It Wasn't You

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So long time no see my children I'm so sorry for not being their for a long time but I'm back so I hope you enjoy this lovely chapter.


"But mom please don't leave!" Celia cried.

Her mother sat by a nearby bench blood dripping down her forehead life slipping away from her.

"You have to kill me that's the only way they will stop following you for now, your too strong if you kill me your power will turn impure and you'll be able to come back"She handed Celia a sharp sword.

She stabbed her,A god had been slayed by it's own fallen child.

A disgrace is born for all the other god's in the Heaveans.

~end of Flashback~

"Are you finally disgusted of me?"
Celia turned to look the other way.

"Why would I be disgusted by you? It wasn't your fault I have to tell you what really happened you can't live with the guilt forever and it wasn't even your fault."Romeo sighed.

"I'm the God of war and disaster my name is Yuki Romett"He said seriously.

"And you just had to come up with one of these bunker secrets... Life hates me"Celia looked at him.

"Well to start off 1,000 years ago in the after world known as the Land Of The Gods a baby was born she was named Enpazia (Een-pa-Z-ya) the Godess of fourtune and Peace, later on the Godess grew to love everything about the humans and their ways she was also gratefull to a little boy her age whom had given her life by his wish when he was only born his name was
Fernando.The Godess watched carefully over the growing boy and and she herself was growing to be a beautiful lady,Fernando then wished he would meet the Godess Enpazia not knowing she was born of his on wish at birth, Enpazia made his wish come true and they spoke a little about her origin until he discoverd later on she was his own wish.

Enpazia turned 115 a age where she could start taking more wishes she then became a world famous Godess and turned into one of the Heavean's godesses, Fernando and Enpazia kept growing closer to eachother until their realtion was Master and Servant strong bonds were between them and they then fell in love.

The Heaven's found out about Fernando's ties with Enpazia and tried to cut them but their tries were failed they kept the Godess locked until she was 200, 5 years had passes since the last time she had seen Fernando but suprisingly he never forget about the godess one day Enpazia ended up being pregnant the Heaven's decided to let her have the child since there wasn't many God's at the time,The child was born the same day disgrace was born the God of War Jellal, had a child his name name was Yuki Romett.

Enpazia and Jellal had hatred for eachother since they were complete oppisites. The two children grew as friends eventually they grew to 112 years old but Enpazia and Jellal seperated them erassing any of their memories of eachother.Vuki (Viu-key) Enpazia's child was cursed turning her into a Fallen child taking away half her power,Jellal commanded his followers to kill the Godess Enpazia but in the process she didn't die but ended injured Enpazia commanded her Daughter to kill her so that she would be able to revive as a human being.

Amor's power became clean but one flaw she would remain Fallen forever until she found her father's key, The child was born 1,000 years later into a family Mrs.Hearts gave herself to give birth to the revived child but soon after died, Elliot was born into the same family before hand he was one of Enpazia's loyal followers but he never learned his true identity as his position, Mr.Hearts soon after discoverd his wife's conection with a Godess whom had been Enpazia and decided to take care of both children as his, The God of War and The Godess of destruction wanted their son to kill the newborn child he was sent into a normal human home, both children grew up on earth one being blind and the other knowing what he had come for, but when the two souls met he couldn't put himself to kill such beauty and more when she hadn't known the truth."Romeo ended.

Celia was speechless she was a god before? And now she was human?

"You're not kidding right?"Asked Celia.

"I might have my silly side but this is no joke"Romeo said seriously.

"So my mom she died?"Asked Celia.

"Not exactly She's alive but you have to find her where your father has gone, but it's been years so I don't even know how that'll work"said Romeo.

"You were trying to kill me"Celia poker faced.

"I'm sorry ok! It was father!"Romeo sighed.

"I understand but why would he want to kill me?"asked Celia.

"After your mother died she gave you half of your lost power you are the god of Love and Balance and that's why when you became human you ended up blind the power transfer took to long and now you have a side effect until you find your strong point"said Romeo.

"This is just messed up I wanted to have a nice sleep over and all this is way over my head!"Celia screamed.

"Calm down will 'ya?"Romeo said,covering his ears.

Celia flushed bright pink,"sorry"

"One thing I want you to know though"Romeo said nervously.

"What is it?"Asked Celia.

"I want you to know that what ever happens I'll still love you no matter what"Romeo played with his fingers.

Celia was stuck, he's confessing?!

"But why would you love a blind person?"Celia asked.

"Don't be silly you are perfect the way you are blind or not it dosen't matter to me at all" Romeo smiled.

Celia was nervous,what do I say?!

"I-I love you to"she said.

Romeo's eyes widened,"really?!"

"Yeah"Said Celia.

Romeo got closer to the girl brushing her bangs away from her flushed cheeks his turned bright red his heart racing faster then any other day.

Celia didn't know what was going on but her heart was racing faster and faster and it would eventually pop if she didn't know what was happening.

Romeo brushed her lips with his thumb they were just as soft or even softer than he had imagined this was going to be his first one.

In a second it was all so fast his lips crashed onto hers softly she kissed back it was so sweet but when they pulled back for air it didn't end there they kissed again this time more despratly as if they were eachothers air to continue living.

"I love you"He whisperd.

"I love you too"She whisperd back.


So that happened Wow.... I didn't think I could write like this... I guess my writing skill is getting better so if any of you have watched noragami it was kinda like an inspiration to twist things a bit but I'm WARNING YOU: this story might not end the way you imagine it to end there might even be a death who you ask? Well you'll have to read to find out.

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