Begging on deaf ears

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Y/n's dream POV

I groggily toss and turn in a bed eventually waking up. I lift my head and look around, this isn't my room... Where am I? Although I feel tired and my visions groggy I get up and leave the room shuffling down the hall with light fading in from another room; Curiously I walk cautiously into the room. It's turns out to be a kitchen and upon further inspection no ones in it, weird, suddenly I hear a click and feel something around my neck shift. I'd failed to notice a collar was on my neck when I woke up, how I misses such a thing I don't know, but there was a leash attached to the collar now and from what I can tell someone is holding the leash. They walk in front of me and I get a good look at them, they look familiar... Jack? No, what's up with his eye?! Oh wait I know who this is now.

"Hello Y/n" he says.

"Ar-are you..." Your sentence trails off.

"I'm Antisepticeye" he tugs on the leash pulling me towards him "but you can call me master~" my eyes widen realizing what Anti's intentions are. I flick my eyes back to Anti he's staring at me lustfully, this is not good. I try to back away from Anti but only manage two steps before the leash becomes taught, Anti pulls me back to him and pins me against the wall forcefully. He giggles a high pitched, eerie giggle.

"There's no escaping me Kitten" Anti's face leans in closer to mine as he speaks, when he's finished speaking he begins licking my neck holding the leash all the while. It's all I can do not to grunt or whimper but when Anti finds my sweet spot a grunt escapes my lips, he pulls back a small bit and smiles his hit breath biting my neck. Anti begins to bite and suck at the spot coaxing many whimpers and grunts out of me.

"Anti stop.. Please" I say not letting myself stutter. Anti pulls back and glares at me.

"What did you call me" Anti says menacingly.

"A-Anti" I say refusing to call him master. He tisks at me.

"Oh Y/n you shouldn't have said that, now I'll have to punish you~" Anti says smirking his eyes glowing with lust again.

"N-no.. No please no Anti don't do this" I plead, the fact I'm calling him Anti probably isn't helping my case. He pulls me by the leash towards the hall.

"No no no no Anti no please no" I claw at the wall trying to slow down the process as much as possible, it doesn't really work.

"No Anti please reconsider, don't do this!" Tears spring to my eyes as I'm dragged to my doom.

"Anti stop no! I don't want this stop!" I make one more final attempt at saving myself by holding onto the corner of the wall, because Anti's still pulling on the collar I eventually begin to choke and let go of the wall. I keep begging, it's the only thing I can do now.

"No no no please no Anti please stop no-"

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