Walk of shame

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After hours of flying appa got to tired wearing his armor and carrying more people than usual so they were forced to walk the last few miles to the air temple but no one spoke a word. No one felt like talking.

"This is humiliating," Katara breathed but Sokka heard her.

"Which part? Getting our ass handed to us by the fire nation or having to walk all the way to the air temple?" Sokka asked as they looked at each other.

"Yes," she said flatly.

"Sorry guys, appa gets tired," Aang patted his bisons side.

"I wonder how the rest of the troops are," teo sighed rolling himself in his wheelchair.

"Probably on their way to prison, seems like my dad just got out and now he's going back in," haru sent a look at azula, they all heard Sokka yell at her, they knew she was fire nation.

"Hey! We're here! I can feel it," Toph stopped as they saw a cliff in sight but no temples.

"Uh I think you need to get your feet's eyes checked Toph," Katara looked around but Aang stepped up.

"No, she's right, we are here," Aang smiled.

"The temple is upside down," he chuckled rubbing the back of his head.


"This place is beautiful," Azula gasped looking around wide eyes. She's never seen the air temples in person, but it was like a normal temple but ups side down, the bottom of the ceilings were the floor and had water fountains in the center, it was so unique.

It was a perfect hiding spot, it was out of sight above, hiding in plain sight.

"Dibs on the big room!" The duke ran past her as haru and teo chased after him.

"Azula," Sokka called her over as the gaang sat around a water fountain.

"We need to talk about some things," he nodded.

"Can I go?" Aang asked wanting to join the other kids.

"We need to decide what the next step is," Katara nodded stopping Aang. "And since your the avatar maybe you should be apart of it,"

"What are we going to do with her?" Sokka asked motioning to azula.

"Hey," she made a face.

"Well you did tell the whole fire nation about the invasion," he shrugged as azulas jaw dropped .

"I never sent out the letters about it, they were stored away in ba sing si," Azula sat down on her own ledge.

"Aha so you admit you wrote about it," Sokka pointed at her accusingly.

"Yes, when I was leading my own mission and patriot to my home, but four hours later I was running for my life," Azula sent back sharply but winced at her head ache.

"What happened to your neck?" Aang noticed the bruising.

"That bastard tried choking him," she sighed shaking her head.

"Who?" They asked.

"Zhao, apparently my father gave him a high ranking role again, I thought he was dead," Azula shrugged a little but Aang, Sokka and Katara looked at her in horror.

"Azula Zhao was killed by the ocean spirit," Aang said wide eyes.

"He said he crawled back from hell," she rolled her eyes.

"So Zhao is alive..?" Sokka gulped a little. "He's  the reason Yue is dead!"

"He is alive , and I never liked him, he cheered at zukos Agni kai," she shook her head. "I was going to kill him but I had more important things to attend too,"

"Look, Sokka, I didn't know my father had any idea bout the invasion, I promise nothing has changed, I'm on your side, I just want to know where my brother is," Azula leaned back but Katara walked over.

"Do you mind?" She asked bending the water.

"Thanks," Azula nodded.

"So what's the plan now?" Aang asked as Katara healed the princess.

"Well the new plan is the old plan!" Sokka smiled back at the avatar.

"You just need to master all four elements and confront the fire lord before sozins comet," he said simply as Katara healed the bruises on azulas neck.

"Oh yea that's easy, no problem I'll just do that," Aang flicked a rock away from him.

"Aang, no one said it's gonna be easy," Katara finished healing Azula.

"Well it's not even going to be possible! Where am I suppose to get a fire bending teacher?" Aang sighed leaning on his elbows.

All eyes landed on Azula.

"No," she said flatly.

"Oh come on your a fire bending prodigy, you said it yourself!" Sokka whined.

"I don't teach," Azula shrugged. "I yell when you mess up and you will cry,"

"He cries either way," Toph shrugged.

"What about Zuko? Or your uncle?" Sokka asked.

"Or jeong jeong?" Katara offered.

"Yea right, like I'm ever going to run into him again," Aang snorted.

"He's alive?" Azula raised an eye brow.

"Oh well, since no one is willing let's just take a nice tour of the temple," Aang ran off with his glider and jumped off the ledge to fly.

"Why won't you teach Aang?" Katara flicked a pebble at azula.

"Do you want to see him cry?" Azula asked flatly.

"Yes," Toph smiled.

"You two are way to alike I don't like it," Sokka cringed back slightly afraid.

"What happened to Zuko then? He's the only other fire bender that doesn't want Aang dead and is on our side," Sokka sighed shaking his head.

"I don't know, Zuko went first in the prison but next thing I knew he was dragged out by prisons, Zhao said he was being taken to my father," Azula sighed leaning on her knees.

"If our father wanted to banish him at thirteen for just speaking out of term, imagine what he'll do to him for treason," she sighed rubbing her face.

"So is he a prisoner then? We could go back," Katara crossed her arms a little.

"I don't know, the prison uncle was at is now destroyed basically, and the other prison he'd be going to is the boiling rock," Azula looked at her nails.

"Let's wait a day or two, keep an eye out for him, if there's no sign we'll go look for him, hopefully he's willing to teach Aang," Sokka nodded as azula rolled her eyes.

"It seems like he doesn't want to learn anyways," she shrugged.

"Come on, your helping me get him," Katara sighed standing up as azula groaned following her.

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