Break Through

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Two days later, Construction workers were restoring the Wickery Bridge, and townspeople were there for the restoration fundraiser. Alaric, Meredith and Damon arrived. Damon looked at Rebekah, Kiara, Annabeth, Nico, Kol and Will who were speaking to Carol Lockwood. Jason decided not to come.

Annabeth was wearing a sweater with a leather jacket, a jean and some boots.

Kiara was wearing a sweater with a leather jacket, a pant and some boots.

Rebekah, The freaks and Kol are up to something. They have been snooping around in places they shouldn't be."Damon says.

"Tell me again, why are we here?" Alaric asked his best friend.

"Ric, the world can't stop just because you're an accidental psycho killer." Damon says.

"Do you have any tact whatsoever?" Meredith scolded.

Carol approached them.

"Alaric, I'm glad you're here. Did you bring the sign?" Carol asked.

Alaric frowned in confusion.

"The restored Wickery Bridge sign. The history department promised me you'd have it today." Carol explained.

"I don't have the sign actually it slipped my mind. I've been...busy." Alaric admitted.

"Well, it's not an emergency. We'll just um... unveil it when the bridge is complete."Carol says, walking away.

"Get me outta here." Alaric says.

"My pleasure."Meredith told him.

" Who's that?" Alaric asked, noticing a red hair woman who Damon was looking at.

"Blast from the past." Damon smirked, walking over to Sage. Carol was making a speech.

"Damon Salvatore, my favorite student." Sage smirked.

"Sage, my hottest teacher. What are you doing here?" Damon replied.

"I'm just passing through." Sage told him.

"Oh, come on, nobody just passes through Mystic Falls."Damon scoffed.

Rebekah, Kol, Will, Nico, Kiara and Annabeth walked up to them.

"Look what the cat dragged in." Rebekah commented.

"Easy there, Rebekah. You know she use to beat men for sport." Damon told Rebekah.

"She always was quite common." Kol insulted.

"Rebekah, Kol. What a happy surprise." Sage says, faking a smile.

"What are you doing here Sage?" Rebekah asked.

"Well, I heard Finn was finally freed from that casket your rageaholic brother Klaus carted him around in. Speaking of the beast, You must be his mate, Kiara."Sage said, smiling.

" Watch your mouth. I'll kill you if you don't shurt your mouth. I won't have problems to do it to you." Kiara warned.

"I like to see your try." Sage smirked.

"You should watch you say. Kiara is one of the strongest demigods in the demigod world. She can snap you like a twig." Will warned.

"And we killed monsters worse than vampires. So watch it!"Nico smirked.

"And about Finn, you just missed him. He left town and didn't tell a soul where he was going." Rebekah told Sage.

"He probably went looking for me." Sage told them.

"Or quite possibly he forgot all about you." Kol told her.

"I doubt that" Sage says.

"No? Cause he didn't seem to mention you. Right, guys?" Rebekah asked.

Kol, Will, Nico, Kiara and Annabeth nodded.

"Sorry you came all this way for nothing. Have a nice life." Rebekah told Sage, walking away with her brother, Will, Nico, Kiara and Annabeth.

"God, I hate that elitist Original bitch and her stupid freak brother." Sage commented.

Later on, Damon had break Rebekah's neck so Sage could get inside the original's head and tell him what she's up to. Damon made a deal with Sage, that if she let her kill Rebekah, he would save Finn. But Sage got inside his head and found the truth that the originals and Kiara were linked, so she went to team up with Will, Nico, Kiara, Annabeth, Kol and Rebekah. Will had a vision about it. His gift of seeing the future depending on someone's choice was very useful.

At the Wickery Bridge, Damon drove towards the bridge and saw Rebekah, Kol, Will, Nico, Kiara and Annabeth. Kiara and Annabeth were standing in front of a bonfire of the wood from the white oak tree. Damon stopped the car and gets out, slamming the door in frustration.

"Your grand plans always seem to get ruined, don't they?"Annabeth smirked.

"Sorry to disappoint you. Again." Rebekah says to Damon before vamp speeding away with Nico, Kol vamp sped away with Annabeth, while Kiara mist travelled away while Will teleported through light.

Damon turned around and sees Sage by his car.

"You set me up."Damon says.

"No. I'm just looking out for myself." Sage stated.

Damon walked over to her as he yelled "I told you I'd save your creepy boyfriend."

"And you lied to me, Damon! The Originals and Kiara are linked, if one dies they all die. If I can get inside her head, don't you think I'd be able to get inside yours?" Sage told him.

Damon rushed toward Sage and grabbed her by the throat, pushing her against his car.

"I should end you." Damon growled.

"I'm 900 years old, Damon. You're not capable of ending me." Sage stated as she pushed Damon off of her and throws him down onto the hood of his car.

"Do you really think that I would risk Finn's life for one of your petty revenge fantasies?" Sage then asked.

Damon gets up and moves closer to Sage, saying "Let me tell you something, your long lost love has a suicide wish. Cause when mama witch linked them together in a spell he's the one that volunteered to die."

"He wouldn't do that." Sage told him, shaking her head.

"He didn't want to live. Not for you. Not for anyone. He doesn't love you, Sage. Now, when I do find another way to kill those Originals, I'll start with Finn." Damon spat as he gets in his car.

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