Telling About The Soulmates Bonds

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A few days later, Kiara had a dream vision where she saw that her mate was the Original Hybrid Klaus, she saw that her brother was meant to be with the Original sister Rebekah and how Annabeth was meant to be with The Original Kol .

Kiara was in shock.

Later that day, she met with Annabeth, Nico, Will and Jason in a cafe called the Java Brew.

Kiara was wearing a sweater with a black jacket, a pant and some boots.

Annabeth was wearing a floral dress with a jacket and some boots.

"So what did you want to tell us?"Will asked.

"I had a dream vision about the originals last night. More like seeing the future of fated ones." Kiara said.

"What did you see?" Will asked.

"It appear that I am mated to the Original Hybrid Klaus and I saw Nic is meant to be with the Original sister Rebekah and Alli is meant to be the Original Tribrid Kol."Kiara told him.

"What? You're kidding?" Jason asked.

"I'm sorry and no, I'm not kidding. I didn't know how to tell you." Kiara apologized.

"Well, you tell us and it's not the end of the world."Nico told her with a smile.

"Why didn't you tell me sooner?" Will asked.

"I was afraid to lose you. Look, you're the only guy I have ever loved and I didn't want to lose that. I mean you know that how I am afraid to lose people, and since you're the only guy I ever loved, more so with you. You always knew I was afraid to lose people."Kiara explained.

"You're not going to lose me. I won't break up with you. I love you. It doesn't change anything." Will said as he kissed her. Kiara smiled and kissed back.

"Please, not in front of me. It's gross." Nico groaned.

"Well, it is gross when you and Lee were all kissing all the time."Kiara says making Will laugh.

"I can't believe they almost killed your family."Jason said.

"I want them to pay."Kiara said.

"I will help."Will told her.

"Me too. They can't get away with it."Jason agreed.

"We will all help." Annabeth said.

"I used my mist abilities alter their memories so they doesn't know who we are so we can play them."Kiara smirked.

"I love your mist abilities, Kie."Nico smiled.

Jason then tells Kiara "I never got to thank you for bringing me back from the dead with your demigod powers, so thanks."

"You didn't have to. We're family. That is what family does when we care about one another."Kiara smiled.

"Besides if she didn't, she would never find out that she had that resurrecting power in her because she's a child of Hades."Annabeth pointed out.

"That's true."Kiara agreed.

They all laughed.

"I forgot to tell you guys Allison and Frank are coming for a visit."Annabeth told them.

"Can't believe they are dating each other. And are praetors to the Jupiter camp together."Nico commented.

"Well Allison is quite beautiful."Will remarked.

They laughed and Kiara's glaring. Clearly she was jealous.

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