Guess not

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Y/n's POV

Waking to the darkness of my room and an empty stomach I lazily reach over to my bedside table hand searching for my phone, but after a agonizing minute of searching there is no phone to be found. Getting up and shaking my head attempting to clear the sleepiness I get out of bed and onto my feet to search for the lost phone.

My stomach rumbles.

Or just get something to eat.

Walking out of my room and into my kitchen I find some bagged popcorn and pour some into a bowl, as I am pouring I see a slender brick out of the corner of my eye. Putting away the popcorn bag I pick up said slender brick and find it's actually my phone.

How did it get out here?

I must have left it out here earlier


wasn't I using it before I toke a nap?

...guess not.

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