Chapter 24: Caught

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I nearly slept for a day straight. I expelled all of my natural resources. I did travel  16 states...I've never done that sort of exertion ever. I need to recuperate by sleeping. I guess my kind does need to slumber despite being immortal. If I think about it...old stories of vampires always refer to them hibernating in the morning, then waking at night. Is that side of pop culture true after all?

It's the next day. 10 am. Kota is amazed that he's slept in for so long. I never woke up at 10am before... I used to being an early bird because of school. He leaves bed, preparing to exit the window to continue his hunt now that he's no longer fatigue.

Kota should be accustomed to meeting an invisible barrier, given this is the third time he's smacked face first into it. Yet he's still flabbergasted. Did they confine me to the house??? HOW DARE THEY???

"You're not leaving this house until you accept the new arrangement." Matto says from the doorway.

"Let me out...." His son hisses.

"'re grounded until you learn to let go of this rivalry."

"LET GO??!!!" Kota spins around. "No, I'm done listening to you!"

Odina peeps over her husband's shoulder with sternness. "We're telling you to listen, or you'll never leave this house again."

"If you decide to keep behaving this way, we'll limit you to this room."

"So, you're jailing me???"

"We don't want to." His mother discloses. "But you're forcing us too."

"None of you understand what I'm going through!" He snarls.

"We us." His father admits softly. "We know this life is a nightmare.

"That night is on repeat! Their deaths are a plague!!"

"I offered the right solution...visiting their graves is the best way to..."


"Because you're too young to have murder on your mind."

"We're enrolling you back into school now that you're well enough. That way you can get back to a normal teenage life."

"I'm not going back to school!! Are you serious, dad??! I'm not a normal teenager anymore. I don't belong there."

"Your mother and I are sure this will help you cope."

"We know what's right for you..."Odina supports Matto.


Matto reprimands his son by intimidatingly closing the gap between them. "No....don't!" His wife petitions.

"He's losing respect for us...I have to."

"We can talk it out..."

"No...I tried this your way." Kota is too puzzled to lash out. What is he going to do?? Matto draws a simmering symbol onto the air between them. The sign is an illustration of sound waves. The mystical ripples near Kota's mouth, trembling roughly against the thin skin. ", (vOICE)." He speaks Cherokee.

His son clutches at his throat, feeling detachment within it. All motion terminates. He can't form words...nothing escapes when he tries to express language. He's no longer in charge of his speech. WHAT???!! Kota expresses his devastation through dramatic facial cues. He's upset by what his father's just done.

"Kota!" Odina wails.

"Don't baby him...he deserves this lesson!" He scolds his wife, then glowers at his son. "You'll regain the right to speak once you restore respect for me and your mother. You have no right to shame the family the way you have. That conveys that I have no power over my household. Adjust yourself...and comply. You're going back to school. I don't care if you are against it! End this assassin feud of yours! I didn't raise you to be violent!" Matto emphasizes his dominance through every fiber of his being. Kota cowers, slinking his shoulders and head down to the floor. "Nod to agree!" He orders as a drill sergeant would.

Kota nods slowly, knowing this is unfair and unnecessary. I hate him...and her! I understand why kids run away from home. Only I can't, I'm bound to the house with no way out. If I could, I would take off and never return. That'll be the only way to show them how wrong they are. Just because they hold the parent role, doesn't mean they know all.


Kay goes to the school's roof terrace to get away from the world. She's supposed to be at lunch...but isn't hungry. Heartbreak is on her mind. I should listen to the mixtape, so I'm closer to Darius. I don't think I'm in the clear to see him yet. Mom may be open to the ideal, but dad is driving a hard bargain. He has a strong dislike for Darius. One I don't think is going away anytime soon....or at all.

He's such a brute about keeping me away. I wished he'd just listen to me...instead of thinking he knows what's right. He doesn't know what's best for me. He's dead wrong for splitting me up from my boyfriend. 

She insert headphones into the cassette player and presses play. A drafty soundscape whoosh from the earpieces. As if the recording was taken while skydiving. The high pitch guitar arcs through her body. The harp reminds her of crystals. If diamonds had a sound, it'd be this glistening effect. A sky high, beyond falsetto melody. The string instruments portray an antigravity motion upon her.

The harp and guitar are electrically spirited. Their notes invoke her imagination, causing her to stare into the sky at fluffy clouds. The buoyant vibe is light as a feather....and free as a bird.

I wish I could fly. I'd fly to Darius and never leave. I'd run away and never return home. Then my parents will know how wrong they are. They don't know everything just because they have a kid. Parents make mistakes sometimes too. They aren't flawless. Kayla closes her eyes to savor the attractive music...wondering what was on Darius's mind when he composed it. Was he thinking of me?

When the song sums to a conclusion, she rewinds the tape and restarts it. The same delightful, weightlessness consumes her. I want to listen to it with him. I should sneak and call him when mom and dad are asleep. I miss his therapeutic voice. I miss his essence....and the passion radiating from him. I love him. Kay slides the diamond designed pager from her pocket and sends him a row of hearts. I love him with all my life...all my body...and all my soul.

When lunch is over, she returns to mingle with the rest of Jones Prep High. The endless sea of heads and books spread from the front to the back of the vast hall. Just as she turns into the class, she spies the principal exchanging words with the history teacher. "Ah...there she is! Please excuse her for a few minutes." The bald and tall man requests.

"Of course, sir." The plump teacher nods.  

"Thank you." The model-esque man approaches Kayla, "Come with me, Miss. Harris."

Oh, no...why am I going with the principal. Am I in trouble??? If so...for what? I have the cleanest school record and highest grades. What is going on??? "Mr. Hamilton, what is it?" Her hesitation is detectable.

Mr. Hamilton escorts her to his office around the corner. He opens the door, inviting her in. The office is all wood, much like a den. The desk, walls, and floor are the deepest brown she's ever seen. Kay is suspicious about going inside. "Don't worry, you're not in any trouble. Your grandmother called...says it's important."

"Oh..." Kayla sighs in relief.

"Do you think the up-and-coming valedictorian is on my bad list??" He laughs. She titters at the silly thought too. "She's on the line...I'll step out to give you some privacy."

Kay walks to the rotary phone on the desk while her principal shuts the door on his way out. She picks up the shiny, blue receiver. "Hi, gran-gran."

"I have a feeling you never had the talk with your mom and dad....because nothing has changed."

"I totally forgot...I'll tell them tonight."

"You keep putting it can't continue this. The truth will come out whether you want it to or not. Parents always discover's best you avoid a bad dilemma."

"I'm not ready..."

"No one never have to accept this."

Kayla bites the inside of her jaw. "I'll need help."

"You'll have me at your side."

"Okay...tonight it is."

" for the note, I delivered it to Odina. I hope they capture the animal."

"Me too."

"Although ,  is quite far."

"It is...maybe they won't have to travel there, can't they seize him from where they are?"

"Not without your help. As Elu said, they're second grade casters, you're first grade...being so young and having the bender DNA. You're our ultimate weapon."


"I won't keep you any longer than I should. Return to your studies. I'll see you at midnight."

"Alright, see you then."

"Bye, firefly."

"Bye gran-gran." Kayla hangs up and goes back to history class. The assignment is fictitious. It prompts the students to write a paper visualizing what's inside the WWI dugout. If I was honest about what's below, I'd be wheeled off to a psych ward, placed in a stray jacket...and a padded room. I should write a rational paper...a mundane prediction is the best way to go. She titles the essay with her name, date, and class period:

I believe the remains of dead soldiers are within the dugout, along with rusted weapons, battalion stations, and possible food rations. As soon as she circles the dot at the end of the sentence, a premonition assaults her third eye.

Kota's enemy lurking in treetops at night, menacingly watching the beach. Its scarlet irises are obscured by nature. That looks like the Chicago beach!! Is the villain here?? In the city??? But...I was shown that he was in ! Was the Ouija board incorrect?

I'll have to give gran another note to deliver. Calling Mrs. Ahoka isn't a choice, since her son will hear that his opponent is within reach.

Before dinner, she slyly trades the note with her grandmother to deliver in the morning. She doesn't have to say anything, her granny knows the deal. Homemade veggie pizza is the meal of the night, topped with bell peppers, onions, spinach, and kale.

Mary perfected the crust by coating it with butter and sprinkling garlic atop it. She whipped up two pizza pans worth, which she delivers to the dining table. "Hon, grab the cucumber lemonade for me."

"Ah, yes!" James rejoices for the freshly squeezed drink, he hustles to get the jug.

"My my my...' Gloria says proudly. "Look at my girl being a chef."

"I wasn't always this good." Mary humbles her mad skills. The pizzas are five-star, top notch. "I watch the cooking channel...if not for that, we'd have takeout every night."

"Don't sell yourself short, you get the golden touch from me."

"I wish! I have tried and tried...and can't recreate your peach cobbler!" She voices this hardship as she loads the plates with two slices and steak fries.

"I'll give you a lesson." Gloria shares a transparent gaze with her granddaughter. One which preps her to confess. "Kayla has something to tell you two." NO! Why would she spotlight me??! I'm not ready yet! Maybe after dessert I'd be. Kayla chomps on the pizza to buy herself time. 

"Does she?" Mary shifts her attention to Kay. "What is it?"

James returns with four glasses of ice wrapped around one arm and the jug of juice. "If it's an ultimatum to see Darius, the answer is still no." He pass around the glasses to everyone.

"Dear, I think it's been long enough, we can't keep her away..." Mary shows compassion for the situation with a delicate tone. "They are dating, after all. You know how special teenage love is."

"She's too young to know what love is..." He states dismissively.

"I'm not!"

"Let's stay on track, Kayla. Tell them what's important." Her grandmother tries navigating her in the right direction, but Kay is pissed.

"No, he can't tell me what I feel! I do love Darius! Why can't you agree with mom?? She's right and you're completely wrong!" She clashes with her father. Kayla pushes from her chair and bangs her hands onto the table.

"You've just extended your punishment."

"I don't have to listen to you, I have mom on my side, what she says goes!"

James jolts from his seat and threateningly leans her way. "You're not stepping foot outside this house for the rest of the year. To school and back, that's it!! I'll call Isabell to end your trainings! You better learn to show respect before you're on my bad side!"

"I HATE YOU!!!" Kayla flees to her bedroom, shedding tears of misery. 

"We should talk this over..." Mary says from down the hall.

"No...I've decided. She's lost her mind thinking she can speak however she wants!"

Kay hammers the door hard into the frame, so the slam echoes the entire penthouse. She locks it and runs to her bed to weep.

I should run away! That'll show him! I used to love my dad...used to be daddy's little girl. But that's over. He only cares about what he wants! How can mom be with him??? He's so difficult!! Kayla cries, whimpering the purest agony she's ever felt. Her throat clogs with dryness. Her stomach aches up hell, sinking, drowning her gut into oblivion. I wish I could go away. I'm in prison in my own home. Caught and held captive like a damsel in distress.

When all is quiet in the house, Kayla sneaks out of her room. Her parents are sleeping, it's 11pm...they have to be up for work by 8 am. So, she won't get caught by her dad, yet she still tiptoes to not draw attention. The floorboards are creaky at these late hours. The extra moisture oils them enough to squeak. She goes to the kitchen phone, as she planned, and dials Darius's number.

The looping cord on the receiver is long enough to drag away from the kitchen. She stretches it far to a closet to eliminate being found out. Kayla even closes the door for extra protection from her father. Her fingers un-jam the curly cord that's caught in the corner and tugs it under the doorframe. Her boyfriend picks up on the fifth ring. "Hello?"

"It's me." She speaks loud enough to be heard clearly.

"I was just thinking about you."

" were??"

"Yeah, every time I compose, I think of you."

He just confirmed my theory! She swoons. "I love you."

"I love you more."

"Times infinity."

"Times infinity squared." He pokes seductively.

"Times three thousand squared." She bests him.

"Wow...that much."

His serene, deep voice has her heart floating in her chest. "Yes, that much....just as much as I love  the recording."

"You listened to it?"

"'s so incredible. You should definitely enter it to the contest."

"But you haven't heard the current one."

"True...but I connected with it, I felt like I was skydiving."

"It was inspired by a bird...and the thought of kissing you." Kayla melts from his passionate words. "I wish you could be here and work as my good luck charm. But...I already got you into too much trouble."

"I wish that too...I want to watch you work...and get into your creator zone." She complains.

"Maybe next week your dad will chill out."

"I wish...but he extended my's so messed up. I did one bad thing and now I'm caged here like a criminal."

"Wow...why is he being so mean??"

"I don't know..." She grunts irritably. "But screw him! Let's ditch school and hangout."

"You most certainly will not!" The closet door pulls open. Her grandmother stands before her, with folded arms.


Gloria takes the phone away and speaks into it. "Kayla has to go. Don't think about skipping school or I will tell her father...and yours." The old woman treks to the phone holder and hangs up.

Kayla flashes from the closet. "Please don't tell dad!"

"I won't if you agree to not ditch school."

"I won't!"

"I understand what you're going through. He's your high school sweetheart, we've all been there. I get it...but you have to obey your father. Promise you will, or I'll tell him about your plan to skip school!"

"I will...please! He'll ground me forever if he knows!"

"Hush down now...and let me think." Kay shuts her trap, knowing this outcome will damage her life more than it already is. "I'll forget this happened...but the next time you're reckless, I'll inform your dad. Agreed?"


"'s time to train."

Kayla keeps her mouth tightly bound to avoid any more drama. She complies with her grandmother's breathing practice as obediently as a foot soldier would. The standard 4 second exhale is still her best measure, but she isn't focused on slaying the task. She just wants it over with so she can mope in bed. Magic is something she could care less about at the moment. It fails to excite her.

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