Chapter 2: Life

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The gymnasium is covered in blue and white streamers. Paper mache balls hang from the ceiling. The same banners from the hallway also drape, only this time, there are tons of them. Tacky fish stickers sprinkle the floor, glowing neon under the dim blue lighting. A long food table holds pizza, nachos, punch bowls, and cake. The squad makes their way to it. Liz is in a smoky baby doll dress and platforms. Jimmy and Mike are in graphic t's and blazers. Kota is the fanciest of the bunch. The song Mr. Roboto circulates the gym room. Teachers patrol the sideline of the court, surveying students in flashy attire, puff dresses, pastel suits, and football jackets.   

The jock king bullies drinks from a squad of geeks. He invades their personal space with a menacing demeanor. The boys bail under pressure and forfeit their punch, speeding away. The douche is an evil version of prince charming. He and Kota lock eyes. His blue ones scowl from across the gym room. The big blonde guy steps toward Macy, a chocolate-haired, silver-eyed girl, and seizes her by the waist. Treating her as if she's an object to be claimed. Really?? That's a desperate move; the guy needs to chill. Kota eyes the jammed dance floor. Aware that the jerk is still watching him like a territorial lion.  

I get that they're dating, but he needs to switch it down a notch. Does he think I'm going to yank her away?? Although that is tempting. Macy is a peculiar beauty; her eyes alone draw people in. She's a cheerleader, the team captain, to be exact. It's as if being with a jock was written into her life coding. I'm still surprised that she likes me. I'm not the athletic type...or the macho type. Why is she into me?   

The crew scoops juice into red cups and lingers around the table with others. Liz watches teens break out the moonwalk, adding too much friction to the foot slide; the dance isn't seamless. The sprinkler is goofy and too forceful. The dancers appear in need of psychological assistance. The robot dance is embarrassing enough for a second-degree burn. "Eww..." She rips her gaze from the disastrous scene. "I'm counting the seconds." Liz sips her juice.  

"It's not that bad." Jimmy quarrels. "You can't possibly hate fun." 

"I don't hate fun. I just prefer small parties." 

"Are we going to see a different side of you tonight?" Kota smirks to one side. 

"Oh, guys won't recognize me." 

"Why not?" 

"I'm a party animal...but only when I'm comfortable with the crowd."

"Aww, was that a compliment?" Kota teases. 

"No, it wasn't." 

Mike nods. "Yeah, it was. You love being around us; that's why you're restless about tonight. Admit it." He beams. 

"I think someone's a teddy bear, all fluff on the inside." Kota singsongs.

"Shut up; I hate you guys," Liz grumbles. 

"Uh oh..." Jimmy sniggers. "We're on her bad side...for the hundredth time." 

"Sorry, we're just not used to you saying nice things." 

"Yeah...well, don't get used to it." 

Kota spots Macy gazing at him from across the room. Her curious pale eyes burn into his. The blue light highlights her slim face and tiny features. The girl's olive skin glows. The peach dress she wears contrasts well with her eyeshadow and pink cheeks. Whoa....she's so beautiful...too bad she's taken. Her boy toy blocks her from view like a colossal statue. The football player shoots another warning glare his way. He flexes the collar of his varsity jacket as a means of intimidation. 

"Don't start any drama, man." Jimmy moves to hide his friend from the jock's line of sight. "Unless you can fight."

"No, he's too smart to dumb himself down."

Kota is taken aback by her statement. "Oh wow, two compliments in one night. Is the world upside down??" His mouth hangs.

Her eyes hesitantly dart to the side. "I'm gonna go to the restroom." Liz blurts, taking off fast through the crowd.

Jimmy gawks after her. "No way..."

"What?" Mike cocks his head to the side.

"Liz is crushing on Mr. dreamboat here." Jim jabs a finger at Kota. "How did we count Liz out as if she's not a girl?"

"Maybe because she doesn't act like one...more like a Grinch."

"Or a negative Nancy," Kota adds.

" you're even more annoying." Jim scoffs. "You got the most difficult chick in your pocket, too. Show off."

"Maybe a little..." Kota confesses.

"A little??"

"You have another thing you do with your hair." Mike points to his luxurious mane.

"My what?"

"You do something extra to it, so it's super bouncy."

"'re reaching with that one! I just use shampoo."

Jimmy analyzes him. "And a conditioner."


"A secret native kind that makes you one with the wind."

"With herbs and shit in it." Mike seconds.

They have to be kidding! A secret native conditioner??? "You two are something else." Kota titters. "But I accept your envy." He remarks, drinking from his cup.

When Liz returns, the boys stand in an awkward silence, not wanting to address her being sweet on Kota. She looks between the three, skeptical of their quietness. "What are you guys up to?"


"Just chilling."

"Yeah, we're up to nothing," Kota adds swiftly.

"Sure...I totally buy that." Liz tightens her lips. "What were y'all talking about when I was gone?"


"So, none of you spoke a word; you just stood here like creeps."

Jimmy bobs his head up and down. "Yep, we were total creeps the whole time."

The current song fades out. Holy Diver by Dio blasts the speakers. This stirs up a rave in the crowd. All the teachers march over to the dance pit forming on the dance floor. The crowd grows in size rapidly. "Wow, they're actually playing a good song??" Liz is impressed.

"Wanna head bang? We can't be wallflowers." Kota suggests.

"Sure...but we're the only two with long hair." She pokes.

"There's no rule against us short haired people participating."

"Yeah, what he said!" Mike backs up Jim.

"Okay, let's go then." Kota gestures to the dance floor.

"I guess I can mingle with the goofies...." Liz huffs. The four place their cups down and join rowdy teens in the middle of the floor. The adults find it hard to deescalate the wild students, who hop and nod aggressively. Most give their best impression of the seizure dance. Mike and Jim break into crazed neck movements since they lack the long hair, while Liz and Kota head bang properly. "Race for the morning. You can hide in the sun till you see the light." She sings the track.

The other three join in, "Oh, we will pray it's all right!"

The crowd around shouts, "Gotta get away, get away!! Holy diver, yeah!!" The teachers throw ridiculing looks at the lot, covering their ears because of the hollering. "Got shiny diamonds like the eyes of a cat in the black and blue. Something's coming for you!!! Look out!! Race for the morning. You can hide in the sun till you see the light!!" The teens distort their voices as the singer does. Everyone jumps and rock their heads. Mike almost falls; Liz points him out and laughs. When the solo shreds through the speakers, the crew mimics air guitars, continuing their head jerks. "Gotta get away, get away!! Holy diver, yeah!!!" the youth bellows out the lyrics. 

The principal, a tall man, makes his way to the DJ; jabbing his finger. The music host leans to hear what the man is saying. The principal points to their numark mixer, stressing his words. The music cuts. "What? Seriously??!!" Liz throws her hands into the air.

"Students, please behave yourselves." The principal speaks into a microphone. "That behavior isn't allowed here. The DJ will play something slow."

"Aww!" All of the teens groan. The song, On The Wings Of Love, mellows out the rocker mood. The romantic piano and air strings stream through the gym.

Liz pushes her hair from her face. "Of course, something slow and safe. Gag." Kota swipes his hair to the side; she studies his hands as he does so. The softness in her eyes catches him off guard. Oh...are we having a moment? He freezes as the affectionate lyrics sound around them. A fluttering sensation vibrates his stomach. Liz's caramel eyes are so delicate. She focuses on him, blinking slowly. He notices her chest pumping faster than it was before.

"You are the sunshine that lights my heart within. I'm sure that you're an angel in disguise. Come, take my hand and together, we will rise." The lyrics of the track are sung with passion.

Liz's pale cheeks blotch red, she drops her gaze from his. "We can probably head out early..." She hurries towards the exit.

Kota is astounded. He stares ahead at where she just was, at the blank space. Did that just happen??? He turns to the guys, who are just as surprised as him. "You can't say no to her." Jimmy gapes. "You'll end up ten feet under without a trace."

"No...I think she'll do worse than that." Mike debates.

"It was the song, guys; it's all mushy and crap."

"No..." Jim disagrees. 

"Come on, let's get to the woods." Kota treks to the exit. It was the song. Liz wasn't being weird before. Well...maybe a little. She did say I was too smart to dumb myself down...that was new. I'm still processing that. I honestly think what just happened was because of the love song. If Liz wanted more than friendship, she would have said so by now. Right?

Liz leans against the side of the brick building. She limits her eye contact to small peeks. The night's wind blows her green hair. "You guys ready?"

"Yeah." Jimmy oddly examines her. "I just need to pick up the pizza."

"I stashed the drinks in a bush, so we don't have to stop anywhere for those."

"Isn't your dad gonna realize his drinks are missing?" Mike wonders.

"No. I bought the pack myself." Kota brags like a badass.

"You're not 21, though. How'd you do that?"

"I may or may not have done identity theft."

"What???" Liz probes him. "That sounds too reckless for you. I don't believe it."

"Well, I did it. I swiped my dad's ID. We're practically twins, so the clerk didn't investigate. Plus, he has no aging signs, so that helped."

"But your names and age aren't the same...."

"I held the ID far enough."

"Hmmm...shocking!" She straightens from the wall.

"I can be a rebel when I need to."

"Well, let's hope your criminal activity paid off. Hopefully, the drinks are still there."

"They should be. No one was around to spot me hiding the pack."

"Hot beer...yummy," Mike says sarcastically.

"I chose good shading, a bush under the growth. So they'll be cool, not hot."

"And music. We can't have a shindig without it."

"I stored my satellite radio, too." Kota boasts. "I thought of everything."

"Good." Mike is relieved.

Liz strolls to the pavement; her dark boots flatten the red leaves. "The bus is coming."

Kota follows her, so does the other two. The bus stop is just down the street. The vehicle's tires are plastered with yellow leaves. The driver is considerate enough to hiss to a halt and wait for the squad. No one else is aboard the bus, so the seating is free range, yet they still sit with each other. Kota pairs with Mike, and Jim pairs with Liz. 

Pizza Hut is only five minutes away, so the stop is quick. Jimmy gets out and powerwalks inside the red roofed restaurant. They watch him through the windows as he nears the check-in counter. The place is empty. Jim receives service right off. About seven minutes later, he returns with three boxes. The bus hisses forward. Its tires roll on gravel for the next four miles. Liz pulls the string when she spots the national forest traffic sign.

The bus driver swerves to the curb and pauses the vehicle. "You kids be safe; it's late." The man cautions.

"Don't worry, my house is close." Kota lies, sharing a malicious grin with his peeps.

"Have a goodnight."

"You too."

"Thanks." Liz winks at the driver as they dismount.

Mike's eyes double in size. "I want a wink too."

"I'll give you one later."

They wait for the bus to drive off, so they're not spotted going into the forest so late at night. When it shifts into a left turn down the street, the squad starts moving. Kota glances behind his shoulder at an empty road. "The coast is clear." The entrance gate is only a few yards away. When there, Kota goes to a bush, removing an 8-pack of beers and the radio from its depths.

Liz leads the way into the woods. There's a camping site not too far. Jimmy sets the pizza boxes on a boulder, then lights a match. The orange aura aids with visibility. The forest is pitch black beyond the flame. "Help me find wood for the fire." The other three assist him scouring the area. Mike picks out a large log and carries it to a pre-existing fire pit made of stone.

Kota kneels to knock on a log. It's mushy. He frowns. "Mike, make sure that one isn't soggy. It won't light if it is."

His friend taps his finger on the wood. "No, it's solid."

A total of four logs are brought to the fire spot. Kota collects leaves and twigs. Jimmy lights a row of matches, then tosses it atop the gathered weeds, which sets aflame. "We have fire!!" He sings.

"And now let's get music because your singing sucks." Liz mocks his deep singing voice.

Mike brings the radio to the side of the fire, poking its antenna from its top. He presses the power button of the silver radio. "Hello late nighters." A station host speaks. "I hope you're ready for fiery tracks. Our callers have voted for this week's hottest release and narrowed down one. Dio's Rainbow in The Dark!" The heavy rock song streams. Guitar, piano, strings, and drums clash in harmony.

"Bump it!!" Jimmy opens the pack of beers. Mike turns the volume knob all the way up. Jim tosses a bottled beverage to each of them. The wind increases and the fire swells, flickering red ambers into the dark. 

"When there's lightning, you know it always brings me down." The group howls. "Cause it's free, and I see that it's me who's lost and never found!! I cry out for magic. I feel it dancing in the light. It was cold. Lost my hold to the shadows of the night!!"

Liz downs her beer in a few gulps, then hand gestures to Jim for another one. She does a sexy finger nudge and smiles flirtatiously. Her feistiness baffles him. "Who are you right now??" He throws her another bottle.

"I'm the funnest chick you'll ever meet." She winks as she catches it.

"Ooo!" Kota exclaims like a school kid.

She sways to the music like a sexy enchantress performing a slithering dance. "Do your demons. Do they ever let you go?" Liz's light voice is flawless with the melody. "When you try, do they hide deep inside? Is it someone that you know?!!

The boys bellow, "you're just a picture; you're an image caught in time. We're a lie. You and I, we're words without a rhyme! There's no sign of the morning coming. You've been left on your own. Like a rainbow in the dark. Just a rainbow in the dark. Yeah!!!" The scaling guitar overloads the song with a sporadic solo. The teens circle dance around the raging fire, casting shadows. Head banging wildly. Kota swings his hair side to side. Jimmy punches the air to the beat. The gang carousel around the campfire. 

Liz continues her sensual dance; she beckons Mike with a finger. He stops his drummer impression and follows her command. Liz tugs him closer to make out. The wind gusts her hair. Strains of green swipe across his face. The color is striking against his dark skin. She sucks his mouth like a snake, switching her neck from side to side.

"Holy shit!!" Jimmy laughs.

Kota holds his beer up for a toast. "To the best night ever." Their bottles tap. He gulps his drink in four gulps, then tosses it. The glass bottle shatters on the ground. Kota imitates the main singer, faking as if he's holding a microphone. "Feel the magic. I feel it floating in the air. But it's fear, and you'll hear it calling you. Beware. Look out!" Liz ends her spicy make out session with Mike. Her eyes fall on Kota. The same gentle look they shared returns.  

No she about to...? 

Liz clears the distance between them and plants her mouth on his. Her glossy lips are slippery. His gut electrifies, and his heart speeds. Kota kisses her back, matching her rough motion. Their breaths tangle. Liz claws her neon green nails through his hair. Kota's hands latch onto her elbows. He dives into her mouth. Her lip gloss tastes like coconut. He parts his mouth to devour more of the flavor.

Jimmy clears his throat loudly. "Am I included in this lip train?"

Liz gives one last peck to Kota's plump lips before breaking from the smooch. "Of course." She trails her hand down his cheek. "I'll be right back." Liz struts to Jim.

Kota evil eyes him. "You couldn't wait, dude?"

"Nope," Jimmy smirks at Liz, who entraps his mouth with hers.

Mike chuckles. He opens a pizza box and chomps on a slice. The music blares on. Kota goes for another beer, still irritated by the interruption. Jim saw we were into it. That was a jerk move. A gushing noise sounds from before him. His tan eyes stare ahead, perplexed. What's that? Kota listens for it again. It's gone now. Hmm... it must be a bird or something. He leans to get another beer. The swooshing noise reoccurs. Only it's at his side. Kota slowly straightens from the crouch. 

A surveillance sensation causes the hairs on the back of his neck to rise. Swoosh. The noise is behind him now. He turns around fast. A blurry figure dashes towards the fire. It's fully blacked out. He can't distinguish what it is...but his instinct warns him of danger. Fear floods his body like ice. "GUYS, WATCH OUT!!" He yells and points, but his alerting words are too late.

The figure jumps high into the sky, soaring abnormally. It lands atop the fire. This catches the gang's attention. Someone who's unfazed by burning flames surveys the group. Liz backs away, her legs shaking with fright. Jimmy and Mike are frozen in place. The figure is of a man, but his eyes shine red through the night. Redder than the fire. Kota's forehead numbs and trickles. He's frightened by the unnatural irises of the being.  

The demon darts towards his friends in a flash. Its hands bare long talons. The talons slice the necks of Mike and Jimmy. Squirts of crimson splatter the air like a broken water hose. The two boys drop to the ground. Dead. Liz screams and flees. She doesn't make it far. The thing sails after her, flying in the air, landing before Liz. "NOOO!!!" She screeches. The creature bites into her neck. The crunching sound is grotesque. Her bones are crushed under the weight of its razor sharp teeth. 

"LIZ!!" Kota runs ahead, his heart hammering. "NOO!" He hyperventilates while racing toward her. I have to fight it off of her! The vampire pulls away a fleshy chunk of Liz's neck. The outpour of blood spills to the leafy ground, coating it red. Kota halts and exhales all the air from his lungs. His heart ceases to beat due to utter disbelief. The monster swallows the fluid of her neck like a fish does water. It feasts. Liz's eyes go motionless from the pain. They shut off due to shock. The veins of her neck protrude squiggly lines. The vampire groans in pleasure; the sound is throaty and savage. 

It's a human...but it's not. WHAT IS IT??!! 

Kota becomes dizzy from lack of oxygen to his brain, so he forcefully inhales. The vampire menacingly twists its head his way. Its scarlet eyes burn into his. It drops Liz's body to the ground...she hits it like a ragdoll. Her limbs flop like jelly. NO! NOO! SHE'S NOT MOVING! LIZ!!! Lines of blood seep down the predator's mouth...falling to its neck. Its skin is pale as a sheet of paper. The shade of blood is an intense pop of color. The immortal man lunges at Kota, gliding the air like a bat out of hell. Claws, razor-sharp teeth, and blonde hair are the last things he see.     

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