Before Sunset Part One

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The next day, a the school, Rebekah and Kiara were cleaning up the mess from the dance. She was still pretty upset that she wasn't able to go to the dance.

Kiara was wearing a top with a leather jacket, a jean and some boots.

"Where's Matt? He was supposed to help." Caroline questioned, walking in.

"He bailed. Got called into work at the last minute." Rebekah answered.

"Are you kidding me? So, it's just us?" Caroline groaned as she walked farther into the gym.

"Yes, and you're late. Clean up committee started at eight o'clock." Rebekah said.

" It's like 8:02." Caroline replied, confused.

"Exactly. I managed to turn up on time and I didn't even get to attend the dance that I organized." Rebekah says as she walked past her dumping trash into the big can.

" I'm sorry about your mom. I mean I know you like, hated her and everything, but still...I'm sorry." Caroline told her.

Rebekah looked slightly surprised before returning to dumping trash.

"I'm sorry about your teacher. He seemed like a nice guy." Rebekah said.

"Yeah. He was." Caroline responded.

"I'm gonna get started on the gym." Rebekah told them before walking out into the hallway. Alaric comes around the corner and Rebekah stopped dead in her tracks.

"You're supposed to be dead." Rebekah told him.

"I am!" Alaric says.

Rebekah rushed at Alaric, but Alaric throws her against the locker. He was about to stab her with the white oak stake when Caroline and Kiara rushed out of the cafeteria and pinned Alaric to the locker. Rebekah, Kiara and Caroline shoved the stake into his heart.

The girls looked at each other as Alaric takes the stake out. When he finally gets it out, he realizes that they are gone.

Outside, Caroline rushed toward her car with Kiara and Caroline pulled out her car keys and fumbled with them. Caroline saw Alaric's reflection in the car window and she dropped her keys. Alaric snapped Caroline's neck and she falls to the ground before hitting so hard Kiara on the face that she fall to the ground unconscious. Alaric dragged the unconscious Caroline and Rhea back towards the school as his flesh started to smoke and burn off. Rebekah watched him enter the school.

Later on, Alaric was sitting at his desk, two empousai standing beside him, with Caroline staked down to the chair while Kiara was chained with celestial bronze chains.

He hears Elena enter the school and murmured "Right on time."

Kiara who was unconscious but all bruised and stabbed up was breathing heavily. Caroline who was besides Kiara was heavily crying.

A couple of seconds later, Elena entered Alaric's classroom and sees Caroline and Kiara all beat up and chained to the chairs.

"Caroline. Kiara. Let them go, Alaric!"Elena demanded.

"Free ther youself."Alaric told her, pointing at Rebekah.

Elena and Alaric stared at each other. Then Elena cautiously walked over to Caroline before getting down and stroking Caroline's arm soothingly while her other hand shot up to Kiara's and held her hand. Elena stopped trying to soothe Caroline and instead started to gently pull the pencil out of one of Caroline's hands, only for Alaric to come up and slammed the pencil back down into her hand.

Caroline screamed and Elena gets up and said "You said that you would let her go!"

Alaric demanded "How many times do I have to tell you, Elena? Stop trusting vampires!"

Meanwhile, Klaus walked up to the Gilbert residence with a propane tank and a newspaper lit on fire. As he was about to throw the newspaper torch, Stefan came out of the house.

"Put it out."Stefan told him.

"Come outside and make me."Klaus provoked.

Without hesitation, the vampire walked outside to the porch and explained "Elena's not here. Alaric has her and Caroline and he's gonna kill them both unless you turn yourself over to him."

Klaus only smirked "Then I guess they die."

"He also has Kiara."Stefan finished.

The hybrid paused. Rebekah had told him about the history teacher turning into a vampire but she never mentioned Kiara being captured. His sister told her she left before they were attacked by Alaric.

Klaus threw the lit newspaper to the side and turned his full attention to the vampire with his yellow-amber eyes filled with red with the vampire veins shining with pure anger as he says "Now, I know you're not asking me to walk into a certain death."

In the High school, Alaric dips the cloth that was in Caroline's mouth into a beaker of vervain. The skin around Caroline's mouth was very red and appeared to have peeled away. Alaric walked back to her.

Caroline groaned in pain "No, no more, please, no more!"

At the same time, the empousai were having a field day. And by that, that means that one was carving words in Greek on Kiara's chest, back, thighs and neck while the other one stabbed her with a knife, waiting a few seconds and then tearing it out and plunging it into the area next to it while making sure to hit her heart or lungs. A third monster, another empousa, Kelli actually came up from behind the chained hybrid girl and whispering nasty things to her.

Kiara Levesque, fully awake this time with nothing to bite down except on her tongue, but down as hard as she could while her eyes closed, a pained scream of a thousand demons tearing out of her throat and lips.

Elena gets up at seeing the two in pain and said "Alaric, stop!"

Alaric pushed Elena back into a seat before starting to explain something "Sit down! This keeps the vervain in her system. It's like inhaling razorblades with every breath."

Alaric puts the cloth back in Caroline's mouth. Her skin begins to smoke and burn. She cries and screams in pain.

Elena touched her arm and asked "Why are you doing this?"

"To make it easier on you when you put her out of her misery."Alaric responded.

"What about Kiara? What does she have anything to do with us?"Elena asked, knowing the gods would kill any of them if something happens to Rhea.

"Kiara? She has everything to do with this! She is the one that helped everything here happen! If she didn't want anything bad to happen here, then she would actually get rid of it in a blink of an eye! Because that is what her kind does!"Alaric exclaimed.

"What the hell is any of that supposed to mean?"Elena frowned.

"She looked down at us because of how high and mighty her and her brethen are! Because they are almost like Gods!"One of the empousai said.

Alaric picked up the white oak stake with his right hand and a stake with his left hand before walking towards Elena.

"What?! No!"Elena refused.

"Isn't this what you wanted, Elena? For me to teach you how to kill a vampire? Well, here's a vampire, Elena. Kill her."Alaric said as he holds out the white oak stake towards her and pointed at Caroline.

Elena shook her head as she watched her best friend and Kiara helplessly and said "This isn't what I want."

Kiara watched all this playing out with swollen eyes and pained lungs, feeling as if every breath she took was going to be her last.

"Of course it is. All those hours you spent training, getting stronger, you could be a hunter, Elena. But you've never actually staked a vampire through the heart. And I bet you have never tried to kill one of Kiara's kind."Alaric says as he persistently holds out the weapons, wanting Elena to take one or both.

All Elena could do was stare at them.

Kiara continued to scream her lungs out because of the endless torture she was enduring.

And Alaric? He was pacing in front of them.

"Why are you doing this?" Elena asked.

"Because you need me. Because you're an eighteen-year-old girl without parents or guidance or any sense of right and wrong anymore."Alaric responded.

"Look at you. How is this right?!"Elena countered as she pointed at the tied down vampire and hybrid girl.

"She's a murderer. She told me she killed someone and liked it."Alaric began as he pointed the end of the stake at Caroline.

"Other than what about I already told about the high and mighty Kiara Levessque, let me inform you about how she is a monster. She kills for a living. People die on her behalf. And she is only seventeen years old. And as a hybrid, she's an abomination."

He added, pointing at Kiara.

He continued, walking up to the doppelgänger "Listen, Elena, your parents led the council. It was their life's mission to keep this town safe. They weren't dead six months before you undid it all."

"You don't know anything about them."Elena spat at the man before wincing as another scream tore through the air from Kiara.

"Why, am I wrong? Do you actually think that they'd be proud of you? If you don't side with the humans, you're just as bad as them. Now kill her. Or I'll do it for you and I'll make it hurt. Get up!" Alaric asked as he grabbed Elena forcibly by the arm, in front of Caroline. He handed her the stake and backed away a bit. Elena stood with the stake in her hand for a moment before she turned around and tried to stab Alaric.

He grabbed her wrist before she could and said "I thought I taught you better than that."

Elena quickly glanced at Kiara.

"You did."Elena said before breaking the breaker filled with vervain over Alaric's head.

He screams in pain and his flesh starts to burn. Elena releases Caroline and urges her to leave before rushing to Rhea and grabbing the celestial bronze dagger beside her that seemed to have been provided by the monsters. She then slashed down against the chains over and over while Kiara fought against the shackles, trying her best to get the chains off.

Moments later, with the monsters not doing anything to fight them, Elena pulls Kiara up and shoved her out the door towards Caroline and she said "Get help!"

Caroline vamp sped out of the room with Kiara but as Elena was going to do the same, Alaric blocked the doppelgänger from leaving.

Caroline gets out into the hallway, turns around, and realizes Elena is not with her while Kiara held onto her and started to fall to the ground, the pain in her legs and chest too much for her to handle.

She continues to walk backwards when suddenly Klaus grabs her from behind and then runs out in a quick second and scoops Kiara up and holds her close to his chest, looking at the hybrid girl in horror because of all the damage done to her.

Klaus does not pay Caroline any mind as he whispered in a soft, comforting voice "Shhh. It's okay, it's okay. It's me."

He takes his hand off of her mouth and whispered some more as her breathing was still heavy "It's okay, you're safe. We'll save Elena. You go straight home. You stay inside, do you understand?"

He turned around to face Caroline before looking between the two girls and handing Kiara to the blonde "Do you understand me?"

"Thank you."Caroline said.

"I didn't do it for you."Klaus told her.

They looked at each other for a moment before Klaus gives Kiara a kiss on the edge of her mouth.

"Will and I are going to have a swell time chatting with Alaric Saltzman."Klaus told the hybrid girl.

Then Klaus rushed away, causing Caroline to stand in the hallway for a second before the two left the school.

Derek then grabbed Kiara from Caroline and vamp sped away with her, bringing her to the loft where Hades and Marie were. Hades used his shadows abilities to heal his daughter's wounds.

"Now, you tell us what happened."Marie demanded and Kiara sighed and she did.

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