Cross roads

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"It doesn't have to be this way..."

Two teen siblings in earth kingdom clothes bolted through the forest fast as fire nation soldiers chased after them as many many others where concurring ba sing se.

"Life doesn't have to be ruling in fear, it could be content and have happiness,"

A girl sent a blue fire blast back at them but the older boy grabbed her wrist and kept running before she was caught in a battle.

"You are free to choose your own destiny, who your father is doesn't make you who you are,"

They felt the ground beneath them shake and the boy blasted fire at a dai lee agent near by just as another came at them but the girl shot a sharp blue fire blast at him.

"The world is changing..."

"And your free to choose sides, it's never to late,"

A brother and sister stood there conflicted at the old mans words as unconscious dai lee agents laid about them all. Soaked and unconscious.

"Uncle..." The boy cut himself off and looked down, feeling shame sink in. But he just wanted to go home, be with his only parent left.

"If that's your choice Prince Zuko," the old man looked away disappointed.

"Come on!" The boy yelled back at his sister as she was falling behind sending blue fire at the soldiers. She couldn't win that fight alone.

She caught up but they both froze as the girl grabbed the boy before he could fall off the cliff where a waterfall was less than a block away in the cavern, they could jump it.

They looked back at fire nation soldiers with wide eyes and the boy looked down at the bottom but it wasn't in sight past the mist of the waterfall.

"Shit, we're going to have to jump," the boy backed up and the girl snapped her head at him.

"I'm pretty fearless but I am not stupid enough to fall to my death!" The girl screamed at him.

"Do you want dad getting at you? After everything that's happened?!" The boy snapped. She looked at the water fall then back at her brother and nodded jogging over to get a running start.

"Let's go," the boy charged forward and leaped off the cliff just as soldiers caught up to them but disappeared into the mist of the waterfall with a grunt as he disappeared through the distance.

The girl looked back glaring at the soldiers and growled as she ran forward and soon jumped off the cliff as well with a gasping scream of instant regret.

"There is no going back on what I did! Fathers the only one who would understand that!" The girl screamed sneering.

"Azula, father took away mom, he wants to destroy the world, he doesn't care about us anymore, especially not me," the boy told her as they stood in the throne room of the earth kingdom.

"But he cares about me! I wasn't stupid! He cares about me!" Azula snapped. "He's always been proud of me!"

"I'm not forcing you Azula, uncles right, we can make our own decisions, but don't stop me from walking away from a fake life," he sighed and started to walk out of the door leaving his sister behind.

"Zuko wait."

He slowly turned around as Azula walked over with her lips pursed and her brows furrowed.

"I hate you... but for some reason you're probably right, you and uncle," she looked away crossing her arms.

"And I'm not going to be played like a game, I'm better than that," she glared a little at the ground. "I'm not a pawn,"

"You're coming with?" Zuko asked with wide eyes.

"Yea... This better be worth it," she curled her small fist into balls as they walked out.

Azula dropping her crown behind her.

"I'm not making any promises, I have no idea what's going to happen," Zuko sighed as they opened the doors as the fire nation soldiers where already there.

"Shit," Zuko hissed and Azula punched a blast of blue fire at them as Zuko slammed the doors shut.

"We have to go, now!"

Hey guys thanks for reading! This is the updated version of "Blood Matters" and it will be different than the previous version, hopefully better too.

Let me know if you have any question or comments! Love to hear them.

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