Chapter 26: Angst

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In photography class Jia and Kayla work on their 298th image. Ms. Ruby writes the words SILENT BEAUTY, on the chalkboard. She gets into this theme, so much that she doesn't make a peep. The teacher then writes: SILENT ART. 

Huh? What is silent art? That makes no sense. Art has no sound to begin with. Kay raises her hand. Ms. Ruby mimics a pen and paper with her hands, indicating that she wants Kayla to write it down.

"I'm lost..." The skater boy begins.


I'm with Jasper, I'm lost too. Kay and Jia share a befuddled glance. 

The teacher writes again: HINT: THE ORIGINAL ART. Kayla jots down a question in her notepad then holds it up: CAN WE FIND IT INSIDE THE SCHOOL?

Ms. Ruby nods, then does shooing hand gestures to the hallway, egging them to begin their venturing. Kayla is happy to leave the room and speak like a normal human being. Once in the hall, she tries to start a chat, but Jia silently shushes her. she actually going to follow the quiet demand from Ms. Ruby? I need to fill her in about what happened last night.

Jia takes Kay's notebook and writes: We have to be quiet to hear the art. 

Kay rolls her eyes, taking the pen to scribble: but it's important. It's about me and Darius.

Her bestie sighs then scribbles: The faster we find the art, the quicker we can talk. 

Kayla takes her by the hand, leading her to a garden enclosed at the center of the hall. A greenhouse, complete with fountains, and birds who swoop in from the open sky roof. She push in the see-through door and points at the fountains. The original art is most likely what the earth has made. Jia and I may be the first ones done. This assignment wasn't as hard to crack as I thought. Our teacher needs to up her game. 

Jia, who has the cannon camera around her neck, snaps the photo. 

The mechanical shutter from the lens prompts Kay to speak. "Now..."

"How did you figure it out so fast?"

"Nature is overlooked every day. It has an artistic silence, meaning originality, since it's untouched by human influence."

"Wow! Let me write that down. You're a genius." Jia transcribes what her friend just said.

"Now...can we talk. I need to tell someone."

"Sure. What is it?"

"I don't think I'll ever see Darius again..." Her chocolate doe eyes tear up. "I'm on home arrest for the whole year."


"My dad is impossible...he's a ramped-up bull. Just the mention of Darius gets him heated."

"He really didn't like that you went to a party..." Jia coddles Kayla into her arms. "I knew that was a bad idea."

"Me too...I should've followed my gut and said no."

"Yeah...then you wouldn't be in this mess."

"I can't even call him."

"Your dad is so harsh." 

"I don't understand why!" She bawl her eyes out, wailing into Jia's shoulder.

"Aww...I'm so sorry. I wished there was something I could do." 

"It won't dad will just ban me from speaking to you too!"

"Do you think he'll take it easy on you if you tell him all the chaos you're going through? You know, with the magic world and the boyfriend drama? Maybe he'll cut you some slack."

"He doesn't know...I haven't told him... or mom."

"Jia pulls out of the cuddle. " told me and Mya...but not your parents?"

"It was easier with you parents will think I want attention or that I'm trying to distract them from my punishment."

"But your mom collects the books."

"She isn't a believer."

"But you made us into believers by showing us."

"My gran suggested that, but I don't think I can. You two are my know all my secrets. My parents don't."

"I suppose..." Jia shrugs, then gives a light smirk. "You said we're your girls...meaning you do want to make up with Mya."

"Jia. Don't." Kay exits the greenhouse.

"I'm just two need to apologize, that's all."

"Mya was out of line, not me."

"Can we please sit together at lunch and work this out?"

" can sit with her, I'll be elsewhere."

Jia is mute as a church mouse all the way back to the classroom. As expected, they're the first ones done. The girls show Ms. Ruby the picture they took. She claps, indicating that the silence has been broken. "BRAVA! THAT'S AN A+."

"Thanks." Kay flashes a rushed smile, then sits.

"It was all Kayla; I just captured it."

"Teamwork makes the dream work! You're both getting the same grade."

"Wow, that's so cool! You're the best!" Jia claps for her teacher, who goofily bows.

Kayla lays her head on the desk, hiding it behind her arms. I'm not even excited about the grade. I can care less about acing the assignment. I want my boyfriend! I want to lay in his bed and cuddle. To listen to his composed masterpiece and debate which one to submit. To see Darius thinking of me as he creates art with his hands. I don't want to be here...or at home. I don't want to be anywhere. I long to disappear...forever. Like my heart. It's absent. Non-operational. Dead. Incomplete...without my other half.

"What if I told you that I have a plan to get you and Darius back talking?"

"What is it?" Kay grumbles through her folded arms.

"I could catch Darius after school, since you can't, being that your grandma picks you up now."

"How is meeting him after school going to do anything??" She sniffles and tighten her arms around her head like a cocoon.

"Well...I was thinking maybe I'll give him my walkie talkie so you two can talk in secret. No phone needed."

Kayla springs up out of her crouched cocoon and gapes at Jia with absolute gratitude. "OH MY GOSH, JIA, YOU'RE A GENIUS!"

"But there's a catch..."

Kay wraps her arms around Jia's neck and tugs her close. "I don't care, I'll do anything!"

"Even if it means promoting your ex-bestie to her former title?"

Kay shakes her head. No longer caring about the beef with Mya. She just wants the freedom to speak with her love. "Deal...please just give him the radio."

In law, Kayla groups with Fred, Chester, and Izzy. They draw a courtroom illustration. Mr. Smith glances over the posters, which follow a prompt written on the board. Distraught mother plaintiff. And a crazed defendant. Kayla and Fred are the better drawers, so they tackle the characters while Izzy and Chester draw the jury. "Are you still grounded?" Fred mutters, keeping his eye on Mr. Smith in case he's caught speaking.

"It seems I'm chained up until graduation..."

"Aw man, it's been a week, I wanted to host a bonfire." He complains.

"A bonfire?"

"Yep...on the beach. But maybe by your birthday I can throw another one."

"I hope so....have extra fun for me."

"Sure, I'll take pictures doing ballet on your behalf."

"I can't with you." Kay sniggers.

"I'm serious..." He winks.

In gym, Marla, Fred, and the new kid, Luke, plays B-ball. Fred spins the ball on his finger, then tosses it high. They all dive for it, ending up with their arms in a tangled mix. "I touched it first."

"No, I did." Marla and Fred argue.

"What happened to ladies first?"

Fred clears his throat. "How dare you not acknowledge me?!" He speaks in a shrill voice. Very cartoonish and believable. "I should report you!" Once again, he has Kayla buckling over in laughter, especially when he swishes his hips in a catwalk.

The meal of the day in school is nachos and burgers, complete with fudge brownies and chocolate pudding. Jia and Kayla stand in line, choosing the healthiest option. Pasta and veggie casserole with turkey. 

Mya is already at the table with her meal. Jia is the first to break the ice between the girls. "So..." she says while sitting. "I found a fix that'll make everything better. Apologies are needed." She eyes Kay, who gives in by being the bigger person.

"I'm sorry for accusing you of being selfish."

Mya gazes at Kayla with much attitude. "Good. Apology accepted."

Kay squints hard. "You have to apologize too!"

"For what?? You attacked me for being honest. I'm not in the wrong here!" Mya spits furiously.

"Why can't you just say it back so we can move on??!"

"Because you did this, not me! You made it all about yourself. You're the selfish one!"

Jia clutches her fingers through her silky hair. "Just say sorry, Mya!!"

"NO!!" She collects her tray and marches from the table.

Kayla glares after her like an aggravated snake. "Well....she's being difficult. I said sorry, so that means you have to give Darius the radio."

"Sure...I guess I'll find another way to fix this."

After school, Kay shoves through the cramped sidewalk to a car. A Volkswagen beetle her grandmother rented. She spies Jia down the street, at a crosswalk chatting with Darius. Her eyes clasp on his gorgeous shiny skin, his vibrant chestnut eyes. The charming way he blinks. The fluid way his addictive mouth form words. Her legs stop working, she's floored in place. Unable to look away. Jia passes him the radio.

The car window rolls down. Her gran leans over to the passenger seat. "Kayla..."

Kay gasps, snapping out of the daze, and peddle her legs to the door. "I'm sorry, I just haven't seen him in forever..." She mumbles cheerlessly.

"Go." Gloria grins.

"What?!" She's astonished by what she just heard.

"Go...I'll give you a minute."

Kayla doesn't waste time; she sprints down the street with a glorious smile from ear to ear. Wow! I can talk to him?? This is the best day of my life! I love my granny, she' so cool for doing this! I missed him so much! It doesn't take Darius long to register her darting his way. 

He jogs to her with a celebratory grin. "KAYLA!" Her boyfriend spins her around in his arm, and intensely dance his mouth upon hers. The aching from within, her absent heart, and gloominess vanishes. 

"I love you! I missed you so much!" She cries.

Darius place her feet on the ground to wipe away his girlfriend's falling tears. "I love you more...and miss you more."

Kay sniffles and goes in for another fiery make out. The taste of his lips is so sweet! Have they always held this yummy flavor?? I need to sample every drop of it! Jia clears her throat. "Umm...Kayla. Your grandmother." She points ahead.

Kayla drops her mouth from his, loathing that she has to end the tango. Gloria is outside her car, concerned about the sensual PDA. "I gotta go."

"We should runaway." He pokes.

"Don't tempt me." She titters nervously. "We can talk later." She and Darius stare down at the radio, displaying their torment of waiting. Their restlessness.

"Kayla." Her granny summons her.


"Bye, baby."

Kay begrudgingly parts ways with her love and nears the vehicle. Her grandma is put off by Kayla's inappropriateness. "You can't behave that way in public. Kayla."

"We were just kissing, gran."

"That was more than kissing...and implies that something more is going on." Gloria explains from over the roof of the car.

"It doesn't imply that, gran." She rolls her eyes.

"I hope you're being safe."

"I am...don't worry, it's not like least not yet."

"How long have you two been dating?"

"This makes month four."

"I'm impressed." Gloria gets back into the car; Kayla opens her door and slides inside. "Maybe Darius isn't as bad as your dad thinks."

"He isn't." Kayla closes the door and straps on the seatbelt. "Darius is sweet and courteous. He doesn't pressure me into anything."

" seem James is against the wrong one...wait until he finds out about the vampire boy."

The same premonition from before flashes her sight. The crimson eyed vampire prowling in the treetops. Kay clutches the seatbelt.

"You had the vision again, didn't you? Gloria concludes.


"Don't worry, as soon as the culprit is caught, those will end."

"Has Odina and Matto captured it yet?"

"No...but give them time and they will."

How is she so certain? It seems this one is elusive. Frist he was in , underground, now he's here in Chicago? And has yet to be found? Then again, it's only been a day. Maybe in a few more days, the creature will be dealt with.   

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