Chapter 9- Fiery temper

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Screams echoed through the silence of the night. The screams of pain, of misery, of a friend lost, and a lover betrayed.

"GET HER OUT OF HERE!!!" Tom shouted to his servants as he closed the main gate, blocking Star's view of the retreating carriage, carrying away a piece of her heart. The servants held her down on the throne as she screamed into their faces, her pain increasing with every breath she took.

"Queen Star, please calm down! We won't harm you!"
She suddenly turned quiet. Her shivering form bent down, as the servants relaxed.

Suddenly, the servants lost their footing, and found themselves beneath Star's feet, her searing gaze filled with unspoken fury. Through her shaky breaths, she spoke:
"You took my best friend away from me without a reason. You locked me into my castle, again without a reason, and you still refuse to let me be free!"

"B-but your Highness, prince Tom ordered us to-"
"TOOOOM!" Star didn't want to hear another word from their mouths. She stomped her way to the brooding prince, who just looked at her with a cold stare.
"Yes Star?"
"Standing here?" Tom raised his eyebrow, his third eye rolling in its socket.
"Who gives you the right, Lucitor?! Who gives you the right to take my squire away?!" Star said through her teeth, fists clenching to a painful degree.
"Your squire? Oh, you mean your lover who you cheated me with."
"This again??? Don't pretend like you don't know Marco, and for the last time, I did not cheat on you!!!"
This time he rolled all 3 of his eyes and then stared at her judgingly.

" Really? You had a mission in a photo booth on Ruberiot's wedding? Please, don't play me for a fool. It's obvious that Marco has always had a crush on you, even now, when you are dating me. He just waited for a chance, and you let him! I don't know what you call it, but in the Underworld that is cheating." His temper flared slightly as he spat out the words in her face, manners out the window.

"What? No, Marco doesn't have a crush on me, he is just confused..."
"And what does having a crush feel like? He was confused alright, confused about his love for you!"
"No! He likes Kelly!"
"Kelly? No he doesn't! He probably just used her as a distraction from you!"

He almost shouted that in her face while staring at her with one of his nastiest scowls.
" Is that why you started dating me again, huh? So you don't have to think about Marco, or Marco with Jackie, OR WHY MARCO NEVER DATED YOU?!?!"

Tom's cool facade finally dropped, and the demon was seething with a great rage in his heart.
"TOM! No, you're wrong!" Star tried to convince him, but in vain. He was beyond reason.
"Oh am I now?!" He laughed a dry laugh before continuing, circling her like a lion would his prey.
" Tell me in my face that you never had any romantic feelings for Marco,ever! Tell me that you were never jelaous of his ex and him, tell me you were nothing more than friends. I trust you not to lie, and if you say that, I might pass the kiss off as an accident." With his eyes narrowed to slits, and his fists clenched tightly by his side, he awaited her answer.

However, how could he receive one? Everything Tom said Star felt. She had those feelings, she remembers it clearly. She felt jelaous of Jackie, she still feels that stab every now and then. She is not even sure what she feels right now, she just knows this has to end. They can't take Marco away from her. Ever.

Star raised her head up high, looked at him cooly and replied:
"We were never more than friends."
"And the rest???"

She just pursed her lips and stayed quiet, refusing to grant him with an answer. He took a deep breath, and stepped away.
"I see. That's how it is. Everything is clear."
"What is clear?" She asked as she turned her head away, looking at her empty throne.
"You love your own squire. You are having affairs with servants!"
"What?!" Star couldn't believe her ears! Did he just call Marco a servant?!
"You are not fit to be Queen of Mewni with that mindset! I can't let you endanger your dignitiy anymore Star!"
"What are you talking about? Make some sense!"
"I will never let you see Marco again. For the good of your future."

"NO!!!" She ran to the entrance, magic gathering at her fingertips, but before she could blast the gate open, 2 pairs of long, crusty arms held her arms and legs in place.

"Oooh my dear Queen, I wouldn't do that now!" The voice spoke in a soothing tone, yet Star couldn't help but get the shivers from it. She fought against the arms immediately, which only made them tighten their grip.
"I'm afraid that is a no. I am the High Priest of the Underworld my dear. Now if you would calm down, that would be great." He said in a posh tone, a wide grin on his dark face.

"No! Marco needs me! Let me go!"
"Marco? Oh, your squire! I'm afraid you won't be able to do that, my Queen!"
"And why not?!" Star looked at the demon with a piercing stare, which did nothing but earn her an eye roll.
"Because, we don't know where he is. We sent him off with one of my servants to never come back! We don't know where they went, all you should know is that they will most likely pass the border of Mewni in a few minutes, and then who knows where they'll go! And if we can't find him, I doubt you can, your majesty. So calm down and face the truth."

He let her go, knowing that without Marco, she won't retaliate. She has no reason to. She can't leave her people, and she knew that. But she needs Marco by her side! Why is she giving up so easily?! She wanted to move, but couldn't. She wanted to go, but couldn't transform. What is happening?

"You've been a bad monarch, acting Queen. A human would never make a good king, but now you have a chance to correct yourself. Forget about him and focus on what really matters, your kingdom and your boyfriend. I will reason with him, you just be a good little Queen and do your job."

"Who are you to say-"

"Now sleep. You have a big day ahead."
The ground started to spin around Star, her consciousness fading, senses going numb. She didn't know what was happening, but sleep was calling her name.

The last thing she heard were someone's shrieks, and a distant organ, playing a tune she once knew.

Ocean Fury

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