Annabeth's Suggestion

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The next day, Annabeth was spending some time with Kiara. They were practicing magic.

Annabeth was wearing a dress with a jacket and some boots.

Kiara was wearing a sweater with a small pant and some boots.

Annabeth pulled out the Levesque family grimoire and said "You remember how you told me you want revenge on the Salvatores for what they did to your family."

"Yeah, why? Having seconds thoughts about that?"Kiara teased.

"As if. Not I'm telling you this because there is a cursing spell on your family's grimoire that can only be casted by Levesque witches and once casted it cannot be undone. I can't cast it but you... You can. And since I have great knowledge with magic, I can teach you..."Annabeth told her.

"Are you suggesting that we use it on the Salvatores?"Kiara smirked.

"Yeah, it's exactly what I am suggesting. But before you cast the spell, you must train your magic. Cause this spell is really powerful. When you cast the spell on your victims, you must picture in your mind what kind of curse you want them to be cursed with. Otherwise, the spell will not work at all."Annabeth explained.

"I understand and I'm glad I have you to help me with my magic."Kiara told her.

"You're my best friend. I'll always be with you no matter what."Annabeth smiled.

"I love you, Annie."Kiara smiled.

"I love you too, Kie."Annabeth told her as the two hugged each other tightly.

"Now, when are you thinking about marrying Kol?"Kiara smiled.

"I could ask you the same about you and Klaus, Kie."Annabeth smirked.

The two girls laughed.

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