Chapter Ten

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He watched the morning sun rise, it's gold light washed over the valley that he knew would soon become a battle field.
Thranduil frowned. It was only a matter of time before the orcs flooded the valleys. His scouts reported seeing them over the horizon.
He patted the neck if his elk, he trotted down into the valley were the lonely mountain stood. His sharp ears could catch faint sounds that appeared to be laughter.
A wistful smile perched on his face before it washed away by remembering why he was going to the kingdom in the first place.
Dismounting his stead he walked across the bridge to the stone doors.
He lifted on of the iron knockers a banged hard to announce his presence.
After several moments a dwarf pulled open the door to where only his head was visible.

"Lord Thranduil." The dwarf announced stiffly in a cold surprise. "What brings you here?"

"I need to speak with your queen pertaining urgent matters." His voice was as cool, perhaps even condescending.

"Lady Lumina-"

A voice carried over the distance, as soft as silk and almost unrecognizable.
"Dwalin, let Lord Thranduil enter. I carry no ill will, he is welcome in the kingdom."

Lumina. That was the drake's name. It was interesting, he thought, he never obtained this knowledge.

The dwarf pulled open the door to reveal a grand throne.
A crimson fabric draped over the marble sides, contrasting with the bleakness of the kingdom she sat.
Her alabaster wings sat perched up, spread yet relaxed as if basking in her own glory. Her sliver like hair was pulled away from her face. Scales alongside her face danced in the flickering light of the room. Lumina was a magnificent creature, both in beauty and intimidation.

"I come with a warning. Orcs are expected to flood the valley any day now and we thought it best that you knew. If we should become allies in this waging war we could win and walk home undefeated."

The woman bristled her eyes narrowing. He saw her claws dig into the stone, and she hissed something about vile vermin.
"How many?"

"My scouts reported hundreds, even more than my army. Our forces would be slaughtered in combat. I do not ask you to fight for us but rather alongside us against the same enemy."

"We do find out selves in a predicament don't we, Lord Thranduil?"

He tipped his head to acknowledge her statement.
"Well..." She began. "I will fight alongside your forces. This does not effect the relationship between our kingdoms."
Her silky voice slowly became a rumble.
"It is simply beneficial for the both of us. So, do we have a deal?"

"It would seem so Lady Lumina. I shall see you on the battlefield."

It was the next morning when trumpets sounded.
Her body was adorned in armour black as sin. She most likely would be in her dragon form for most of the battle but she needed to dress the part.
Her onyx crown was once more sitting on her head.
Her hair was tied back for battle. She wore a red cape for the blood that would be shed today.
Today was not a glorious day. Today would be one of agony and despair. The dwarves had the furnaces ruling late last night and into the morning, they forged themselves armour for the battle. She asked, pleaded rather, that they would not fight.
They told her that Erebor was as much of their home as it was hers and that they had every right to defend it.
Bilbo stood with her as she prepared to enter the field.

"You better stay alive hobbit. I do want to see those green rolling hills you speak so fondly of."

He smiled at her like she was a dear friend before he touched her arm.
"I should try my best."

The doors opened and the grand army of the elves spanned out in front of her. They grunted in the sun like a body of water, they all were one fluid organism.
Her ragtag group of dwarves followed her out like a shadow.
Lumina honestly knew of no reason why they stayed. She didn't know why they didn't try to slay her in her sleep.
She especially didn't know why they treated her like glass that would break and then stab them.

She stepped out into the brisk wind. Lord Thranduil stood in the middle of his troops. A walk way split to meet him, Lumina walked swiftly to the elven kings side. They both shared a mildly concerned glance.
"What is your plan?" He asked her. Orcs began rolling over the hills.
"Kill as many as possible."


The top is what I picture Lumina's armour to look like. Black, covering everything and badass.

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