we ran to the woods, far away from any human, Niki and I were let go and thrown on the ground. 

“I can’t help myself! Ever since I met him I’ve wanted to sink my teeth into him, how am I supposed to restrain myself?” Niki asked, tears filling his eyes.

“Niki, you triggered all of us. If Jay and I couldn't hold ourselves back from the blood, then all three of them would be dead!” Heeseung yelled

 “But don’t you guys ever miss it? The feeling of the warm sweet blood and the human heartbeat-” Niki started saying as Heeseung tackled him.

“We didn’t take you under our wing just for you to make us all addicted to human blood again!” Jay yelled. The blood talk was making all of us hungry, I don’t think I’ve ever wanted something more in my life.

Heeseung finally got off of Niki and he started yelling. “Fine, you leave me no choice. You two cant be near Sunoo or Jake anymore. Or by any human for that matter!”

“Heeseung what are you-” 

“Stop it Jay, today was too close! I’ll change all of our classes to vampire only classes, and the second school gets out I will be watching the two of you. If you guys cant restrain yourselves We are going to get kicked out of the school” 

He took a deep breath. “I can tell you guys care for them, I can see it in your eyes, but the best thing we can do is stay away from them. If you guys really truley loved them, you would sty away from them. That includes Jay and I, if we get close to them we could hurt him.”

Is he serious? Avoid them, avoid Jake? Niki and I shared a glance.

“I hate to say it but Heeseungs right. We can’t put them in danger again, we are just bad luck charms.” Jay said. Heeseung gave him a nod.

“I’ll contact the school about our classes. Let’s hope they leave our dorm soon, until then we cn stay in the woods. I don’t trust us.” Heeseung said.

His words made sense, but do I really want to stay away from my pup? These past few days have been amazing, just looking at his smile made me feel better.

This is going to hurt. 

Blood Lust is #7 under #Jakehoon. That's so crazy omg, anyways I love you guysssss

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