Chapter 37: Challenge

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Kayla reads over the apology letter she wrote for James.

Dear Daddy,

I'm sorry for acting the way I did. My behavior was disrespectful and uncalled for. I'll make it up to you every day if I have to. My anger and hurt got the best of me. I wasn't myself. Halloween night was a mistake, you and mom feared for my life...I thought you were being controlling but your actions were done out of care. I miss ballet. I miss seeing my girls at practice... and I miss our relationship. I just want to be your baby girl again. I won't act the way I did ever again. Please forgive me.  

She sugarcoats the ending by drawing a heart shape as the period. Kay leaves her room to the kitchen. This Sunday morning is overcast by clouds. There's no rain or storm, just a gray blob in the sky. She makes coffee for James. He likes three creams and three sugars in his cup of joe. Kayla whips this up, then ventures to his office. The door is closed; she hears her father typing. His daughter knocks lightly. "Dad?" 

"One second." he replies. She hears him type one last word before scooting from the desk chair. When he pulls in the door. Kay gives him the letter and coffee as if they're gifts. "Oh...thank you!"

"You're welcome." She tiptoes to kiss his cheek.

"Hmm." He shares a suspicious gaze. "What are you up to?"

"Just trying to make amends." The wall phone rings from the kitchen. "I'll get it." Her fluffy pink house shoes mesh with the plush carpet. It might be Kota. If it is...I'm able to talk to him now. Today is feeling spectacular. She answers. "Hello."

"Hello and good morning to you. May I speak to Kayla Harris." A formal woman says from the other side.

"Yes, speaking. I am Kayla Harris."

"I'm calling from the Chicago Tribune Newspaper. Your solo performance has caught our special attention. We've surveyed over a million ballerinas for the consideration for this article feature. And have decided that your passion outshines them all. The team and I are hoping to interview you on Tuesday, if possible. We'll conduct the session at your home accompanied by press and photographers." Kayla ogles the phone, not believing what she's just heard. 


She stutters, trying to respond, but the shockwave on her brain is disorienting. The room spins. Severe vertigo consumes her, wobbling Kay off balance. She stammers...unable to form audible English.

"Yes...I know!" The woman laughs. "This is a groundbreaking opportunity and will steer you in the direction of summer intensive programs. Your career is beginning. Ms. Harris."

"Thank you so much!" Her tongue stumbles over the words. Her thrill is expressed through squeals and hops. "Tuesday is perfect! Thank you! I have to tell my parents."

"Congratulations and goodbye for now."

"Goodbye." Kayla doesn't hang up the phone, she lets it swing back and forth. She checks her parents' bedroom for Mary, but she's not in. "DAD WHERE IS MOM??!" She hammers on his office door.

James opens it, alerted by her crazed yelling. "She's out shopping with your gran. Why? What's the problem?"

Kay jumps up and down, clapping frantically. "I HAVE A INTERVIEW WITH THE CHICAGO TRIBUNE!"

"REALLY??!" He exclaims.

"YES! They just called!! They'll be here Tuesday with a press crew!" His baby girl continues the crazed jumping and clapping.

"I knew you'd become a star, princess!" James clasps her into a long hug. Kayla squeals, happily wiggling her body.

"Am I allowed to have a sleepover? My girls will freak!"

"You can...I accept your apology letter. You're free to have fun."

"I have to call them!" She races to the phone to dial both their numbers for a conference call. Kay giggles to herself while waiting. Mya is the first one to pick up. "Hello?"

"Sleep over at my place tonight, I have big news!"

Jia tunes into the conference call. "What's up?"

"Emergency sleepover tonight! My place!"

"I thought you were mad at us??' Mya begins.

"Look, I'm sorry, can we drop this feud. Let's be friends again. I didn't mean what I said. Come on!" She complains. "Let's throw a slumber party! I'll let you two speak to Kota whenever you're ready. I won't force it. I'm comfortable with him, that doesn't mean you are yet . Please, let's move past it. We can eat sweets." She bribes. "Ice cream, apple pie." She tempts them with this. "Whip cream...fudge. I know you two want it." 

Mya sniggers. "I guess I'll come for the sweets." 


"I forgive you, Kay." Jia, the sweetheart, accepts the apology. 

"Tonight. 7. See you soon, trio squad!" She terminate the call only to punch in the number to her mom's car phone. The muffled sound of wind whistles the line. "We'll be home in five minutes." The caller ID prompted her that home is calling. "MOM, I HAVE A MAGAIZINE INTERVIEW!" 

"AHHH!!!" Mary bellows. 

"MAGAZINE??!" Gloria is just as floored by the reveal.

"YES!" Kay singsongs. "Chicago Tribune will be here Tuesday."

"OH, WOW!"

"I knew her talents would pay off." Her granny's huge smile is heard through her words.

"Kayla, this means summer intensives. Nationals. This means having the stage to yourself!"

"I know! It's crazy! Dad said I can throw a slumber party with my girls. Can you pick up some things?" 

"Of course." 

Kay names the same desserts she lured her besties in with. After the call is over, she goes to the CB on her nightstand. "Darius come in? Do you copy?" The dead tone sours her mood a little. "There's something I have to tell you. It's huge! Please!" Her boyfriend doesn't reply. "Darius?" Her voice falters to a tiny fragment of hope. "Please..." She bites her bottom lip and strain her brows. Kay sits on the ledge of the bed, waiting for a calming voice that never comes. 

The elevator dings. Kay wipes away the waterworks and turns off the radio. She exits the room just as the lift slides open. "Yes, tears of joy are a must!" Mary embraces her, unaware that her daughter has an injured heart. Kay forces a smile. 

"Your aura is high! I see red all around you, you're spiritually elevated!" 

"Mom, stop saying nonsense."

"IT'S TRUE!" Gloria chastises Mary. "You do know she's like me, a true spell-"

"Granny! Can you make the pies?!" Kay shushes her by cutting her off.

"Yes, mom...stop being a crazy lady and start baking." Mary titters comically. "I bought a camp tent for the balcony, I thought it'd be better than a bedroom. It's 20 feet." Her mom hands over the tent. 

"That's so cool!" Kayla gapes the tent, the box displays its glamour teardrop shape. The domed roof with viewing screens for the sky. There are stringed lights beaded from the top to bottom. A golden haze tint. "I HAVE TO GO PUT THIS UP!!" Kay skips to the staircase and up the steps. It's an easy installation. The beams are quick to snap into place. She builds the frame of the tent in five minutes, then wiggles its cloth over and down it. There's a plug for the stringed lights. Kay drags the long cord from the balcony to inside the art studio, by a wash area. The cloudy day bursts with heavenly brightness just from her switching the tiny bulbs on. This cheers her up enough to forget about Darius.

Mary and Gloria supply pies and finger sandwiches, they and Kayla set up an eating area in the center of the tent. Kay is surprised that there're s'mores as well as ice cream, fudge, and toppings. "You never let me eat this bad."

"I'll allow it under certain circumstances."

Kay swipes a glob of fudge with her index finger and pops it into her mouth. "Just don't go into a sugar coma." Mary laughs.

"Challenge accepted." She grins.

"WHOA! You all decked it out!" Jia gasps, making her way to the balcony.

Mya is on her tail. "This looks like a fantasy tent!"

"I know, right?!" She huddles her arms around her besties. "Let's go in."

"What's the big news?"

Her mom and Gran beams so wide. "Yeah, what's the 411?" Jia asks.

"Soooo..." Kay kneels before them while they sit. "I got a call this morning about the show...from the Chicago Tribune!" The two break into hysterical fits of screaming. She joins the yelling fest. Shrieking to the top of her lungs.

"You girls are so silly." Mary shakes her head, chuckling. "Have fun tonight."

"Yes..." Gloria goes to kiss Kayla on the top of her head. "Not too much fun...we have an emergency meeting in the morning." She mutters so only her granddaughter hears. "Goodnight."

"Goodnight." emergency meeting about what? I'll guess I'll find out in the morning.

Once the balcony is theirs, Mya begins the gossip. "There's a rumor that you're going out with Kota."

"Yeah, everyone's talking about it. Is it true?" Jia impatiently awaits an answer.

"'m not least I don't think I am." Kay admits her confusion.

"What do you mean?" Jia angles her head to the side.

"Darius saw me with Kota. He started a huge argument. He won't answer my calls. I think we're done."

"Noo! I hope not, you two are perfect!" Jia pouts.

"Yeah...two artists in a relationship is so hot. Keep trying, he'll get over the jealousy."

"I hope so..."

"If have a backup."

Kayla scoffs at Mya. "You did not just say that?!!"

"You and Kota look good together...there's even a ship name circulating the school."


"Yep." Jia nods "Koka Kola."

"Wow...after the soda???!"

"It has a nice ring to it."

"We're not a thing."

"The word around is that you walked off alone with him. Was it to have fun?" Mya winks naughtily.

"NO! We're just friends."

"Don't girls find it hard resisting vampires? It's in all the lore."

"Yeah, I'm sure it's true. He has the chicks at school all hot in the pants." Kay stuffs her mouth with the tiny sandwiches to end participating in the chat. She has such a dirty mind! "I know you thought about kissing him." Kay chews on to dodge the truth. How does she know that? Is it that obvious? "Admit it."

"Maybe..." She replies through a full mouth.

"Guys like him emit a static charge; the kiss will be electric."

Static charge? Electric? How does she know this? I haven't revealed what arises when we touch. I haven't told anyone this yet. "You're weirding me out! How do you know about our collision?"

"Oh! What kind of collision?" Mya assumes it's sexual, she nibbles her bottom lip.

"Please get your mind out of the gutter!" Kay giggles. "I'm talking about when we hold hands...and hug." She recalls Kota grazing his fingers through her hair. The nauseous infatuation. The warmness of him. The radiating volts surging from her fingers and breaking apart his flesh. "It has something to do with my powers...some sort of reaction. I'm guessing it's a natural element...although I don't think lightning is one."

"Huh?" Jia is dumbfounded.

"I think she made it clear enough...literal sparks fly, Jia, try to keep up."

"I still don't get it."

"I wonder if it works over his whole body..." Mya glances down to narrate the innuendo.

"Okay let's eat!" Kayla diverges from the chat before she actually starts wondering if Kota is impacted everywhere. They snack on creamy apple pie and ice cream, gorging it down, then begin devouring the s'mores. Her mind unwillingly visualizes kissing Kota. The deep crevices of lightning expanding his skin. The skin of their lips igniting and cracking on impact. The chemical reaction claiming them and their passion. Kayla swallows hard from the volcano swishing in her stomach. 

The oddest thing presents itself to her. Same as the night of Halloween when his parents summoned her out of thin air. This time she does the teleporting act on Kota. Only it isn't a's a mind link. A parabond. Her mind connects to his...despite be 12 miles away. The telekinesis is vivid, as if she's living through his subconscious. Seeing through his eyes. Her vision is projected clear as day to Kota, much like an imaginary projector screen. He feels and sees what she wishes for. The hairs on her body all rise and stiffen...the magnetic pull chills Kay's entire body into an artic freeze. 


Crackling sparks spread from below his bottom lip, immersing Kota's entire mouth. From the outside to the inside is torn into flickering fractures. Kota's pupils flood red, although he's not hungry to kill. The projection of Kayla lips on his, hijacks his vision. He doesn't see the bedroom ceiling anymore. Just her lovely mouth casting lightning strikes onto his. Kota sits up in bed, still blinded by their shared mind link. 

Has she attached to my brain? Grandad mentioned a link. Is she using it on me? Must be. I'm not sure if this is accidental or intentional. Kayla is daydreaming kissing me at this very moment. Does this mean she's over Darius? Does this mean my waiting is over? That I can have her?? 

Their shared vision disconnects. The servers of their minds break away. Fizzing out as a tv's white noise would. No where did it go?! Why has Kayla stopped? He regains control over his eyes. He strides to a mirror to evaluate the wine-colored irises. Why are they red? They're usually black when I'm in predator mode. They were only this ruby color when I first transitioned. When I was a newborn vampire. When I was at my evilest. I had no way of blocking my appetite. Why would the idea of me and Kay kissing awaken the worse side of me? 

Kota witnesses the hellfire eyes fade away little by little. This is strange. I have no inkling to hurt her...or anyone. Why is the demonic eyes returning? He surveys his hueless irises with concern. Maybe I shouldn't see her tomorrow. Maybe I should skip the meeting. But I doubt I'd harm her. Even this moment...there's no violence in me. It's only alive when I'm after my opponent. Kayla isn't that. She's a friend. A kind, enchantress. A soon to be lover.  

After the intimate smooching...I have to see her tomorrow. I have to know why, all of a sudden, her feelings have changed. He steps away from the mirror with a deep sigh. In order to do that, I have to charge myself up. I hate this part. I'm still so weak from the state-to-state chase. That hawk wasn't enough to quench me. My energy is still low. I need blood. I need to go hunting.  

He exits his bedroom and descend the stairs. Grandad is at the kitchen table burning herbs onto a map. His eyes closed and hands maneuvering the air. The herbs glide fast across the map of the United States. The magical leaves explore each of the fifty territory on the map. Elu is probing for the tricky vampire. "Still nothing?" 

"Nothing at all."

"He could be in that dugout." 

"Even being underground doesn't hide someone's essence completely. There would still be a trace. I predict this one is breaching between dimensions. That would explain the glitching you saw."

"But...vampires aren't magical."

"Yes, true."

"So how...?"

"The use of spellers, drawing on their life force to violate the laws of nature. This one can conjure false witchcraft."

Kota examines the map with pinched brows. "That's why he wants Kayla? To add to his supply chain?"

"Precisely...her youth sets her apart from the casters he's draining. Her untamed powers entice him."

I should stop by Kay's place to check on her before I hunt. The evil one already stalks her...what if tonight he takes her away from me? His inner bodyguard triggers on. "I have to go hunt...I'll see if she's okay tonight." 

"With Gloria by her side, she is, trust me."

"I'll stop by, just to be sure."

"Do whatever eases your mind." Elu gives a light grin, his eyelids still shut.

"I'll be back soon." Kota missiles out of the back door, to the street, in the direction of downtown. All of his faintness and low energy evaporates, Kayla is his driving force now. 


I hope my nerves are creating fear and not my instincts. The 12 miles stretch out for some reason. Usually he covers streets in seconds, now he's slower. His sprinting isn't as formidable. 

I need fluids...but I will hate myself if I choose blood over Kayla's safety. I have to tough this out....just for a little while. 

His legs and arms slice the air. His eyes grow beady with focus. The yellow streetlamps haze as one long beam ray. The cold autumn night causes fog to seep from his mouth. The chill frosts his long, black hair with icy streaks. 

Just as he enclose the distance to the penthouse, the evil one shoves him hard. Kota is knock upwards by the forearms of the vampire. He tumbles backwards, in reverse, falling upside down. Reaching the murky night sky, breaking through the thick clouds, and out the other side. Out into the stratosphere of space. The outer limits of earth. The absolute darkness of the universe.  


Kota directs himself in a downward fly position, having no struggle with the change of gravity. He boosts himself down fast, back into the layers of the planet. Kota's whole body is covered in an icy casing, a thin layer of subzero space air freezes him over. He battles against becoming a frozen stature. Refuses to be a dead, ice man trapped in space, as his foe wanted him to be. The man underestimated his determination. Kota's eyes spike bloodshot. The villain in his head advances his energy sky high...pumps him with unlimited rage.   

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