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When I woke up and opened my eyes, Taehyung's face was the first thing that I saw. His mouth was opened slightly as he was still sleeping. I smiled to myself and lightly ran my fingers through his hair. He needed to rest more after their trip to our house yesterday so I quietly got out of bed and headed to the bathroom. I grabbed my hairbrush and turned to the mirror so I could get all the knots out when my mouth fell open. What once was a light brown color to my hair was now light blonde. I ran my fingers through my hair taking glances from the mirror to my actual hair. What the fuck is happening to me? There was no way this was just the sun bleaching my hair and I would not be able to hide this from everyone. I made a mental note to ask Mika to add this to the list of questions we had for the Council. I picked up the brush and combed through my hair.

"Whoa." I turned to the open door and saw Taehyung standing there in just his boxers leaning against the doorframe. He slowly walked towards me and brushed through my hair with fingers. "Did I miss something from last night?" He asked.

"I didn't do anything. I had been slowly changing color and I thought maybe it was just getting bleached by the sun, but this is all of my hair now." I looked at him through the mirror as he stood behind me and wrapped his arms around my waist.

"I kinda like the blonde." He said as he moved my hair out of the way so he could kiss my neck. I let my head fall to the side and embraced his touch. He turned me around and placed me on top of the bathroom counter. The granite was cold against my thighs as I was only wearing a pair of underwear and his t-shirt. I wrapped my arms around his neck as he kissed me passionately. "You look so hot in my shirt." I giggled at his statement and wrapped my legs around him, bringing him as close to me as possible.

"We need to get ready for more training today." I said as I pulled away from him. He groaned and buried his head in my chest.

"Fine." He helped me off the counter and then kissed me before we both started to get dressed and made our way downstairs. We must have slept in a little later than everyone else as they were already outside getting ready to start. We quickly made our way outside as catcalls and clapping was heard. Taehyung and I both rolled our eyes and went to where we needed to be. There were a couple questions about my hair but I didn't have any answers. Mika said she would bring it up the Council later today. For training, I always start with Jungkook, so I made my way to him as he bit his lip and winked at me. I hit his arm.

"Oh shut up and actually teach me something." He laughed at me. I worked with him on the self-defense moves he already taught me and then had me try to just land a punch on him. It was difficult as he was better skilled than I was, but I did manage to hit him once. He was impressed which made me feel pretty good and then it was time to switch to abilities. I had a good feeling about today and walked right over to Mika.

"Hey, want to see if we can change the weather today?" I asked.

"Are you serious?" She asked excitedly. I nodded and she started jumping up and down. She turned towards an area in the sky that we could see and she raised her gaze to the clouds. Her hands were at her side with her palms facing outward. I stood behind her with a hand on her shoulder and followed her gaze to the clouds. I felt my energy transfer to her as the sky started to darken and I couldn't help but to smile. I steadied myself letting her press on as we the clouds seemed to come closer to us and darken even more. There was a faint sound of rumbling above us as I felt a couple drops of rain fall onto my face. The connection was broken as we both hunched over breathing a little heavy and looked up at each other smiling.

"Holy shit that was so cool." Reed said and we both started to laugh.

Since Mika and I were a bit tired, we decided to sit down for a bit. I watched as those without abilities sparred with each other and I couldn't help, but to watch Taehyung spar with James. You could tell that Taehyung still wasn't at full strength as James was just going over and over basics with him, trying to at least keep his mind and reactions sharp. I turned to look around and noticed Willa sitting down watching everyone with her knees pulled to her chest. I glanced over at her a couple times to see if she was ok and not long after she got up and walked into the house. I looked around and it didn't seem that anyone else had really noticed except for Yoongi. He was sparring with Namjoon and was about to follow Willa when I stood up and held a hand out for him. He nodded and went back to focusing on Namjoon. I walked inside and couldn't find her at first so I decided to try her and Yoongi's room.

The door was open a little bit so I knocked quietly and slowly opened the door.

"Willa?" I said as I entered and saw her curled up on the bed, shaking a little. I walked over and sat on the edge of the bed reaching my hand out to rub her back. She slowly turned and I saw that her eyes were red. She had been crying. She quickly sat up and wiped away her tears.

"Alanna...hi." She said.

"What's going on?"

"It's nothing really, just worried for what's to come." Her eyes darted around the room and I knew there was something more to this.

"I have seen you like this for almost a week. You can tell me anything." I grabbed her hand that she had rested in her lap. She slowly looked up to me and took a deep breath.

"I'm terrified." I could feel her squeeze me hand a little.

"Of what?" I asked.

"The Daeva! They have already taken so much from me and I don't want to lose Yoongi or any of you." She started to cry again."

"Willa I know they forced us from our home and hurt Yoongi in particular, but we are getting stronger and we will beat them." I tried to reassure her.

"But you don't know that! You haven't seen what they can do!" She raised her voice. I felt like there was something else to all this.

"Willa, what aren't you telling me." I remained calm as she didn't need someone yelling at her. She tried to calm her breathing once again.

"This isn't the first time they have attacked people I love. Jungkook told me that you know how me and him met, right?" I nodded my head. "Well, I wasn't completely a rogue wolf then." She swallowed hard and her gaze lowered. "I was actually on my own because I was the only survivor of my pack. The Daeva had attacked and killed my entire family." She started to cry again and I moved a little closer to her, putting my hands on her to comfort her. "My brother had hid me under his bed and was about to hide himself when a couple of them came in and grabbed him. They forced him on his knees and I could see him, he looked right into my eyes and I knew that that would be the last time I saw him. I made a move to come out but he only shook his head at me. He smiled at me before he told me to go." She started crying more and more. "I teleported to the middle of the forest where I ran and ran. I was by myself for about a week before I met Jungkook. And then another week before we met Yoongi and Taehyung." She whipped her face. "I'm terrified of who I will lose next and Yoongi had already been hurt multiple times. I don't want to lose another family. I miss my home." I wrapped my arms around her because I missed our home as well. I was scared as well. We held each other tight as I felt her tears dampen my shirt. I closed my eyes tight thinking about my other home. I missed the kitchen where I got to know everyone. I missed the forest that I would take walks in with Jungkook, Dakota, and so many others. I missed the bonfires and the backyard where I would watch the sunlight dance on the leaves of the trees. The yard where Taehyung apologized to me and wrapped his sweatshirt around me. The place where I started to feel as though I actually might belong.

In an instant, I felt the weight of Willa on my shoulder disappear and a cool breeze brush against my face. I felt cold pavement on my thighs and when I opened my eyes I was there. I was in our old backyard. I quickly looked around and Willa was gone. I quickly stood up, but had to stop for a moment as I felt a little dizzy. I put my hand on my head and started to walk inside.

I opened the door and called for Willa and immediately regretted my decision. Taehyung said the Daeva were here. I turned around and was about to run when instead I ran into someone.

"Well, well, what do we have here?" The man said. He was tall and older. He had a shaved head and a long beard. His clothes weren't in the best shape and he reeked. I targeted my eyes in either direction of him, trying to decide the best route. As soon as I was about to make a run for it, I felt hands grab my arms and pull me back. Everything that Jungkook had taught came to mind and jammed my elbow into his side and then threw my fist back to his face. The hands released me and I tried to run around the bearded one, but he stepped in front of me. Two more appeared in my peripherals and I started to panic. I steadied my feet and put my hands up. If I was going down, it wasn't going to be without a fight, but I was distracted when I heard Willa's voice behind me call my name. I turned around and the man that I had hit before was right there. He punched me square in the face and then kneed me in the stomach. I fell to the ground, grabbing my stomach and trying to breath. Teo came up on either side of me and picked me up under my arms, dragging my inside. Everything looked destroyed and trashed and it hurt to see a beautiful house being ruined.

Once we reached the living room, I saw a couple guys holding Willa, one of which held a knife to her throat. We both knew that if she tried to shirt, they would slit her throat before she would even be able to do anything.

"Alanna!" She cried out. I tried to free myself to get to her and reached out my hand and she reached towards me. If I just touched her, she could teleport us back home, but weren't anywhere near each other. She looked terrified and confused and I had to think quickly. One of the men left saying he would be back with Euric and I started to panic again.

"No one knows we're here." I told Willa and she stared at me. "You need to tell them. Go!" I cried.

"I can't leave you Luna!" Willa started to cry.

"No help will come if they don't know where we are." One of the men holding me pulled my hair back and shouted in my face.

"No talking!" he pushed my head down to look at the floor. I slowly raised it and looked at Willa.

"It's ok." I whispered. "Go..." I said. She let out a small sob as she closed her eyes and then disappeared. I took a deep breath and let my body go numb as I was now alone.

Taehyung POV

We were finishing up sparing and I looked over to where I had seen Alanna sitting and saw that she was nowgone. I briefly looked around and didn't see her anywhere outside. I felt a hand on my shoulder and turned to see Yoongi.

"I saw her follow Willa inside. Don't worry." He said.

I was tired and really thirsty so I decided to grab some water from inside. I grabbed a couple more bottles of water to bring out to the group. We all sat down and rested for a little bit when we heard someone shouting. Everyone looked at each other confused as I stood up to try to listen to and figure out where it was coming from.

"Taehyung!" I heard someone screaming my name and it was coming from inside the house. I started towards the house as I saw a very tired, and frantic Willa run outside. She nearly fell down the stairs as I managed to catch her. She had a cut lip and her eyes were red as if she had been crying. Yoongi was right there beside me, holding onto Willa.

"What happened?" I asked her. She had started crying and was trying to catch her breath.

"We were just talking and then we teleported to the house, to our house." She looked at me with eyes wide and the fear started to consume me. "They found us both and she told me I needed to go or else no one would find us." I stood there staring at Willa not able to say or do anything. The Daeva had Alanna.

"Why would you teleport home?" Yoongi asked.

"I didn't." Willa said. My eyes shot over to her as she looked at me.

"Alanna did."

A/N: Got to love a good cliffhanger!

So the Daeva have Alanna..what in the world will they do with her and what will Taehyung do?

Please comment and vote and let me know if you have any theories! I love to know what you all are thinking.

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