Chapter One

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And before we get started why don't you watch that fun little book trailer I made for this novel that's attached to this chapter :)

Bilbo walked into the mountain following the winding halls into a giant cavern of gold. Find the arkenstone. Okay.

His feet slipped on the gold and he caused the gold to slide. A mound of gold began to move, a giant eye was revealed.

" Who dares enter the mountain? To steal from me?" a voice bellowed. It was the Dragon, Smaug.

His giant head rose from the ground.

Bilbo scrambled our of the way.

Smaug began to chase him and try to search for him.

"Come out, barrel rider." He hissed.

" Smaug!" A voice clear as crystal rang out. A woman in white began to descend the stairs, she herself had Dragon wings attached to her back. Her skin was as pale and fine as the richest pearl.

Smaug shrunk down into a man. Well, not quite, giant leathery wings sprouted from his back. Gold scales where on the sides of his gold eyes, which where no longer trained on Bilbo, on the woman.

The pale woman walked down to the once Dragon.

" Why are you chasing the little one. Leave him be." She ordered. Her voice soft but firm.

Smaug bit his tongue. " He wishes to take from us."

" Let him, we have plenty." The pale woman's blue eyes landed on Bilbo, who she knelt in front of.

" Now, you don't have the appearances of a common thief. I take it you are looking for something, correct?" Bilbo nodded. Her voice reassuring, and calm.

" The arkenstone."

Her eyes glittered fondly at the name.

" Ah, I know is that one." She placed a hand on the ground. The gold seemed to shift, the white stone with bright colors mixed in seemed to appear next to her.

" One of my favorites." She slipped it Into her pocket.

" Come now dear hobbit." She placed a hand his shoulder. " Now what is your name. I'm quite certain it is not barrel rider."

" It's Bilbo. My lady,"

" Lumina. Now you have a company of dwarves waiting outside. Bring them inside, we have things to discuss."

Bilbo walked out side where Thorin and the company was waiting.

" Um did you know the dragons aren't really dragons but people with wings that can turn into dragons? Oh wow. I'm there's a woman inside, Lumina, she's um Smuag's wife. And she wishes to speak with everyone. She's nice and has the arken stone. She's a lot nicer than Smaug. He was going to eat me." He breathed out to Thorin.

" What do you mean they are people?"

" It's pretty obvious, they are the size of men, maybe bigger, but the have wings and small scales by their eyes. Anyway she wants to speak with you."

Thorin frowned.

" How do you know it's not a trap?"

" Well she saved me from her husband, who at the time was a giant Dragon."

Thorin, although he did not look happy about it, went in the mountain. The Dragon woman, Lumina was waiting for them, she was seated at a table her spouse, Smaug held a deep frown on his face.

Lumina stood when the dwarfs entered, a tilt of her head and she began. " I know you are here to reclaim the mountain. Thorin, son of Thrain. You wish to become the king of the mountain. "

" I am the rightful king. It is my position that you both stole from me." He said voice, calm before a storm. " This is my mountain and I came to reclaim it, it is my duty-"

Lumina's hands slammed on the table. " Wrong!" She hissed.

Her composure returned.

" A deal, a deal was struck between Smaug and I, along with you grandfather, Thror. "

" You lie!"

Her silver eyes seemed to glow bright, " A deal was struck. He said if he should fall to gold sickness for us to watch the mountain. He lost his mind. We came to visit one day, he called us demons and ordered his men to attack. " She said. The dwarves faces solemn.

" I was chained up and locked away. Smaug escaped, that was the day he engulfed Dale in fire."

Her long nails were tracing a pattern on the table. " You are not as informed as you think."

Lumina sighed. " A sickness lies on the gold. It shall be vaulted, noting plain sight before you shall come to power."

Before Thorin could protest she held up a finger. " the gold will be able to be used, but not in your sight. Dwarves have a nasty habit of going insane. Do you understand?"

Thorin spoke. " I am not my father nor my grandfather."

She turned her head sharply. " Do you think because you have a strong will not to be like your heritage that you will differ immensely?" She was moving her arms in theatrical sweeping motions.

" That your mind won't be swiftly corrupted like those before you?!"

She lent close to his face.

" Do you think you are a match for the sickness that lies on these lands? King under the mountain?"

Her eyes held a feral gleam. They also held age, knowledge and madness. Thorin seemed unable to reply. Lumina pulled herself to full height.

Her calm attitude soon returned. Her eyes seemed to lose the fearsome glare, she sat herself down next to her husband whose frown was still carved into his face. Bilbo saw them interlace hands and set them on the table.

Smaug, who had been so quite spoke. " The gold will be moved to its original vaults tonight. Do we have a deal?" His voice was cold, Bilbo noticed how when he spoke to the dwarves he shifted in front of Lumina as to protect her from them.

" We have a deal."

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