Chapter 28: Chance

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 I should keep working to occupy my mind. I could make something else for Kayla. He inspects the nightstand next to the bed, then goes to open the bottom drawer. The bottom of the drawer is made of striped, white wood. Kota gets an idea. I do miss wood shop...missed working with my hands. I could easily remove the wood. He does so by unhooking the front of the drawer to slide the bottom out. Instead of a saw or a stencil tool, he uses his sharp nails, which he command to grow longer. 

His talons carve the wood, carefully creating a chain-link for the first thing that popped into his mind. A necklace. Should the center be a heart? Or would that be too desperate? Should I hold back on my confession? What if that shape is too much? Further down the chain-link, he decides to carve the center as a sun with squiggly lines going outward to represent rays. This is a better choice...since Kayla has such a remarkable glimmer to her. By sunrise, Kota is done detailing the patterned wood. He blows away the dust from the necklace and holds it up to take in his craftsmanship. I think she'll like it. I'll give it to her at school. 

The sound of his mother stepping up the stairs attracts his attention. Kota stands, softly laying the pendant down. Odina stops, he spots her shadow under the door, and watch it spread larger as she bends to pick up the paper. "Son?" She whispers. "What is this?"

Her son pace to the door and says, "please give it to dad."

His mom recede down the stairs. Everyone is in the backyard planting seeds. Dad is there, I hear his rough breathing from the shoveling. Odina exits the back door. "Matto...come here, please."

"What is it?" He pushes the shovel deep into the soil and nears her.

"Your son wrote this for you." She waves the wrapped paper in her hand.

"He did what?" His father doesn't sound harsh...just confounded.

"Come, read it." Odina hands over the note. Matto unfolds the letter and reads. Kota steps to the window to watch his father's expression. I hope he finds it touching and acceptable. I hope he lets me go. His dad's eyes scroll the sentences, he's moved by the sensitive words. His breathing slows...his shoulders loosen. Matto's eyes switch from critical to sincere. He's moved by the letter. The ending makes him tug his mouth into a frown. "What does it say?" Odina asks. He shows her by turning the paper her way. She quickly reads it.

"I don't know if I should believe him." Matto is crossed between sentiment and authority. "Does he like this Kayla girl? Or is he fooling me?"

"You didn't see how he looked at her...but you're a man, I can't hold that against you."

"How did he look at her?"

"As if she was the only girl in the world...she gave him the look too."

"She did?" Matto is oblivious.

"Sweetie, learn to use your eyes for deeper knowledge." Odina pokes. "Why wouldn't he like her? She's radiant...powerful...and a top ballerina. That's what some call a triple threat."

"Hmmm..." Her husband grumbles. "He did ask to register at her school."

"The fact that they're both supernatural will help them through the stress...they'll be fast friends."

"Hmmm." He mumbles again.

"I can drive him to the school today. I'll call Kayla for the address. I think Kota is longing for companionship that's why he lashed out. He has nothing else to target but retaliation. School will fix him. I know it will."

"Maybe you're right." Matto sighs. "I was a little too hard on him. Wasn't I?"

"A little."

"I'm sorry."

"I know."

"I'll go make things right."

"Thank you, my love." Odina sweetly kisses him. It worked?? Did I just free myself?? Kota backs away from the window, impressed that his plan worked. A wide smile spreads his mouth. The same enthusiastic delight of a child consumes him. I can't believe it!

Matto opens the door and enters the room. Kota tries to hide his excitement but can't. "You must have heard..." His father chuckles. "I didn't mean to be this man you don't recognize. I just wanted to protect you from that darkness. I hope you don't hate me." Kota makes to speak but remembers that his father doesn't know about Odina gifting his voice back. So, he just nods. "I'll return your voice...and I accept your apology." Matto performs the same reversal spell Odina did. The same dazzling airwaves. The same symbols and vibrations.

Oh, no...will it work? Or will he find out mom already saved me? This may enrage him off. I should say something. The pressure on his mouth and throat convince him that the casting is working. The airwaves fade. Kota acts as if this is the first time this has happened. He holds his throat, clearing it loudly. "Wado, Adadoda, (Thank you, Father)."

"Gvlielitseha, (You're welcome)." He hugs his son. "Although your mother already undone the charm."

"Oops..." Kota cringes.

"Don't worry...I'm done being a madman." Matto grins, ending the embrace.

"It's good to have you back."

"You too." Matto passes the doorway, out into the hall to remove a circle of herbs from above the door. His fingers summon the herbs to fall from the ceiling. Before the leaves can brush the floor, each ignites, burning away. Flames. Ashes. Then nothing. "Although, the window seal will stay active until I'm completely certain I can trust you."

"Seems fair."

"Your mother is driving you to the school in a few. Until then...come help us plant the garden." He invites his son to leave part from the room. Kota does so with a quick stride, enjoying that his feet can reach past the door. Enjoying that he's free.  


Before she can board the elevator for school, the house phone rings. Kayla slips from the lift and jogs to answer. "Hello?"

"Good morning, Kayla. I'm calling to ask for the address of your school. Kota has agreed to return to a normal life and would prefer going with someone like him. Although you're not a're both supernatural."

"Oh..." Kayla is staggered by this. "I think that's a great idea. I assume he's doing better?'

"Much better now that his rage is gone." 

"That's great. I'll get the address for you." She sets the phone on the counter and goes to a mail table by the elevator. Atop it is an address book Mary made for her clients and for important locations. Everything is in alphabetical order. Kay flips to the J page and unclips it from the binder. Back at the phone, she recites the address. "700 South State Street, zip code 60605."


"How soon will Kota start?"

"Hopefully by tomorrow."

"I can't wait!" Kay accidentally reveals her desperation for his presence. Oh, no...I should tame my joy...I'm still with Darius.

"Neither can he." Odina giggles. "Thank you, have a glorious day."

"You too, bye." She hangs up fast...hating herself for being so excited. "Why did I say that out loud...?" Kay covers her face and sighs. "I have a boyfriend, remember?" She tells herself, shaking her head. Kayla returns to the elevator, calling it up. "SO...Kota is excited too? His mother said he can't wait either?? Hmmm."

Gloria is down in the Volkswagen, waiting for Kayla. "You're going to be late."

"Mrs. Ahoka called." Kay gets into the car and straps in.

"About what?"

"Apparently, Kota is going to be at Jones Prep soon." She closes the door.

Her granny is surprised. "Oh, really?"


"I bet you can't wait for that." Gloria teases.

"What do you mean?"

"You have a crush...that little moment at the meeting spilled the secret."

"I have a boyfriend!" Kay retorts stubbornly.

"It's normal to like two boys at the same time. I had a list at your age. You'll have one soon."

" I won't. I love Darius."

"For now..." Gloria snickers under her breath.

Kayla looks away to avoid the conversation. Could I fall for him? Where would that leave my boyfriend? He'll be hurt. I'll feel terrible. I can't break Darius's heart. I can't! Kota will be my friend. I'll put aside this crush I have on him...and draw a fine line. Kota's static charged irises interrupts her thoughts...swaying her against the plan. But I do want to get lost in his eyes. Ease his pain with a hug....and a kiss. I want to hold his hand through the storm that disrupted his life. This can't be easy for him. He lost friends...and his mortal life. He's wrongfully doomed by the death. I can tell he's a genuinely sweet guy. Kota looks like he wouldn't harm a fly...yet he was given this faith? It's so surreal how the world works. 

Jia awaits her at the lockers. "Hey, we missed you at practice. Don't tell me dancing is forbidden too?"

"It called Isabell to pause my training." 

"That's too far!" Jia is rattled. "Why would he think that's justified??! You dominated on stage...your dad can't hide you away. What if an agent stopped by the studio for you?!"

"It's best I don't know." Kay grimaces. "Anyway." She changes the topic to tame the heavy weight in her stomach. "I got something to share. Well...actually two things." Kayla beckons Jia closer using her hand. The two huddle. "The vampire boy...the one from the call. He'll be attending here soon."

"What?! Why! That's not a good idea...we wouldn't be safe. None of the students will!"

"It's fine...I got a good read on him."

"With your magic?"

"No...gran hasn't taught me to read auras yet. My intuition tells me Kota is safe."

"He's a vampire!" Jia stutters out a whisper. "According to novels and movies, they're all bad."

"You can't use pop culture as a guidebook." Kayla giggles.

"What else can I use?"

"You can trust my word."

"I don't know..." Jia anxiously backs out of the huddle. "Even if I trust what you say, what if he hurts someone? Being around blood is an issue...right?"

"I'm assuming not if his mom is registering him. This was her Kota must have a grip on it."


"I have no clue."

Jia crosses her arms, disturbed by the thought of an inhuman boy walking the halls. "So...what's the other thing you have to share?" Her friends ends the bizarre discussion.

"Please don't find me strange for saying this."

"Why would I?"

Kay scrolls in her locker combination, keeping her eyes straight ahead. I can't make eye contact with her when I say this. I dread her expression. She opens the locker and pretends to search inside to hide her face. "I...might have a....small...crush...on him." Kayla side glances at the metal door, sensing the dramatic response from Jia without having to see her face.


"It's just a tiny thing."

"Kayla, that's dangerous! You know what he is, how could you?!'re with Darius."

"I know...I know...but...I can't help it." Kay slowly pushes back the locker door to meet Jia's appalled eyes.

"Isn't he scary?"

"No...I mean...I would say unique looking...if anything. Although he did have a scary moment at the meeting...but it was totally justified."

"How is being scary justified?" Jia wags her head side to side, still outraged.

"He was human three weeks ago...I think it's normal to want payback on someone who took your life away..." Kay answers sincerely.

"So...he was attacked?"


"And made...this way?"


Jia's outraged disposition lessens second by second. "Well...I guess that makes it a little better...still I think Kota will be a hazard."

"You have to give him a chance before you write him off. After all...he is a victim."

"True..." Jia shrugs. "I'll try to be accepting."

"Thank you."

" cute is he?" Her bestie beams widely.

"I don't even know where to begin." The two squeal enthusiastically. "All I will say is that he should be sculpted in marble like a majestic angel."

"Oh, wow..." Jia interlocks her arms into Kayla and advance down the hall. "Tell me more!"


Kota and his mother sit in the principal's office. Mr. Hamilton looks over the registering form Odina filled out. He seems to have an issue with some of the information. The bald man strokes his chin and exhales roughly. "There's a problem..."

"I'll try to get his transcripts mailed as fast as possible." Odina vows.

"That's only one of the issues...the other is that the school isn't within the district of your home. I could recommend the ones that are. I'll print out a list." On I can't go here? I have to...Kayla has to be in my life. I'll be an outsider without her. If I go to another one will talk to me. My appearance will act as a human repellent.

"Mr. Hamilton...please, Jones Prep is very elite. A school any parent would want for their kid. Is there a way to pay the tuition out of pocket?"

"I'm sorry...that would be illegal. This is strictly a geological hiccup. Each school has a zip code assigned...I can't go against the state board regulations. I'm sorry, Mrs. Ahoka." The statuesque man rises from the desk chair.

NO...NOO! This won't happen. I won't let it! He will change his mind. Mr. Hamilton, change your mind! Kota's crystal eyes flicker black. The principal witness this anomaly. The man becomes stupefied. Kota swears that time itself halted, because Mr. Hamilton doesn't move an inch. The natural gravitational pull of the earth should rotate his body...yet it doesn't. The principal appears as someone in a still photograph...the moment of motionlessness after the flash. What did I just do?!

"Son...what did you do?!" His mom shoots up from the seat, concerned by the state of the man.

"I don't know! I was just thinking." Kota freaks.

"About what?!"

"Making him change his I can take classes here."

Mr. Hamilton slowly winds down from the frozen stance, much like a battery-operated toy losing energy and powering down. The odd motion resembles a puppet whose master sets it in a seat. Only the principal isn't a stringed dummy. He's made of flesh. The way his arms and legs swing, the way his head bobs up and down. His blank face...and soulless eyes. "Yes...Mr. will take classes here...everything on the form is up to par." Mr. Hamilton speaks as a  ventriloquist doll would. Reciting hollow words without meaning...controlled by the influence of Kota's mind. "I'll have my secretary arrange your class schedule. Welcome to Jones Prep."   

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