Family's Reunion

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Stefan continued groan in pain.

"Go ahead and kill me. I know you'll do it when he brings the coffin." Stefan says as Klaus pulled Stefan out of the fireplace.

Klaus pushed him back as he says "You really have given up, haven't you? Where's the fight? Where's the ripper?"

Klaus arm. Rebekah, Nico, Kiara and Annabeth furrowed their eyebrows when they saw Elijah and Damon walked back into the room, they hadn't even been gone five minutes.

"Elijah...why haven't you left?" Kol questioned.

One of the waitresses come out with a silver tray, covered with a cloth.

"Where are you manners, brothers? We forgot dessert." Elijah says as he pulled the cloth cover off the tray, revealing one dagger.

Klaus and Kol eyes winded, fear swimming in them.

"What have you done?" Klaus asked.

"What have you done? You see, I've learned not to trust your vulgar promises, Klaus. We're doing this on my terms now." The original declared.

Finn walked in.

"Finn" Kol and Klaus says in fear.

"Long time, brothers." Finn smirked as Klaus and Kol goes to step away but Finn vamp sped in front of them.

Finn rush forward with his vampire speed, grabbing a dagger and stabbed Klaus through his hand.

"Finn, don't!" Klaus pleaded and tried to escape but he then stabbed him with the dagger in the stomach before pulling away the dagger and did the same with Kol.

Klaus and Kol fell into Finn's arms.

Elijah looked at the Salvatore brothers, saying with a smirk "You're free to go. This is family business."

Damon and Stefan left.

Klaus, Kol, Nico, Kiara and Annabeth leaned against the dining room table, with Finn, Elijah, Kol and Rebekah around the room. Klaus looked distressed, so Kiara intertwined their hands. Klaus gave her a thankful look before turning to face Finn.

"I like what you've done with the new place, Niklaus." Finn says as he throw a vase into a painting.

"Come on."Nico scolded.

"I wanted it to be for all of us. A place we could all call home. A place we could all be a family. None of us would ever have to be alone again." Klaus defended himself.

"Well you're right, none of us will be." Elijah spoke.

"You're staying behind." Finn agreed.

"We're leaving you. And you'll be alone. Always and Forever." Elijah says.

"Enough." Rebekah told them.

"How could you forgive him, Rebekah?" Elijah scolded.

"I saw that he changed because of Kiara. And yes, I hated him when I learned him and Kol killed Mother. But if I was in their places, I would had done the same thing."Rebekah said.

"You don't mean that." Finn told his sister.

"I do, actually. " Rebekah says.

"He won't be alone if he have me."Kiara told them.

"And me."Annabeth added.

"And I'm staying with Nik. It's because of him that I found my mate and he's my twin." Kol agreed.

"Seriously. You guys are family."Nico scolded.

"Family support each other. You don't know how lucky you are."Kiara agreed.

"If you run, I will hunt all of you down."Klaus threatened.

"Not helping, Nik." Rebekah told him.

"Then you'll become everything you hate. Our father." Elijah responded to his threat.

"Ouch, Elijah. That was harsh."Kiara told him.

"I'm the hybrid! I can't be killed! I have nothing to fear from any of you." Klaus shouted.

Klaus and Kol shot him a glare.

Suddenly, Kiara's reflexes kicked in. She had a feeling of darkness and danger flood her senses. Her feet carried her directly to Klaus side. Kiara had a deep instinct to protect Klaus. Her hand gently touched his arm as her eyes stayed trained on the doorway to the door. Kiara's brow furrowed slightly.

"Nik, something's wrong." Kiara told Klaus.

The originals all looked at the hybrid girl in confusion. With the fighting momentarily silenced, everyone could easily hear the sound of the door knob turned. A figure made itself know in the room.

"Mother?" Rebekah questioned, unsure if her eyes were deceiving her.

Kiara reached out and held the hybrid's hand. She squeezed it, in an attempt to comfort him. She knew it must be hard for him to see someone who caused him so much pain.

"You're not hurting them. I suggest you to back off."Kiara says.

Her words were threatening.

Annabeth too looked at the witch threateningly and were ready to do something if the witch would do anything.

Despite being in a room full of powerful originals, nobody wanted to go up against the children of Hades and the daughter of Athena, who held themselves with graces and confidences, but there was this ultimate power that radiated off of them in waves. Everyone in the rom felted intimidated by them. Nobody knew what they were truly capable of, not even them.

Esther wouldn't show her shock at the beings in front of her. She acted unaffected by their words, although she could feel fear creeping into her as she says "Ah, two of the famous of heroes of Olympus and the famous Ghost King."

"Yeah. Want an autograph or something?"Nico questioned, his voice full of menace.

Esther struggled to hold back her anger at the son of Hades, who looked like an actual god as she says "I am the Original witch. Don't get too arrogant, demigod."

"I don't care. I'm more powerful than you."Nico growled, the words filled with venom.

Annabeth stepped forward, making everyone in the room went to take a step away.

The witch's eyes widened in shock as she took a small step back. Recovering from her surprise a second later, Esther faced them with her chin up as she says "Don't worry, I am not here to hurt your beloved."

"I will not allow you the chance to cause them any more pain."Kiara spat.

"So back off."Annabeth added.

"Or we will be forced to do something you regret."Nico smirked.

"Your presence has been long awaited, dears." Esther told them.

"Haven't you been in a coffin for a bajillion years or something?"Nico asked, looking at her unimpressed.

Esther replied "The Fates are very old too. You should know that by now, yes?"

"I think you probably have no idea what you're talking about. And I wouldn't believe a word that comes out of your mouth anyway." Kiara says, glaring at the witch.

"I assure you, I have no ill intention. Now move aside, so I can talk with my sons." Esther assured.

They did not move.

The Mikaelson were impressed by their resolves.

Kiara and Annabeth saw Kol and Klaus gently wrapped around their waists, pulling their soulmates into their sides.

The two girls were still prepared to take down the witch as Nico was.

"Do you know why I'm here?" The original witch asked her sons.

Klaus and Kol did not believe her claims about not wishing to hurt him, and they says at the same time "You're here to kill us."

Kiara felt anger boil inside her at Esther for making him feel scared or hurt. All Kiara wanted to do was wrap her hands around him and protect him from the world. She didn't know why the instinct to protect the hybrid was so strong, but it was.

Kiara did not believe the old witch's next words "Niklaus, Kol, you are my sons and I am here to forgive you. I want us to be a family again."

Something told Kiara, Nico and Annabeth to not trust Esther.

Before the woman even entered the house, they could feel all of their instincts screaming danger. The children of Hades and the daughter of Athena would protect them, and the rest of the Mikaelson and anyone they care about for that matter, from the very very old witch. 

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