Late nights

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"For being the way you are, you suck at scary stories," Zuko said flatly as he and Azula sat around a fire late at night as its been weeks since ba sing se has been conquered and the two siblings have been refugees.

"I do not!" Azula crossed her arms.

"I'm practically my own scary story Zuzu," she smirked at her brother.

"Telling me how a turtle duck ate a whole village is not scary, telling me about how you learned to fire bend, that's scary," Zuko smirked softly.

"Never thought you'd joke around Zuzu, especially with me," Azula smirked back.

"Your my sister, can't I treat you like one?" Zuko shrugged. Azula felt relaxed as there was no longer tension between her and Zuko, they now had a fairly healthy relationship as they could for their past, they still argued and fought but now they were open to trust each other, Azula didn't lie anymore to him and Zuko trusted her, was kind to her... Like how they where when they where little...

"Course Zuzu," she rolled her eyes. "Loosen up a little,"

"We should get some rest, we'll head to town tomorrow," Zuko told her as he grabbed his back pack and used it as a pillow.

They stopped making camp as much, less of sleeping in a blanket and pillow so if they got caught again they could just go.

"Do we need anything specific?" Azula laid on her back with her hands behind her head as she looked up at the stars. It was kind of nice sleeping with the stars over her head instead of a ceiling, being royalty had its perks though.

"Mostly food, food and money," Zuko turned to her as they where almost three feet apart, he no longer slept with his back to her.

"Don't we need to steal for the money part?" She turned her head to her older brother smirking with an eye brow raised.

"Possibly for the food part too," Zuko smiled softly as he closed his eyes.

"Who knew I would be stealing as a refugee? We're royalty Zuko, it's ironic isn't it that we've ended up this way in war," Azula sighed looking back at the stars, they where possibly her favorite part of the world.

"We're also kids, especially you, shouldn't we not be in a war?" Zuko offered.

"Or forced to do things we just can't do..." She heard Zuko whispered under his breath.

"Your talking about the Agni Kai..." Azula stated, it wasn't a question. She's never thought about that day until she ran with her brother, but obviously he thought about it often.

"I still have nightmares about it, seeing the look of pure rage in dads eyes as he had no mercy, I was only thirteen," Zuko kept his eyes closed.

"Yea... I would never admit it before Zuko but things change and... I'm sorry for everything dad did, he treated you like dirt, you where lucky to get moms love though," Azula smiled gently, they were open to talk about their mother now, they've never spoken about her, not even Zuko when he was banished, it hurt to think about her.

"You look more like mom, you have her smile," Zuko smiled at his little sister and she looked at him with sad eyes.

"Do you still remember her?"

The words hung in the air. Zuko opened his eyes and turned onto his back to look at the stars as well.

"with you groaning up, I see her determination in you," Zuko sighed softly.

"It's scary isn't it?" Azula said softly.

"Little bit,"

"You never answered the question though, do you remember her?" She smiled at Zuko as he looked at her.

"No, I don't really remember her face as much, some of my memories of her are blurry," he shrugged a little as azula gulped slightly.

"There's a picture of her back at the palace, maybe we can try getting it one day," Azula smiled at him and Zuko grinned a little.

"One day," he nodded.

"Night zuzu,"

"Good night Zula,"

They settled down and the fire started to go down more as minutes passed and a chilly breeze passed over them. Suddenly a stick snapped in the distance, Azula bolted sitting up as Zuko pushed himself up as well.

They looked at each other as Zuko got to his feet slowly looking past the woods. 

"Did you hear that?" Azula whispered as Zuko added to the fire to see better.

"Yea," Zuko narrowed his eyes as azula got up and stood behind him.

There was suddenly a hand on azula shoulder making the girl spin around with her fist full of fire as her other hand grabbed whoever touched her.

"Wait!" Zuko grabbed azulas wrist and pulled her hand back before the fire hit an elderly woman whos eyes where wide in surprise.

"I'm so sorry about my sister, you scared her pretty bad, she's jumpy," Zuko turned to the old woman who was once frightened now had a forgiving smile.

"It's alright, no one was hurt and you saved me," the old woman smiled and her hands clasped in front of her.

"What are you children doing out here so late in the night? It's freezing," The woman asked as Azula stood by Zuko.

"We're just travelers," Azula crossed her arms over her chest, still upset of the startle.

"We didn't mean to cause any harm," Zuko nodded.

"Oh it's alright, really... Do you children have anywhere to sleep? It's too cold out," the old woman looked at them worriedly.

"We'll be leaving to go into town tomorrow," Zuko explained.

"We're not children," Azula glared a little.

"Of course not, but please you two must be freezing, I have an inn that you two can stay for the night," the woman smiled at them kindly. They looked at each other and Azula slowly nodded as Zuko looked hesitant still.

"We don't even know your name though," Zuko said as they followed her through the woods to her home.

"But I don't know yours either," she chuckled.

"I'm lee, this is my sister Bonnie ," Zuko said a moment later and Azula let out an annoyed sigh at the name, the name was pathetic and stupid.

"My name is Hama,"

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