Chapter 1

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Amiah (In her Mist disguise), Tox, Karlof and Kai, are all at the 'Slither Pit' just hanging around, be in a few of the fights, just overall enjoying their night, when Amiah pulls out three letters

"Here you three go, invitations read them" Amiah spoke

"Your are invited to Chen's island for the Tounament of Elements, you have special accommodations arranged by Mist, Master of Blood, and we hope to see you there.

Bring no weapons and meet at Ninjago docks at midnight in two nights time

Sincerely Master Chen" Kai wisphered so then only the four would hear it

"So this is the jod that activated code M" Karlof spoke

"Yes it is, and Kai Master Chen, he found Zane, he's on Chen's island, if any of you three win, I can bargain for Zane's freedom" Amiah spoke in a hushed voice

"What? Seriously you mean Zane's alive?" Kai asked in the same tone

"Yes" Amiah spoke

"So what are these special accommodations you arranged?" Tox asked

"You all will be on my private level for your rooms with no other competitors on the floor, you'll have special accommodations if any of you get out and looses and that's all I could get you guys, but I'm pretty sure I can convince Chen to let you guys keep your rooms, oh and make sure to win by any means necessary and if you guys have to plan for one of you to loose in the first round or the other rounds then do so" Amiah explained

"I'll go out the first round, Karlof can find out what's Chen is really plannimg" Karlof volunteered himself

"Alright, but be careful, yes you have special accommodations no matter what of you win or loose don't push it okay?" Amiah said sternly

"Karlof will be careful" Karlof replied

"And then we can figure the rest out later through out the tournament" Tox spoke

"Someone is approaching our table" Kai spoke as they all changed the subject quite swiftly, as

"Hey Kai, can I talk to you?" It was Llyod that approved them

"Hello Llyod, and ofcourse you can, guys that will be fine right?" Kai turned to his three friends

"Ofcourse it is Kai go talk to Llyod" Mist spoke

Kai nodded and had taken Llyod out back


"What do you want to talk about Llyod?" Kai asked

"I want to reform the team again, we need eachother, and it's time for us all to talk" Llyod spoke

"Why should we? Without Zane we aren't a team" Kai said

"But we can try, you know deep down you want to be a ninja, you'll know were to find me, tomorrow night at Chen's Noodles to talk" Llyod spoke as he left the establishment

Kai returned quickly to the three

"What did greenie want?" Tox asked

"He wants to bring the team back together, and he wants to meet at Chen's Noodles" Kai said

"Go and see what Llyod wants" Amiah spoke sternly "he might bring up good points, me Karlof and Tox can be on the other side if anything happens"

"Yes Karlof, Tox and Mist will look after you" Karlof spoke


"Hey Kai where's you invitation?" Cole asked "there were only three here"

"Yeah how come you don't have one?" Jay added on

"I already got mine, it was delivered to me yesterday" Kai said

"What why weren't you given yours with ours?" Llyod asked

"Not sure but I'll meet you all at the docks tomorrow, I have to sort some things out first" Kai said

"Alright buddy, let's get Zane back" Cole said voice filled with hope


The three ninja have already arrived at the docks

"Where's Kai, he said that he would meet us here?" Jay asked

"Maybe he's running late" Cole suggested

"Or he's just arriving with his other friends" Llyod spoke pointing at a group of four

Well more like Kai and two others are following a mysterious lady, whose wearing a some sort of skin tight suit with no sleeves

"She does know no weapons are allowed right?" Jay asked

"Let's just get on the boat we can talk to Kai on there" Llyod said, as the three of them walked towards the boat after a hooded figure walked on

"Master Chen will be pleased you accepted his invitation, a master of spinjitsu shall fare favourably in his tournament" Clouse spoke

"Hey, we are not here to fight, we are here to save a friend" Jay replied to Clouse

"Don't be so petty Master Jay" Clouse spoke as he grabbed Jay's nunchucks "Everyone had there reasons for participating in the tournament"

"Heh there chopsticks?" Jay tried to make an excuse but gulped when Clouse threw them onto the water

"Llyod! Wait if you go onto that boat you might never return!" Garmadon exclaimed as he approached the three ninja

"What are you doing here dad?" Llyod asked surprised

"Master Chen is a dangerous man, who should never be trusted, whatever he promised you do not believe him" Garmadon spoke sternly

"I have to go dad, this is about Zane, it's about family, if we're ever going to be whole again, I need to go on this ship" Llyod spoke

"Last call are you on or not?" Clouse spoke inpatient "I have four more people, one of great importance that still need to aboard" Clouse gestered to Kai, Tox, Karlof and Mist waiting behind them

"I can't stop you son, but I can join you" Garmadon spoke

"I'm sorry but there's no more room, after these three get on, and the other four gets onto here" Clouse spoke as Garmadon knocked down one of the workers

"No room?" Garmadon smirked as he got on

"It seems I missed calculated" Clouse spoke, as the three ninja got on board, the group of four approached

"Lady Mist, it's great to see you again, and these are your guests?" Clouse bowed to Mist "come aboard, Master Chen made sure an area of the boat is reserved for you and your guests"

"Hello Clouse it's good to see you again aswell, I will thank Master Chen for this gracious privilege he gives me and my guests" Mist replied

Clouse nodded letting the four on without any complaint that Mist has weapons on her

"Men, take the four to Lady Mist's special accommodation" Clouse commanded

"Yes sir" both men spoke "Lady Mist it would be a privilege to take you and your guests to your arranged area" the two men started to guide Kai, Tox, Karlof and Mist away to the other side of the ship in a remote area

"What why wasn't her weapons taken of her?" Jay complained

"Because whatever she did, this Mist, made a deal with Chen, and made Kai, and the others with them have special accommodations, we have to be careful, we can go find Kai and talk to him" Garmadon spoke in a stern tone

"He doesn't even seemed phased by the fact there are more elemental masters than us" Lloyd said "how did he know? And we didn't"

"Of you didn't realise Llyod, Kai's other friends came onto the boat meaning he knows because his friends are elemental masters" Garmadon explained

"Yeah that makes sense, but which elemental master is this Mist and why does Kai know her?" Cole spoke

Garmadon was in thought until his eye's widened "be careful of Lady Mist she is the elemental master of blood, I don't know why I didn't realise sooner, since she is a spitting image of her father"

"Hey guys!" Kai spoke as he approached them "sorry about not showing up with you guys, but Mist had already got me to agree to come with her, Tox and Karlof"

"Did you know there were more elemental masters and since when?" Jay asked

"And how do you know this Lady Mist person?" Cole added

"Well Mist is my childhood friend of mine, she told me about element masters after she mastered hers what was about when we were 10 or 13 I believe, I just thought Sensi Wu would have told you all" Kai answered

"We believed there were some things worth not knowing and I did not expect you to know the master of blood Kai, no one even knew the first master of blood, her father had children or not" Garmadon spoke, before Kai could answer a voice spoke

"I'm honestly not surprised the bastard kept me a secret" Mist spoke as she approached the ninja, she was significantly smaller than Kai by a few inches, the latter using her as an arm rest

"Oh god do not get started on your father please, I think me, Karlof and Tox have heard enough of the bastard" Kai exclaimed

"I won't just for you, anyways I came looking for you before Clouse could, because he will drag you back to our accommodations, why don't you bring your friends with us?" Mist suggested

"Yeah from what you've been telling me, that sounds like something Clouse would do, come on follow us" Kai spoke, as he and Amiah led the way to the other side of the boat were there were only two other people a female and male

"Ah Karlof welcome back Kai and Mist, who are those behind you?" Karlof asked

"Well this is Llyod the green ninja" Kai gestured to Llyod "Cole master of earth" he spoke pointing to Cole "Jay master of lightning" Kai poorly gestured to Jay :and this is Garmadon" Kai pointed to Garmadon

"Ninja this is Tox master of poisen and Karlof master of metal" Mist introduced them

"What happened to your father Mist?" Garmadon asked

"Not sure the bastard left in a rage after he found out I actually inherited his element he thought he made it impossible for me to" Amiah spoke "but the bastard left behind all his journals on the element and when I find him he is going to pay" she had quite a sadistic smile on her face

"Mist, I swear to god, I get that there are side effects for you master's of blood but come on hold it in" Tox spoke being a bit unnerved by it

"Oh I did it again, sorry about that, just hate that man to my guts anyways what brings you ninja to this tournament I already know why Kai is here, and my other guests" Mist spoke seemingly changing her mood fast

"Lady Mist we are arriving soon to the island, I see the ninja are here did you allow them in this area?" Clouse seemingly came out of nowhere

"Ah yes I did invite them Clouse only to get to know the competitors and thank you for the information Clouse" Mist spoke

"Ah yes, do not forget you have a lesson tonight" Clouse spoke as he dissapeared

"I won't Clouse, anyways why are you ninja here?" Mist repeated her question

"We're here to save a friend of ours, why are you here?" Llyod answered and questioned

"Easy Chen offered me personally a year ago to have a special role" Mist answered easily "and I am getting paid a huge amount of dough for it aswell as other things so I took the offer can't keep bothering Kai and staying at his place all the time"

"Oh you know I love having a small psycho around, wouldn't have it any other way" Kai smiled, as the three Mist, Karlof and Tox laughed at the inside joke

To say the two groups got along in a decent manner to atleast be aquintencies


As soon as they landed on the island, Mist had been guided away to another route whilst the other people on the boat, the ninja and Garmadon were led to the massive throne like room, Mist's guests Kai, Karlof and Tox were guided to the middle of the table what has quite nice seating the other elemental masters sat down, the ninja sat down next to Kai

"Welcome to the tournament of elements!" A man exclaimed flying down on a flying chair

All the participants unpainfully aware of the bright dark glowing red eyes watching from above

To Be Continued.......

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