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Weeks passed by as the trip continued. They had stopped at countless hotels on their journeys. The search for werewolves proved to be more difficult than what was originally anticipated. Klaus found a new leads but they always to a dead end.

Now, they were all in the car.

Kiara was wearing a top with a jacket, a pant and some boots.

"Why are we here again?" Kiara asked.

"We're here because we need informations on how to find a little werewolf named Ray Sutton. Ever heard of him?" Klaus said.

"No... should I have heard of him? Is he supposed to be famous or something?" Kiara asked.

"Let's go with 'or something'."Klaus said with a roll of his eyes.

"Well how long have we been after this Ray Sutton guy?" Kiara asked.

Nico tells his sister "About a week."

"After a guy named Ray Sutton? What do you wish to accomplish with the poor guy?"Kiara asked.

"You do know what we've been doing all summer, right?" Klaus asked in irritation.

"Yeah, you wanna make a big happy family of hybrids."Kiara asked.

"And how would I accomplish that?" Klaus questioned on, raising an eyebrow and trying to get her intimidated. The intimidation thing wasn't working.

"Well to make hybrids you need werewo... oh. That's why weed this fucking Ray guy."Kiara said.

Later on, Kiara get out of the car and started to walk beside the hybrid. Kol and Nico decided to stay in the car. Nico and Kol had become great friends. And Kol couldn't help but think that Nico was similar to Klaus in some way.

Klaus put his arm around the daughter of Underworld's waist. Kiara sucked in a quick breath because of the fact that she didn't expect him to do so, but let the breath go and shoved off his arm and walking quicker.

"Why are we in Tennessee? I'm not sure a guy named Ray Sutton would live in a a small quiet town if he's a dangerous werewolf." Kiara asked, observing as she walked through the night filled neighborhood.

"Just stuck with the damn story."Klaus ordered as they heard a woman nearby yell out for someone named Rudy.

The blonde haired original turned to Kiara with a mischievous look on his face before putting his lips near her ear and softly whispering "Showtime."

The girl looking for Rudy bent down and picked up a toy. When she turned around, Kiara felt Klaus bring his arm around her waist before speedily going to the girl before she could finish turning.

The girl jumped a bit in the air, promting Klaus to pull on the fakest American accent he could muster before speaking "I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to scare you."

"Can I help you?" The girl asked, seeming to be on edge even though she had given Delia the impression of a kind person.

"Yeah, my car hmm, my car ran out of gas a couple of miles back."Klaus started, not getting to the point right away.

This prompted Kiara to speak up in an overly cheerful tone " Feel like I've been walking forever yours is the first house we've seen. So we were just hoping you could let us use your phone?"

Rudy's owner looked at the two skeptically, not trusting the two before her and questioned "Don't you both have a cell phone?"

"Huh, yeah... Battery died."Klaus says as he pulled a phone from his pocket before waving it around a bit.

"I just carry mine to have the comfort of knowing I have one. I destroyed the LCD a week ago. Look, I promise we're not serialkillers. We just wanna use your phone."Kiara said to her, trying not to roll her eyes at the lie wishing to kill Klaus.

The woman sighed one more time before giving the two a nod "Sure."

But then again, back to the point of how she was on edge, probably was becayse she and Klaus showed up out of nowhere in the middle of the night. The three were silent for a moment before Klaus asked "Soo, I can come in?"

"No, I'll get the phone and I'll bring it out to you."The girl said with a shake of her head as she looked between the two.

While Kiara looked at the girl with a 'thank the gods we're acoiding bloodshed, let me go home now' look, she knew it was too god to be true as Klaus took away the awful American accent and gave the girl an annoyed look and said "I thought you country folks were supposed to be more trusting."

"I'm from Florida."The girl informed him with a look.

"Well, that explains it."Klaus said, grabbing her by the throat and started compelling her "Now show me a little southern hospitality. Sweet pea."

Kiara released a breath as she turned to look at the kitchen door, where she heard the sizzling of a frying pan as another woman was frying food.

The other girl walked over to the counter with the frying pan before exclaiming "I bet you a hundred dollars that dog ran off to a house with air conditioning."

The Frypan Lady noticed Klaus holding the girl with an attitude with the nape of her neck with one hand. The girl was currently sobbing.

"What's going on?"Frypan Lady demanded to know, her voice laced with unease.

"Please don't be alarmed. I was told Ray Sutton lives here."Klaus said.

"Just answer the guy, will you? We've been on the road far too long and I need to head back home."Kiara asked.

Frypan lady looked between the two before she answered back fearfully "He's almost never here. He's on the road mostly."

"But I expect he makes it home, once a month. That's what I thought. Where is he now? If I have to make you tell me it's going to be infinitely more painful for you."Klaus smiled.

Frypan lady runs out of the kitchen and opens the front door, but Stefan is standing in the doorway. She screamed loudly causing Kiara to scrunch up her nose in discomfort while following Klaus and Rudy's owner up to Frypan lady.

"I love it when they run!"Klaus exclaimed with a wicked grin on his face, causing Kaia to hit her forehead with the palm of her head and breath out in frustration.

Frypan lady shakily confessed, looking close to tears and giving up "He's in Toll. It's near the border. A bar called Southern Comfort. It's on Highway 41."

"Thank you, my love."Klaus said, touching the first woman's hair before looking her in the eye and rhetorically asking "Now, may my friend come in?"

"Yes."Rudy's owner says, not even attempting to hide her crying.

Kiara, not wanting to stay and find out what happens next, pushed past the girls and Klaus before making her way towards where they had parked the car.

Kiara get into the car as Klaus did too.

They heard the women screams and Klaus and Kol smiled.

Nico tells his sister"I got a text from Will. He went to see his half sister Alice and his step father Richard. He spent the summer with them in New York. I think it was his way of not thinking about breaking up with you. And Annabeth went to visit her half siblings at Camp Half Blood. She missed them."

"I'm happy for him."Kiara smiled.

"He sent me pictures of his baby sister. She two years old. She's so cute."Nico told her.

"Show me."Kiara says and Nico showed the pictures of Alice on her phone that Will had sent to her.

Kiara then said "You're right. She so cute."

Then seconds later, Stefan get into the car.

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