The God Of War, Father

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Here it is children!the moment I've been waiting for! And I guess you too but...I want to tell you there will be too much in this!so be ready for what's coming 'cuase next chapter won't be too joy filled.

Third P.O.V

Celia's heartbeat was slow and study her mind was in a balck hole it was all so cold.

But things were starting to get warmer more than ever.

Romeo looked at his father a tear rolling down from his eye... It was dark.

The man laughed and suddenly took a diffrent appearance,His hair was a dark color almost purple, he wore a combat suit a huge balck sword in his hands.

Romeo summoned two swords sharp and thin cloth wrapped at the handels of each.

"I've been waiting so long to see you again dear Yuki"The man smiled insanely.

"You've taken something precious to me infront of my shall payed now"Romeo looked at him,puré hatred in his eyes.

"I see you have forgotten that If I die I might take you with me but I'd acutally revive you can only revive of the council wants you back"The man answerd.

Romeo was disgusted,"you bastard"
(No offense to anyone /(・ × ・)\)

The man smiled widely,"I love THAT tone"

Romeo charged towards the man his hatered taking over ,their swords clashed once,twice,and for a third time.

They both charged with the same attack facing eachother in a dangerously close space.

Yukino layed on the floor lifeless her breath shallow each scar the man got was a death line for her.

Ethan was wide eyed he couldn't belive such person could have betrayed them and all he could do was watch how this was going to end.

Klaren was shakeing Yukino but failed to bring the girl back to concious,She sobed lightly.

Celia's hand reached towards the air trying to stop what was going on but it was all so impossible.

"You have the wrong inspiration to fight, dear son you should try to do better don't you think?"The man said.

Romeo looked at him with such hatred that could burn anything in its way,"my inspiration is none of your buisness old man"

He pushed the man away with a hard kick in the chest, the man hit the wall a loud crash was heard he bounced off the wall and took a stance to attack Romeo right off the bat.

The mans sword was inches away from Romeos neck he was pushed against the wall tired out.

"It is my buisness you are my son and you should do what I command the bad thing is your a stubborn child just as your mother"The man snickerd.

Romeo's eyes went furious,"it's your fault she turned against the Heavens she loved you all you ever did was give her hell and now she is the Mother of dark herself"

"Please, she chose to do what she did no one told her to do it and one thing she had clear from the begining, I can't love people"The Man said darkly.

"Whar about the human that wished for you to exist?"Romeo dared to ask.

The Man's eyes widened but turned Dull afterwards,"don't even go there"

Romeo held up his sword,"all you've ever done is care about THAT human and I'm taking care of a human that I've fallen in love with people like you can never understand that because your ego is at the top of what is visible and you know that but never except it!AND IT WAS YOUR FAULT MOTHER LEFT IT WAS ALL YOU!" Romeo's eyes turned into clear slits, revenge clearing in.

"I'M GOING TO END YOU EVEN IF IT MEANS I GO WITH YOU TOO!" Romeo cried out tears slipping down his cheeks.

The thin sword traspassed the Man's chest right in his heart blood spilled everywhere.

Romeo sobbed loudly making his way to his father.

"I never meant to hurt you if I hadn't done this...your mother would've killed me already but I see I was going to die either way."The man spoke roughly.

Romeo sobbed lightly, the sword then turned into a 113 year old girl.

The girl came to Romeo and lifted him up softly.

The Man sighed,"such a pure soul you have there son promise me that when I come back you'll take care of me"

Romeo cried out a"I WILL!"

The man disappeard into thin air yellow lights appeard taking his existance away.

Romeo looked at the girl,"I'm sorry you had to do that Josi (jo-sh-ee)"

The girl now introduced as Josi smiled softly,"it's ok Master it was to give him a greater chance of changing while his revival process takes place"

"Thanks for understanding"Romeo sighed roughly.

"Romeo"Celia whisperd from the bed.

Romeo turned around quickly her voice was so hoarse,her skin was so pale just like a white sheet, he ran to her side and grabbed her hand it was so cold.

Celia smiled,"I guess it's my time there is so many things I acutally wanted to do with you"

Romeo payed close attention to her soft whispers.

Soon everyone was surrounding her.

Yukino was pale too but tried to stay put.

"I wanted to do lots of things with you guys like wreck a place apart"She tried to laugh but it came out as a rough cough.

Klaren had tears briming her eyelids.

"Don't cry I might be gone but hey if I come back by suprise lets hope I get to see you again!"She smiled Sweetly.

Romeo looked at her fondly a sad smile brought to his lips,"yeah but one thing I want you to know I LOVE you more than anything in this world if you ever come back I'll be there to see ya"

Celia smiled at him a sparkle still in her eyes.

"I LOVE you too Romeo"Celia whisperd.

Klaren sobbed louder in Ethan's chest.

Yukino stared out into space her heart aching more.

Romeo kissed Celia.

Celia then closed her eyes.

Yukino broke down until she couldn't take anymore.

A white light surrounded the whole entire place.

Things would ceartinly change forever.

To be continues

Well this is the first segment of the story second part will begin now trust me that Celia is acutally gone but ...who knows...maybe she isn't?
Hmm...well all I can say for now is that the second segment of the story will be quite confusing at first but then you'll understand after a while things will unfold and everything will be clear hope you enjoyed this first part.

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