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The music was loud and everyone was having a great time. I was sitting with Dakota and Andrea talking about random things, trying to hear each other over everyone trying to sing along. I noticed my drink was empty and needed another. I asked Dakota and Andrea if they needed another and they both said that they did. I made my way to the kitchen laughing at Jungkook, Myles, Reed, Hosek, Jimin, Jin, and Kai all dancing on our makeshift dance floor. I grabbed a couple beers out of one of the fridges they had, they had two, and turned around to head back when I ran right into Grayson.

"Sorry. Didn't see you." I went to move around him, but he blocked me.

"I was hoping I could ask you a question, Do you mind?"

"Oh sure. What's up." I leaned against the counter and he did the same.

"So, you're human, but you have this ability that is just...wow" His eyes went wide as he took a drink. I took a drink as well wondering what he was getting at. "And your Taehyung's mate right?"

"Mhmm." I nodded.

"So have you been marked then?" He asked.

"No, we're still trying to figure out the implications of that." I furrowed my brows wondering why that mattered.

"So how sure can you be that you are actually his mate? Maybe he's making this all up." I had to pause for a minute because there was a little bit of truth to what he was saying. I wasn't a werewolf so I wouldn't know what the connection truly felt like.

"Maybe he is." Grayson looked at me surprised. "But that still wouldn't change the way I feel about him and I know how he really feels about me." I took a step to leave, but he stepped in front of me, trapping me between him and the counter.

"You don't know if he's the best though. You should see what else or, who else there is that could be a better match for you." He reached out and brushed his fingers against my arm. I looked at what he was doing and scoffed and leaned closer to him.

"I don't have to see who else there is. Taehyung is who I want to be with." I clenched my jaw as I pulled away from him and looked him straight in the eye. He was smirking at me and I just wanted to hit him.

"Hey, you alright Alanna?" I heard Hosek's voice from the doorway. Without looking away from Grayson's eyes, I answered him.

"I'm good Hosek." Hosek still didn't move and I knew he was waiting. "If you will excuse me please, I have a party to get to." I told Grayson and he moved out of my way. I grabbed the drinks I came for and walked out of the kitchen.

"Everything good?" Hosek leaned towards me asking.

"Yup." Was all I said as I entered the living room and gave Dakota and Andrea their drinks. Grayson was not far behind me as he sat down with a stupid smile on his face as he looked my way and then winked at me. My eyes moved from him to a man that was not far from him. Taehyung was talking with Namjoon and Roman and they were all laughing and smiling. I smiled at the interaction between the boys and saw Taehyung grab his drink, lifting it to his lips as his eyes traveled across the room and landed on mine. He nodded in my direction and smiled when he put his drink down. I did the same and something weird started to rise within me. Even though he was in the same room as me, I started to miss him. The last time, and maybe the only time, we have been able alone together and had fun was on our hike to the waterfall. Every other time I was either patching him up or he was telling me what to do. I made a note to ask him later if we could just hang out and try to forget about everything that was going on for a bit.

Not much time had passed when a song I used to listen to all the time started playing. My eyes went wide and I started to stand rapping to the first couple of lines. The alcohol was also helping in my courageous endeavor. I noticed that Jungkook was excited as well and was rapping along. We made eye contact and got very excited as we met in the middle rapping every word and then singing the chorus at the top of our lungs. He had grabbed my hand and spun me around a couple times while we danced like idiots. When the song ended, everyone clapped and we bowed.

"I'm so glad someone else knew that song." I turned to Jungkook.

"I used to listen to it all the time when I needed a break from studying." He said.

The next song came on and more people knew it so we all sang along and danced the night away. I noticed that Andrea and Miles were dancing very closely to each other and the way he put his hands on her told me that they were probably mates. I was feeling a little buzzed by this time and saw that Taehyung had still not gotten up from the couch. I danced my way through everyone and once I reached him, I grabbed his hand and pulled him to his feet.

"I don't dance Alanna." He said, trying to pull away from me.

"Tonight you do." He started to laugh and gave in to me. When our pack saw him join us they all got really excited. Every now and then, I felt his hands on my waist or he would grab my hand and dance with me a little. Somehow a slow song crept into the playlist and just as Kai was about to switch the song James spoke up.

"Leave it. I like this song." James walked towards his sister and held out a hand as she accepted and they started to dance. I felt a tap on my shoulder and when I turned around I saw Hosek standing there with his hand out. I smiled and took it as he pulled me closer to him, putting a hand on my waist and I placed a hand on his shoulder. I looked around and saw an interesting pairing of people. Dakota and Jimin were dancing while Mika and Grayson were together. Yoongi and Willa held onto each other tight as I saw Isla and Roman swaying with each other as well.

"I'm proud of you." Hosek said quietly in my ear.

"For what?" I asked.

"Well, for starters, the way you handled Grayson."

"He's all bark and no bite." I said rolling my eyes. He laughed.

"You amaze me everyday Luna." He said smiling.

"You can call me Alanna ya know."

"I know, but you are my Luna and very deserving of the title."

"It's not official though." I said with a sadness in my voice.

"Doesn't matter. In my eyes, you have already earned it." I wrapped my arms around his neck and hugged him as he put his arms around me as well.

"Ehem." We heard and then broke away from each other.

"I met her first so I think I should get a dance with her." Jungkook said.

"Fair enough." Hosek took my hand and gave it to Jungkook who pulled me towards him.

"You having fun?" I asked him.

"Always. Are you? Did the talk with Taehyung go well?" He asked.

"Do you guys only talk about me?" I asked as we both laughed.

"I may have suggested that he talk to you and let you know how he was feeling. Did he?" He had a serious look in his eye.

"He did. Thank you." I squeezed his hand. We danced in silence enjoying each other's company when the song finally ended and went back to loud and crazy songs that were playing earlier.

Hours passed and everyone was getting tired. Kai turned the music off and James showed us to a couple bathrooms we could use to get ready for bed and for when we would need it in the morning. Myself, Willa, and Dakota all went to one bathroom to wash our face and brush our teeth. I still noticed that Willa just didn't have the same energy that she used to.

"You ready for training tomorrow Alanna?" Dakota asked me.

"Oh umm sure. Is it going to be like we did earlier at home?" I asked.

"I don't think so. I think James wants to have two groups. One to work on abilities and the other to work on hand to hand. If you're not busy with ability stuff, I told Jungkook to teach you some more hand to hand stuff if that's ok with you."

"Ya that sounds good." I turned towards Willa. "Hey Willa, you ok?" I asked. She immediately smiled at me.

"Oh ya! I'm just tired and might have had just a little too much to drink." She giggled and left the bathroom. Dakota and I were not far from her. As I walked back into the living room, there were about 6 wolves all curled up in different areas, trying to fall asleep. I was a little confused as to why they had all shifted. Do they always sleep like wolves?

"It's much more comfortable for a wolf to sleep on the ground than it is for a human." Taehyung said, as I turned around to face him.

"Oh that makes a lot of sense."

"You told James you would rather sleep here so I made you a makeshift bed." He led me to a corner in the living room that had a bunch of blankets laid out on the floor with a couple pillows.

"Thanks!" I sat down and pulled a blanket towards me and as I did, Taehyung started to walk away. "There's plenty of room for one more." I watched as he slowly turned around and walked back towards me. "I mean, if you are more comfortable shifting..." I said nervously, but he only got closer and then sat down next to me, smiling.

"It's going to be hard to just sleep though." He smirked at me and I hit him playfully in the arm. I looked behind him to see what everyone else was doing and they looked like they were all asleep. I turned back towards Taehyung and pushed him down so he was laying on the "bed". I hovered over him as he quietly laughed. My fingers lightly brushed through his hair that was falling into his eyes as I leaned down and kissed him. He placed a hand on my face and the other around my waist. I was pulled closer to him as all my weight rested on top of him and our kiss deepened. My lips kissed the corner of his mouth and then down his jaw and to his ear. I lightly bit his earlobe which got a small moan out of him. I giggled and placed a finger on his lips.

"Shhh." I said and then continued to kiss his neck, gently sucking and nipping on his skin. I was suddenly lifted up and moved on to my back with Taehyung on top of me, a hand on either side of my shoulders. He looked down at me and I bit my lip to keep myself from laughing. I knew he felt a little embarrassed because the rest of his pack was sleeping not far away and he was worried if they would hear us or if someone would wake up.

"We are going to get caught." He looked at me mischievously and I giggled. He leaned down and kissed me and then whispered in my ear, "Time to sleep, you have had way too much to drink." He laid down next to me and pulled me closer to him nuzzling his face into the back of my neck. I felt so calm and relaxed being in his arms. I held on to the hand he had wrapped around my waist and slowly moved my fingertips against his fingers as I fell asleep.

A/N: Just a cute filler chapter for you. I have the next chapter written and thought about combining them, but then it would be really long and I think I like this length of chapter better, however, do you prefer really long chapters or this length?

Do you have any theories about anything at all? Vote and Comment please!

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