Chapter Twelve

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Thranduil felt his heart give a jolt when the drake fell into unconsciousness. A lone trickle of blood rolled from her mouth. He blinked for several moments debating his options.
He carefully wove his arms beneath her and her wings. She was completely limp and her head lolled back. He took notice of the extreme wound in her side. She had to be bleeding internally, there is no possible way she isn't.

The elf trekked over the scorched ground, maneuvering through the bodies and ashes. Corpses littered the ground, and ash fell from the air like snow.
So many of his fell, so many of the dwarves passed alongside the elves.
He felt a so very familiar ache wash over him. It burned in his bones, filling him to the brim. How could hollowness take up so much space?
Thranduil felt his stomach churn and build a knot in his throat.
He carried the woman cradled in his arms, he spotted an elvish healer working frantically on the battlefield to save a life.
The healer had been successful as the elf lay sputtering on the ground. The elf spotted the king and Lumina and he rushed to their side.


"Can you save her?" He laid her down. She was like a damaged pearl amongst the blackened ground and carnage. It's hard to believe that she had been the same roaring beast that had demolished so many.

The elf nodded. "I shall do my best."

Thranduil nodded and walked away from the scene, needing to be alone.

When she opened her eyes once more an unfamiliar face was looming above her with a concentrated stare on her mid region. She felt magic racing through her, healing. Lumina placed a weak hand on the elf's shoulder.
"Thank you."
She exhaled and rested on the ground once more. She felt him pry her stomach plate off to get to her wound more efficiently. She cringed as she heard the metal clang loudly.
She turned her head and looked at the armour plate, it was cratered and ripped. It didn't serve her much good.
Lumina could hear the elf humming above her, she felt warm in her mid region as he gently placed his hands on her skin. She winced at the contact but almost sighed in relief as she could feel her ribs mending and going in their proper place.
The warmth stoped and she looked up.
The elvish healer had sweat bedded on his forehead.
"I cannot, do anymore I am not strong enough. I am so sorry, my lady. Most of the damage has been repaired but I cannot fix everything."

She smiled through her pain. The genuine care this elf had for others was astonishing. She was a stranger to him and here he was almost in tears because he could not help her

"You have a pure, good heart." She said looking at the anxious creature. He looked at her. "You do, truly. Never let anyone spoil it. Keep it protected young one."
He nodded.
"I shall."
She again felt her world go to black.

It was several days later when she fully awakened. Thranduil stood by the drake's side. She had to be brought to a healer as the one on the field had not enough energy to restore her back to health. The healer saved her.
He learned the young ellons name, it was Rowan. He thanked him for his help and now Rowan has a higher position in the court. He put his own life at risk to just save as many as he could.

Thranduil admired the healer as he still had so much to give to others.
It was a rare gift, to be able to be so kind. Thranduil did not have that ability.

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