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Jake POV

The end of the school day finally rolled around as I saw someone approach me. It was Niki.

“Hey Niki.” I said awkwardly.

“H-hey.” He stuttered. “I need your help with something.” 

“What’s up?”

He looked around nervously. “Could we go back to my dorm? I’d rather this be in private.”

“Uh, okay?” I said as more of a question as I followed him to his dorm.

This is it, this is where I die. Niki is going to drink my blood and kill me. I am knowingly walking to my death and at this point, fuck it. I’ve lasted longer than most people would going to a school of vampires.

I hope Mr.Bun Bun throws me a nice funeral. 

I entered the dorm room as Niki led me to his room. I’m so fucking dead.

“I-I need you…” He hesitated. To what Niki, TO WHAT!!!! “to help me with Sunoo.”

Oh. “What, what? What do you mean?” I asked Niki as he sat on his bed.

“Look, I really like Sunoo. The problem is, he is the type of person that wants a romantic gesture. Even when I was alive I wasn’t romantic, I need to make him swoon” He groaned.

Oh damn, Niki wants to ask out Sunoo. I ship it!!!!

“Ah, so a big romantic gesture is needed. Well you are talking to the right guy, I am the king of romance.” I said proudly. He laughed a bit at me as we started making a plan.


Sunghoon POV
A few days later

For the past few days, Jake has been getting very close to Niki. I haven't heard anything they said, but I’ve seen them give each other knowing glances.

Its pissing me off.

Sometimes in the middle of fucking lunch, they wiNK AT EACH OTHER! Right in front of me, like do they think I didn’t notice?

Everytime I walk in my dorm, Niki is always there chatting with Jake. They always shut up immediately and give me an awkward glare. 

It hurts. 

“Hey Jake, want to hang out tonight?” I ask him as he walks out of the school in a rush.

“Uh, sorry Sunghoon. I have plans.” He says. Plans, again? This is the 6th time he's given me that excuse.

“Oh, yeah of course.” I say as I stop walking. He just carries along, like he barely notices me. Is this what rejection feels like?

“Hey, are you okay?” I heard someone say, I turned around and it was Jungwon.

“Yeah, I’m fine.” I say and pull a straight face.

“Hey Sunghoon look, I know we don’t know each other well but you can talk to me.” He said, he is really kind. I can see why Jay and Heeseung like him so much. “Is it something with Jake and Niki?”

“What, no. Why would it be that, I don’t care that they hang out all the time and have inside jokes and always whisper…..” I tried. He gave me a sad smile and rubbed my arm.

“How about we go take a little walk to cool your head.” He seugested. I gave him a little nod as we started taking a walk around the outside of the school as Jungwon suddenly became my therapist.

“So when did this all start?” He asked me.

“It was a few days ago, I went into my dorm and he was hanging out alone with Niki. Once I came in, Niki suggested they go somewhere else.” I was angry that day, so angry that after they left I punched the wall in my room.

“I understand how that can be frustrating.” Jungwon said. “Have you talked to Jake about it?”

“No, I’ve tried to but he always changes the topic.” I hung my head and stopped my steps. “I just wish he would tell me if he had feelings for someone else.” I felt a tear fall down my eye.

“Oh Sunghoon no, don’t think like that before you have talked about it.” He gave me a warm smile. “I sense you need some alone time but try to calm your head and remember not to jump to conclusions.”

I gave him a nod as he walked away. 

A few minutes of steps and I finally arrived to my dorm room. My head was crowded with sad and angry thoughts. I opened the door and saw Niki and Jake sitting next to each other.

The living room was decorated in red streamers, there were balloons everywhere, and red roses spread out. It was very romantic.

Niki did this, didn’t he. He asked out Jake. My chest bubbled in anger as I glared at them. “How could you?”

Leave me some song suggestions 😏

No idea if any of you watched girls planet 999 but...
RIRIKA IS DEBUTING! She was my bias and I'm so hyped.

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