Chapter 4: Rising Tensions

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As the attacks mounted and fear spread like a contagion through the streets of Seoul, cracks fissured through the once-united front of BTS's council. Discord simmered in whispered accusations and wary glances, threatening to fracture their centuries-old alliance. Namjoon, burdened by the weight of leadership, sought to quell dissent with measured resolve. "Fear is our enemy," he implored, his voice a steady anchor amidst turbulent seas. "We cannot allow it to divide us." Jungkook, steadfast and resolute, echoed Namjoon's sentiments with fierce conviction. "We are guardians," he declared, his gaze unwavering. "United, we stand against any who dare threaten our realm." Yet, amidst rising tensions, shadows of doubt cast their long reach over the council's deliberations. Jin, the venerable seer, offered counsel steeped in centuries of wisdom. "Our strength lies in our solidarity," he reminded them, his voice a steady reassurance amidst uncertainty. "Together, we are formidable."

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