Chapter 17. Jason

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The view over the ocean was beautiful.

The waves glittered like diamonds in the hot sun, the water a crystal clear blue. A soft wind swept across the still water, and there was a feeling of complete calm, as though nothing bad could ever happen in this glorious paradise.

That was, until Jason Grace's head broke through the otherwise peaceful surface with a sound like a gunshot.


Jason was panicking, to say the least. He only remembered Hazel's body crashing into him, before the world turned pitch black for a couple of seconds. And now, he'd woken up to find himself in the one place that scared him the most.

The ocean.

He thrashed and splashed desperately, his mind overtaken with fear. He opened his mouth to scream, but water flooded his lungs as he coughed and spluttered. The waves were getting choppier and choppier, and Jason struggled to keep his head above the water. Finally, though, he just gave up. His arms and legs stilled, as did his rasping breath, and he let his eyes close.

This was where he was going to die.


"Oh, for goodness sake. Get up, will you! Come on, you're getting boring," a high-pitched voice pierced his sleep, but Jason was determined not to wake up. Wasn't he dead, anyway? Instead, Jason grunted, turning onto his side and sighing deeply.

"Aaaargh! Seriously!? Gods, men are so dumb!" The same voice spoke, and suddenly a sharp pain stung his cheek. Jason shot up, his hand flying to the source of the pain while he tried to blink the dark fog from his eyes. She'd slapped him! Whoever it was had slapped him!

"Pipes..." he mumbled, still clutching a hand to his face. "Wha..?" The darkness cleared from his eyes, and a face appeared above him. A girl, around his age, with almond-shaped eyes and long caramel-coloured hair in a braid down her back. Her eyebrows were pulled together in a concerned expression, but they arched when she saw he was awake.

"Oh, finally. Sleeping beauty awakens. Gods, tired, were you?"

Jason didn't answer, instead looking around at the island he was currently sat on. Soft, warm sand slid between his fingers, while the sounds of the crashing waves and squawking birds filled his ears. Clusters of palm trees and fruit-filled bushes were scattered randomly, and... was that a monkey? Finally, his eyes returned to the girl. Her eyes had softened.

"You're not in Elysium, you know," she told him gently. "You're alive. Sons of Zeus don't normally survive in water, but I suppose you got lucky. You washed up here last night, a right state, too. But, anyway, I'm Calypso. You are..?"

Jason shook his head, trying to make sense of the situation. What in Hades was going on? His voice shook a little when he spoke, but he quickly regained control. Exactly what he needed to do with his messed-up life. "Um... Jason. Jason Grace. And it's Jupiter, my dad, but how did you know?"

She grinned fondly, almost pityingly, clasping her hands together as though stopping herself from hitting him around the head. Probably as a joke, Jason figured, but he appreciated the decision. His cheek was still sore.

"Trust me, I've seen your father enough times to recognise him. And even though you don't look anything like him, I would know those eyes anywhere." She smirked.

Jason suddenly felt self-conscious. He jumped to his feet, wobbled, but kept himself upright. "No, I need to go. I'm sorry, Calypso, but I have a prophecy to fulfill and a girlfriend to... rescue." His heart sank at the thought of Piper and Leo trekking through darkness, literally in hell. Calypso's eyes darkened at the word 'girlfriend', but only for a second. She gave him a stunning, steady smile, and Jason felt his knees weaken.

"Come on," she told him brightly, spotting his hesitation. "You must be exhausted. Let's get you a drink." And, without a second thought, Jason allowed himself to be dragged away.


Jason lay next to Calypso on the golden sand. Jeff, the funny little monkey he'd made friends with over the course of the day, sat beside him, and the sky was dark. Stars glowed in the thick, inky darkness, and Jason smiled. His tummy was full of sweet, juicy fruit, and he was clean and crisp after a long bath in the stream that ran through the forest.

This was the life.

"See that, just there? That little cluster of stars. That's the Ursa Major. Isn't it beautiful?" Calypso pointed just above Jason's head, her eyes shining with wonder as she stared at this pure, natural wonder.

Jason nodded in awe, before a new constellation caught his eye. It looked like a young girl, with a bow outstretched in her hand. "What's that one called?" He asked, pointing towards it lazily while resting his other arm under his head. He could've sworn Calypso's eyes had narrowed again, but he brushed it aside.

"Oh, that thing over there. That's not a constellation. It doesn't look like anything at all!"

Jason opened his mouth to protest, when suddenly Calypso turned so she was straddling his hips. Her eyes shone with a strange sort of desperate passion. "Anyway, that doesn't matter now, does it?"

She rubbed a hand on his cheek, the one she'd slapped that morning, actually, and leant closer, pursing her lips. Jason copied, squeezing his eyes tight shut, when suddenly an image of Piper shot into his head. Beautiful, trustworthy, brave Piper, with her gorgeous smile, dazzling eyes and soft hair.

His eyes shot open.

"I can't do this!" He gasped, pushing Calypso away from him. He scrambled up as she tumbled onto the floor, cursing, and Jeff swiftly crawled away, squeaking. Calypso stood slowly, hair messy and hands clenched into fists at her sides. Her face was screwed up in anger.

"I HATE YOU, ZEUS!" She screamed towards the sky, before turning her gaze onto Jason. She was like a furious bull, ready to charge. "You're just like all the others. Just like Percy, that lying brat! I hate you! I hate all of you, you stupid, stupid boys!"

"Percy?" Jason asked, but he was answered with a glare. Calypso shot forward, quicker than he could register, and punched him in the stomach. Hard. Jason wheezed, clutching his stomach in agony as he attempted to regain his breath.

"Dad, h-help me. P... P-please..." he shuddered, watching as Calypso swung her fist back, preparing for another blow. Then he realised that his dad was possessed by Gaia... great. He changed his tactic, dodging Calypso's fist and missing by a hair.

"Tem... pest... here b-boy-"

The wind picked up dramatically, swirling dizzily around the fighting couple. There was a slight flash of lighting and Tempest formed in front of him, whinnying at the sight of his weak friend. Calypso let out a roar of anger, pain and sadness, watching helplessly as Jason climbed onto Tempest's back while she was held back by the force of the wind.

"G-go! Argo!" Jason yelped, and Tempest neighed in reply. The last thing he head before they flew into darkness was Calypso yelling after them.

"You will fail when you are to save those that mean the most to you, Jason Grace! I curse it upon you! You. Will. FAIL!"

Jason winced, the words sharp and piercing. He suddenly slumped against Tempest's neck, unconscious even before his head hit the soft surface.


Omg I am so evil! I love it! Muhahahahahaaaaa!!!

So, what do you think?!?!?! I'm so excited to hear your feedback on this chapter!!!

Btw, I know I said in the first book I wasn't bringing Calypso into this, but I just had a plan in my head! And, quick reminder, Leo hasn't met Calypso in this book. So, Leo isn't still thinking about her and he hasn't made the promise to go back... because he hasn't met her. You get me? :)

Sooooo... Please vote and comment, and be the awesome little pineapples I know you all are!

RandomPhandom xxx

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