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The scene begins in the ominous and dimly lit laboratory of Shang Tsung, the scheming sorcerer of Outworld. Skarlet, heavily pregnant and clearly in labor, lies on a makeshift bed, pain etching her face as she clutches the sheets tightly. Shang Tsung, known for his dark arts and malevolent intentions, stands by her side, his demeanor calm and calculating.

He observes her closely as she labors, his eyes fixed on the child she is about to bring into the world.

Shang Tsung: Push.

Shang Tsung commands in his gravelly voice, his tone stern yet strangely devoid of malice. Skarlet complies, her face contorted with pain as she puts all her effort into giving birth.

The room is filled with the sounds of Skarlet's labored breaths and soft grunts as she pushes with increasing intensity. Sweat beads on her brow, and her knuckles turn white as she grips the sheets tighter. Meanwhile, a single window allows a sliver of dusty light to pierce through, casting an eerie glow over the scene. It's as if the very atmosphere in the room is laden with anticipation for the imminent arrival of the child. Finally, with one last, guttural cry, Skarlet's labor ends, and the sound of a newborn's first cry fills the lab. Shang Tsung's lips curl into a sly smile as he gazes at the baby with a mix of satisfaction and curiosity.

Shang Tsung: A healthy boy.

He remarks, his eyes fixed on the squirming infant in Skarlet's arms. He approaches the bed, a mixture of intrigue and malevolence in his gaze.

After the baby's birth, several of Shang Tsung's loyal minions enter the room. They swiftly approach the bed, their movements efficient and practiced. They gently take the newborn from Skarlet's arms and start cleaning the baby with warm, damp cloths. The minions' expressions remain emotionless, their eyes devoid of compassion as they methodically tend to the child. As the baby is cleaned, the minions wrap him in a soft blanket, their hands moving with precision. The room becomes quieter as the weight of the moment sinks in. The child, now swaddled and peaceful, remains blissfully unaware of the treacherous world and powerful figures who surround him.

Skarlet, still exhausted from labor, holds her newborn son in her arms, a mixture of weariness and intense maternal love in her eyes. Shang Tsung glances at her, his expression betraying a hint of amusement.

Shang Tsung: Take good care of him. He's your responsibility now.

He states, his voice holding an undertone of veiled indifference. Skarlet nods silently, her focus completely on the infant in her arms as she cradles him protectively.

As Skarlet holds her newborn son close, a fierce determination ignites in her eyes. She may be physically exhausted, but her motherly instincts are sharp and strong. She gazes down at the baby, her heart filled with an unparalleled love that only a mother can understand. The room is quieter now, the only sound being the soft, steady breathing of the newborn and Skarlet's own weary exhalations. Outside, the distant clamor and noise of Outworld seem distant and unimportant compared to the bond that has just been formed between mother and son. Skarlet cradles the newborn, her eyes not leaving his face for a second. She slowly rocks him in her arms, a soothing gesture that seems to calm both mother and child. Despite her exhaustion, a weary yet radiant smile forms on her lips as she gazes at her child. In this moment, Skarlet is acutely aware of the enormity of her responsibility and the love she now bears. She is no longer just an assassin or a warrior in Outworld; she is now a mother, and the role of protecting and nurturing her son has become the focal point of her existence.

The quiet ambience in the room is suddenly interrupted as the imposing figure of Shao Kahn, the undisputed ruler of Outworld, strides into the chamber.

His powerful presence commands immediate attention, and the energy in the room shifts abruptly. Shao Kahn's eyes fall upon Skarlet and the newborn in her arms, a mix of curiosity and calculation in his gaze. He approaches the bed, his steps slow and deliberate, casting a long shadow across the room.

As Shao Kahn approaches, Skarlet can't help but smile up at him, her exhaustion momentarily forgotten. Despite his fearsome reputation as the ruthless ruler of Outworld, there is a deep sense of affection between them.

Skarlet: Father, you came.

Shao Kahn nods, his expression softening slightly as he gazes at his daughter and grandson. He comes to a halt beside the bed, towering over them as he looks down at the tiny bundle in Skarlet's arms.

Shao Kahn: You have done well, my daughter. A healthy boy.

Skarlet's smile widens, proudly gazing down at her baby as her father's praise fills her with a sense of accomplishment. She cradles the child closer, her protective instincts flaring.

Shao Kahn: What will you name him?

He asks, his tone commanding yet tinged with a hint of paternal curiosity. He reaches out, carefully running a finger over the baby's soft cheek.

Skarlet considers for a moment, her eyes never leaving her son's face. She had contemplated names for her child, knowing the weight of the decision. Finally, she looks up at her father, her voice firm yet filled with affection.

Skarlet: Y/N. His name will be Y/N.

Shao Kahn nods, his eyes still on the child. There is a subtle flicker of approval in his gaze, acknowledging the choice.

Shao Kahn: Y/N. A strong name for a future warrior of Outworld.

Skarlet agrees silently, her heart swelling with pride and love. She holds Y/N tightly, a protective embrace that speaks volumes. Despite the harsh realities of Outworld and the expectations that come with being Shao Kahn's daughter, she is determined to raise her son to be strong and honorable. As Shao Kahn's gaze lingers on the boy, a slight smile plays on his lips. In his mind, he already begins to imagine the child's future, thinking of potential alliances and how Y/N's existence could benefit Outworld in the years to come.

Shang Tsung, who has observed the interaction silently, speaks up, interrupting the soft moment.

Shang Tsung: If I may, my lord. I would like to perform a scan on the infant.

Shao Kahn narrows his eyes, his attention shifting to Shang Tsung. He nods, indicating his permission for the sorcerer to proceed. Shang Tsung steps forward, his gaze falling on the sleeping baby. He lifts a hand, his fingers dancing in the air as he casts a spell. A soft glow emanates from his fingertips, and the room fills with an otherworldly energy. The energy converges on the baby, enveloping him slowly. Skarlet looks a bit concerned, but she doesn't protest, trusting her father's judgment and Shang Tsung's capabilities. The room grows eerily quiet as the spell works. Finally, the spell ceases, and the glowing energy dissipates. Shang Tsung withdraws his hand, a contemplative expression on his face as he gazes at the infant.

Shang Tsung: Well this is fascinating... he has your blood magic already skarlet. You should be proud.

Skarlet, still clinging to her son, looks quizzically at Shang Tsung. A mix of surprise and curiosity crosses her face as she absorbs the sorcerer's words.

Skarlet: My blood magic? He's only hours old. How is it possible?

Shang Tsung smiles slyly, enjoying the moment. He seems pleased with the results of the scan.

Shang Tsung: It appears your son inherited more than just your physical traits. His blood magic is already present and strong. It's not often that we witness such a case.

Shao Kahn's eyes narrow, the revelation clearly piquing his interest. He casts a glance at Skarlet, then back at Shang Tsung, contemplating the implications of this discovery.

Shang Tsung: This child has great potential, my lord. With proper guidance and training, he could become a formidable force in Outworld.

He adds, addressing Shao Kahn directly. The room is filled with a tense anticipation, the future of this infant suddenly weighing heavily on everyone present. Skarlet's grip on her son tightens, her protective instincts heightened by the turn of events. She looks from Shang Tsung to her father, a mixture of trepidation and surprise etched on her face. The weight of her son's inherited powers begins to sink in, and she realizes the responsibility she bears in guiding and protecting Y/N. The baby, blissfully unaware of the conversation happening around him, continues to coo softly in his sleep. The room is temporarily silenced by his innocent sounds, a momentary distraction from the seriousness of the discussion at hand. Skarlet's gaze shifts back to her son, her expression softening at the sight of his peaceful sleep. Despite the revelations about his powers, she can't help but be captivated by his innocence and the way he relies on her for everything.

Skarlet's chuckle, laced with a hint of sinister satisfaction, disrupts the momentary calm. She looks up at Shao Kahn and Shang Tsung, a newfound determination gleaming in her eyes.

Skarlet: He'll be a force to be reckoned with. And I'll make sure of it.

Shao Kahn regards his daughter, a smirk playing on his lips. He understands the fierce maternal instinct that burns within her and approves of her protective stance.

Shao Kahn: You have my blessing, daughter. Train him well.

Skarlet nods in assent, confidence radiating from her. She cradles Y/N closer, a sense of purpose now driving her every decision. The baby in her arms remains oblivious to the world of expectations and destiny that now surrounds him.

To be continued....

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