Chapter 1. Frank

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Frank needed a day off.

He had been traveling - with limited supplies - for about a week, sleeping in shop doorways and only allowing himself a nibble or two of the small bread roll he had taken from his imprisonment with Gaia. He had been preparing for his escape.

And he was tired, so tired, with dark bags under his eyes like a zombie, due to the constant awareness of stray monsters. He only slept for about ten minutes at a time, and even that was restless and filled with the horrors of demigod dreams.

Gaia had obviously decided to make his sleep as tough as possible; he still couldn't get the dream with Camp Jupiter in flames, ruined, out of his head. It was pure torture...

Frank trudged alone along a dark road, which was deserted besides the almost non-existent stream of cars, passing him every so often with a seemingly mocking flash of bright lights. It was nearing the end of another day, with the stars shining in the sky.

Frank curled up in a ball, silently wishing he could find the Argo II soon. If he didn't... well, he didn't want to sit out on a fight, did he? Especially not one which would save or destroy the entire world. Fun.

He slowly drifted off to sleep... to be tormented by demigod dreams.

Camp Half-Blood  and Camp Jupiter soldiers were running towards each other, faces twisted in looks of pure anger but fear hiding behind their eyes. He saw Gwen and Dakota in the crowd, hanging near the back, obviously unsure, but forced by...

Frank grimaced at the sight of Octavian, hiding out of the way of the battle (the coward) and encouraging the Romans to charge, a teddy in one hand and a sword in the other. The barely prepared Greeks were forced to fight, but many were getting injured, and others falling to the floor. Dead.


Frank's eyes snapped open, breathing heavy and covered in a cold sweat. His hands shook uncontrollably as he grabbed his bow and arrow from his back. Something was watching him, but he couldn't see what; the shadows were too dark and foggy.

He sighed with relief when Mars stepped out in front of him, but got worried again when he saw his father's tense face.

"Fai, son, I need to be quick. I haven't got much time to tell you this. Listen, you must go ahead to Pylos, towards that mountain-" he pointed straight ahead of him. "And find a small, red house with a stained glass eagle on the window.

"The person inside will help you find the sword of Pylos. You must bring it back with you to Athens, where you'll find your friends, and you can use it to save the gods!"

Frank was confused. What was wrong with the gods? Why did they need a sword to help them? "Um... why father?"

Mars sighed, twiddling a little dial on his watch impatiently. "Because Gaia is tracking down the gods and possessing them so they can't help you at the final battle. The rest of us who escaped are in hiding. So when you do get to Athens, and you and your friends find the imprisoned gods, you can free them with the sword of Pylos. You must do this Fai, or Gaia will destroy the world!"

Frank hesitated, and for an awful second almost said no. After all, his father barely ever spoke to him, and when he did he wanted to get away as quickly as possible. But then he saw his father's serious face and nodded.

"Ok, fine," he said bravely, and his dad's face relaxed into a smile.

"Thank you, son. And... I'm proud of you. You're a brave person, Fai. Well done." With that he disappeared, leaving Frank alone once more in the cold dark street. Not even an extra blanket in sight.

"Wow. Thanks, dad," he murmured to himself, before setting of down the road, this time, heading north.

YAYAYAYAYAY!!!! I'M SO EXCITED!!! New booooook!!!!!! With longer chapters!!!!!

Anyways, my little drama llamas (ik no-one gave me ideas and so that's the best I could come up with :P ), give me some feedback and whether you like it please!

I'm not gonna do songs this time... but go and listen to Short Of Daybreak! I just discovered them and they're AMAZING!!!!

Please Vote and Comment! I need a better name than The Blood Of Olympus (Part 2)!!!! Feel free to PM me ideas as well :)

RandomPhandom xxx

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