My Brother's Keeper Part One

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The next day, at the Levesque Mansion, Kiara was flipping pages of a grimoire in her room when Annabeth came to see her.

Annabeth was wearing a sweater with a leather jacket, a jean and some boots.

Kiara was wearing a sweater with a jean jacket, a pant and some boots.

"Come on, it's a new day. Stop moping around, reading a grimoire. Anyway, Miss Mystic Falls is today and since you attended it to the last one, you have to come."Annabeth sighed.

"I was already going to come. "Kiara said.

Annabeth nodded.

Later on, outside the Lockwood Mansion, Kiara and Annabeth narrowed their eyes as they watched the workers place flower arrangements down, Caroline besides them as they returned after their long boring chat with Elena.

The blonde vampire's eyes widened as she watched the girls and says "Woah, woah, woah, stop, stop! Those flowers go in the back as indicated by the floral chart that you guys had plenty of time to memorize."

The girls rolled their eyes as the blonde scowled at them.

Kiara watched them walked away with a sarcastic smile, saying "Yeah. Fuck you too."

Kiara looked back down at her clipboard as she reviewed what else she had to do when Annabeth nudged her, Kiara's head lifted only to find a smirking Klaus coming her way.

"Go away. I'm busy." Kiara dismissed him before he even got a word in edgeways.

"What? Can't I come visit my girl?" Klaus says as he stood in front her with a pout.

"No. You can't, like I said, I'm busy."Kiara told him, tilting her head with a false smile.

"Ouch. I was wondering what time I should pick you up tomorrow." Klaus hummed, grabbing her hand and pulling her body to flush to his.

"How about a quarter to never?Kiara joked.

"Stop with the teasing, Love. Besides, you were the one to tell me we should have another date sometimes after our first one. Well, here is your chance."Klaus told her.

"Just meet me here, around two. Black tie optional. And I already have a dress, so don't even think of getting me so much as a corsage, you understand?" Kiara gave in as she pointed at him.

Klaus looked down submissively and nodded.

"I'll see you, later?" Klaus then smiled.

"Yeah. Be careful, okay?" Kiara told them, nodding.

Klaus grinned, swiftly placing a kiss on her cheek before speeding away.

"I thought you were supposed to go with me."Annabethe frowned.

"I can't say no to that face." Kiara teased with a beaming smile.

"What about you, are you going with Kol?" She then asked.

"Obviously."Annabeth said.

Meanwhile, at an abandoned barn, a hybrid named Kimberley was chained up in the barn. Hayley stands nearby and watches her. Kimberley runs into the barn wall and breaks a few boards.

"Scream. Let it out. We're at an abandoned farm. No one can hear you for miles."Hayley says.

"Easy for you to say, wolf girl. You never turned twenty times in a row." Kimberley scoffed.

"No, but I have watched a bunch of your hybrid friends go through it."Hayley stated.

Kimberley falls to the ground, yelling in pain "Why's it have to be like this? Why break every bone over and over?"

"That's what the sire bond is. You're grateful to Klaus because he released you from the pain of having to turn every full moon. So, you're gonna keep turning until it doesn't hurt and you'll have nothing to be grateful for."Hayley explained.

"What's in all of this for you?" Kimberley asked.

Hayley doesn't answer the question, she just said instead " I don't hear bones cracking."

Tyler walked into the barn. Hayley turns around and looks at him.

"We have another day. Klaus and Kiara are apparently going to Miss Mystic Falls tomorrow." Tyler explained.

"So, does that mean we're going?"Hayley asked.

"Watching Klaus fawn over Kiara at some lame-ass pageant? No, thanks." Tyler scoffed.

"Oh, come on!"Hayley told him.

Kimberley's bones start to break. The two glance over at her, but continue their conversation.

"We need to hide what's going on here by pretending that I was the one that broke you two up. And besides, isn't it at your house?"Hayley reminded.

Tyler rolls his eyes. Kimberley is still screaming in pain and looks at the two of them and Kimberley groaned "Guys, like this isn't torture enough?! Can you take it outside?!"

Hayley looks at Tyler and bats her eyes.

"Fine, we'll go. Wear a dress." Tyler finally agreed.

Hayley smiled. Tyler walks out of the barn. Hayley turns around with a grin on her face.

The next day, at the Lockwood Mansion, Caroline and Elena both sat in one of the rooms helping April get ready for the pageant when Kiara and Annabeth walked in.

Annabeth was wearing a purple dress with some heels.

Kiara was wearing a dark blue dress with some heels.

April held two dresses in her hand. One blue, one red.

"Blue." The girls told April.

"Really? The blue seems a little safe." April frowned.

"Safe is good when it comes to the judges." Elena told her.

"She's right. Gracie Lockwood had a three-foot slit her year and practically got laughed off the court." Caroline chuckled.

Damon walked into the room, saying "She got my vote."

"Go away."Annabeth said.

" Get out, lurker!" Caroline shouted, throwing a shoe at the Salvatore.

"Ouch." Damon muttered with a sarcastic smile.

"Where's Professor Shane?" Damon asked.

"Check the judges' table."Kiara said, secretly siphoning magic from her necklace before she raised her hand, her magic beginning to push the door shut on the Salvatore.

" Red one, definitely."Damon smirked as he slid between the small gap of the door, wincing as the effect of the magic caused it to slam behind him.

"Leave."Annabeth told him.

"We've already agreed that the red one is a little bit too showy." Caroline stated.

Damon rolled his eyes, saying "It's a pageant. That's the whole point."

"I'm sorry, but I don't recall of you winning Miss Mystic Falls."Kiara scoffed.

"Elena didn't won and she wore blue."Damon retorted, narrowing his eyes at the witch.

"Did I ask what dress Elena wore? No, I don't think I did."Kiara snapped.

"Nobody cares what you think, Damon." Caroline added.

"I care." April told them.

"No, you don't. Damon is seriously the last person you want to be asking for fashion advice."Annabeth says, shaking her head.

"But..." April trailed.

"See? April cares. Red, right, Elena?"Damon smirked smugly, interrupting the young girl.

The doppelgänger gulped under his stare as she glanced over at April again before she says "The red is pretty."

"Shut up, Elena."Kiara says.

"And my work here is done."Damon grinned before walking out of the room, Caroline dropped her hands to her side in shock.

"Fuck, I hate him."Kiara mumbled.

"Uh, what happened to thirty seconds ago when you hated the red one? What happened to safe is good?" Caroline frowned, looking over at the doppelgänger.

"Whichever one you want to wear, April." Elena says, shaking her head as Kiara stared at her quizzically.

"Huh."Kiara huffed in suspicion as she watched Elena exit the room.

"What just happened?"Annabeth asked.

"I have no fucking idea. I'm gonna go find Nik."Kiara said, glancing up at the clock.

At the Mikaelson Mansion, Elijah, Kol and Klaus were preparing for the pageant.

"Rules before we go: no compelling anyone. No wreaking havoc." Elijah told them.

"Define 'wearing havoc'."Kol said.

"Do not do anything rash, Kol. " Elijah told him.

"I'm always a good little boy, Elijah." Kol mocked.

"Best behaviour." Elijah says.

"Okay, fine. I will behave." Kol sighed.

"Let's go."Klaus says.

Then, they all left the house to go at the Lockwood Mansion.

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