We All Go a Little Mad Sometimes Part One

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The next day, Kiara and Klaus had returned to Mystic Falls with having a ride on Kiara's loyal hellhounds, Skie who shadow travelled them away. To thank the hellhound, she gave him doughnuts as she knew how much she love them. Now, Kol, Annabeth, Kiara and Klaus made their way into the Lockwood residence where Tyler, Hayley and their hybrid friend, Chris, were drinking.

Annabeth was wearing a red sweater with a leather jacket, a pant and some boots.

Kiara was wearing a blue sweater with a leather jacket, a pant and some boots.

"You're still going? I drank enough last night and then I slept, which is what you guys should have done." Tyler questioned, raising his eyebrows as he glanced at the duo.

Chris raised his short glass with a shrug, saying "We're just paying our respects to Dean."

Tyler cocked his head aside as he looked over at them before he told Chris "That's great, Chris, but could you pay them at a bar instead?"

"Don't be mad. We're celebrating our fallen hybrid friend."Hayley drawled out with a smirk before giving his shot for him to drink. She wipes her thumb across his bottom lip and sticks her thumb in her mouth.

"Well, don't let us interrupt." Kol teased as he, his brother, Kiara and Valerie walked into the room.

"I didn't know you were here." Tyler spoke with a frown.

"Clearly. We just popped round to celebrate Dean's successful retrieval of the vampire hunter. Yet when we arrived, I learnt that not only was Dean unsuccessful, but that Elena killed the hunter." Klaus stated with a sarcastic smile as he brought his whiskey bottle to his lips.

"Well, maybe if you had let Dean use force on Connor instead of sending him in on a suicide mission."Hayley snapped, glaring at the hybrid.

"Hayley."Annabeth scolded.

"Mind your business, Hayley."Kiara warned, sending the wolf a pointed look.

Klaus chuckled as Hayley huffed in defeat.

"What do you care if Connor's dead anyway?" Tyler questioned.

"I have my reasons. They've ceased to matter. Cheers." Klaus says as he raised his bottle before taking a long sip.

Klaus slung his arm over Kiara's shoulder, holding out the bottle of whiskey to her. Kiara shook her head with a frown, pushing the bottle away. Klaus looked down at her curiously before brushing it off just as Caroline came storming into the Lockwood residence with a box of stuff in her arms.

"I brought your stuff. Old laptop, your jersey, the charm bracelet." Caroline rushed out, looking down at the box as she refused to meet Tyler's eyes.

"Care, this isn't a good time." Tyler snapped, shoving the box into the hybrid's eyes.

Annabeth, Klaus and Kol followed after Kiara as she made her over to Caroline and Caroline looked up at Kiara through teary eyes, she smirked.

"Why did I ever did to you?" Caroline asked.

"It what you did to us, almost murdering me and my family several times to get back at me. Because of your friends."Kiara stated.

"All right, come on, let's go. Let's leave them alone. Your talents are needed elsewhere." Klaus ordered the others.

"For what?" Tyler frowned.

"I think you've got more important things to deal with, mate." Klaus smirked, gesturing to Caroline and Hayley.

"Let's go. I can't be here anymore."Kiara says as she, Annabeth and the Original twins slipped out of the door.

Later, Stefan spoke through the phone as Klaus and Kiara strolled through the neighbourhood hand in hand " I don't want to talk about it."

"Well, I can't imagine why, what with you ruining all my plans for a hybrid filled future." Klaus replied, Kiara rolled her eyes at his words.

"Well, it wouldn't have happened, if you hadn't sworn me to secrecy." Stefan retorted.

"Well, life's full of ifs, Stefan. But let's accentuate the positives, shall we? The hunter was one of Five; we'll find another. It may take centuries, but we've got nothing but time, right?" Klaus voiced, gripping tightly onto Kiara's hand as thoughts plagued his mind.

"You're using your calm voice today. Who's getting killed?" Stefan remarked, suddenly becoming tense.

Kiara snorted, how cute, Stefan knew what mood Klaus was in just by talking.

"Not you, if that's what you're worried about. But I am concerned about your beloved. Have the hallucinations started yet?" Klaus mocked with a large smirk.

"What do you know about that?" Stefan questioned.

"I'll tell you. Where are you?" Klaus inquired as he and Kiara neared the Gilbert House.

"I'm at her house." Stefan replied, with furrowed brows.

"How convenient, so am I." Klaus smiled, hanging up the phone before he knocked on the door.

Stefan opened the door, his eyes flickered between Klaus and Kiara who held wide grins on theirs faces. The Salvatore sauntered past the pair, walking further into the garden.

"You know, this would all be a lot more civilized if I was just invited inside." Klaus remarked.

"It's bad enough I'm out here talking to you. What do you know?" Stefan scoffed.

"Klaus and Kol killed the original five hunters, remember?" Kiara says, rolling her eyes.

"When one kills a hunter, there's a bit of a consequence." Klaus revealed.

"What kind of consequence?" Stefan asked.

"The hunters were created by witches to kill vampires. Meaning if you stop one from from fulfilling his destiny then he'll take you down with him." Kiara explained to the vampire as she took a seat on the front steps of the Gilbert House.

"What do you mean? Connor's dead." Stefan asked in confusion.

Kiara rolled her eyes, saying "I means , Connor's death will haunt the doppelbitch to the point of suicide, therefore making her his last vampire kill."

"She'll need to come with us now. I'll lock her up, keep her away from any sharp wooden objects." Klaus added.

"She's not going anywhere with you two." Stefan disagreed.

"If we leave her alone, she'll take her own life before the day is out." Klaus stated.

Kiara asked, rolling her eyes "Did you ever think of just letting her and all your problems would go away? She's basically the main reason everything has happened."

Before Stefan could say anything to defend Elena, they hear the front door slam opened to reveal a very panicked and frightened brunette vampire on the front porch.

"Elena!" Damon yelled as the doppelgänger ran out of the house, stopping abruptly as she caught sight of Stefan, Klaus and Kiara, Klaus gripped onto Kiara's waist before latching onto the brunette's arm, rushing the two girls away from the house, giving Stefan and Damon no time to react.

Chris, one of Klaus hybrids, opened the door to the room or dungeon where Elena was going to be held. Kiara chirpily followed after Klaus with a struggling doppelgänger in her grasp.

"Let go of me!" Elena sneered.

"My pleasure."Kiara smirked, roughly shoving the brunette further into the room.

" I apologize for the lack of windows; it's to preserve the art. And of course to prevent you from taking off your daylight ring and burning yourself to death in the sun." Klaus smiled as he waved his hand across one of the painting.

"I'm not gonna kill myself. I would never do that." Elena rolled her eyes, denying it.

"Oh, but you'll want to. I did. Problem is, I'm immortal." Klaus told her firmly.

Kiara's eyes snapped to his in shock, he never told her this part.

"You went through this?" Elena asked quietly, curiosity getting the better of her.

" Yes, I did. Both Kol and I did. For fifty-two years, four months, and nine days. We were tormented, in our dreams, our every waking moment, relentless, never-ending torture. It was the only period of our life when we actually felt time." Klaus says, nodding.

Elena watched him in confusion as she says to him "So, you knew that this would happen if Connor died? That's why you got involved. Did Stefan know too?"

"All he knew was that the hunter had to be kept alive. You should have listened to him when he said he had it covered, love." Klaus informed her.

"What else does Stefan know?" Elena demanded earning an eyeball from the Levesque girl.

"Stop talking. You have no fucking right to be angry with Stefan no matter how much I hate him for not telling you shit, as much as I hate it, he's doing this for you, got it? So shut up, and try not to kill yourself or do, I couldn't really care less. You are nothing to me." Kiara mumbled, she knew that Elena was pissed at Stefan for being secretive but what the doppelgänger didn't realise that this was all for her, as fucking always.

Klaus pursed his lips, amusement flashing through his eyes as he began to stir the gold eyed girl out the room when Elena spoke up.

"How did you make it stop?" Elena asked.

"I didn't. Eventually it just stopped. The hallucinations tend to appear in strange forms. Don't say I didn't warn you." Klaus admitted, a smirk laced his lips as he knocked on the door. Chris opening it not a second later.

Klaus and Kiara walked out of the room.

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