Night at the Pub

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(One thing I would like to make clear before you read this chapter. When I use Y/n or Y/d/n I mean the character in this particular story. You may or may not be familiar with my Darkiplier x Reader story. That'll be playing a part in this chapter and maybe in further chapters, so when another Y/n character comes into a story they'll be referred to as other name or O/n for convinces sake. You can come up with another name for this character if you like or name it off similarly to the current stories Y/n. For example you could have a Y/n character named Jane and the O/n character could be named J instead. This might still be confusing but I hope it doesn't limit the story in anyway.)

Anti's POV

Staring down at Y/n is oddly calming. Y/n fell asleep a while ago when we were watching... black butler? I think it was, anyway she had drifted off to sleep and laid down on my chest. The little cinnamon roll looked so cute cuddling into my chest while she slept, a small smile appears on my face and I kiss the top of her head. I lay there for a little longer before slowly getting up and laying Y/n gently on her bed so she can continue to sleep in peace. I on the other hand decided to see if a certain friend of mine was busy or not, leaving Y/n's room I text him.

Anti: hey Dark you busy?

It takes a moment but Dark responds

Dark: what do you want Anti

Anti: you want to get a drink?

Dark: sure, the usual place

Anti: yup! See you soon

Dark: bye

*time skip to the Pub*

It doesn't take long for Dark to show up at the pub we always go to. Grabbing the bar stool on my right he sits down.

"Hey Dark" I greet

"Hello Anti" Dark says.

"Anything to drink?" The bartender comes over and asks us

"Jack Daniels fire" Dark orders

"Guinness draught" I order

(Is it bad I spent around 30 minutes looking up beers and finalizing what beer they would get?)

In a minute the bartender has our drinks in front of us. We give them a nod of thanks and begin our conversation.

"So, what have you been up to lately Dark?" I ask taking a swig from my glass.

"I've been busy with this one girl" Dark smirks and takes a drink from his mug.

"Oh really?" I raise an eyebrow "I can only imagine the torture she goes through"

"Heh yeah, she is really stubborn though" Dark says drinking again.

"Des she resist you?" I ask curiously.

"Yup, she'll come around though" Dark says his mug to the half way mark. Because I've known Dark for so long I know he has a few ideas on how to get his girl to "come around".

"Sounds like fun" I say downing half of my glass "I've been busy with a girl to" I grin.

"Ooh do tell" Dark says grinning mischievously.

"Heheh we've never meet her before but we've met apart of her" I hint

Dark furrows his eyebrows "who?"

"Remember Y/d/n" I ask

"Of course I do" Dark says

"Well the girl I've been busy with is Y/n" I say

"Why? What reason do you have to mess with them?" Dark asks curiously

"Hold on" I pull out my phone, open up google images, and type in Y/n's name handing the pictures over to Dark.

"What the hell" he mumbles scrolling through the pictures "she looks so different from Y/d/n"

"I know right. They're both so different" I reply looking at the phone to.

"Hey it's O/n with Mark and Jack" Dark says showing a picture of O/n, Mark, and Jack waving and smiling at the camera.

"O/n must be the name of your girl then huh" I say looking at the picture.

"Yeah. Pretty odd she popped up in Y/n's search though" Dark says

"Well Y/n is a YouTuber and she's friends with Mark and Jack so" I shrug sarcastically.

"O/n is to surprisingly enough" Dark lets out a sigh "Mark showed up at her house, he's tended to some of the wounds she's gotten" Dark slides his empty mug towards the bartender who quickly refills it sliding it back to him.

"Mark's always been meddlesome... to an extant" I mumble sipping my glass.

"Indeed" Dark responds.

"Now Jack on the other hand. Ooohhh boy" I drag out "Jack's been VERY bothersome"

"What's he been doing?" Dark asks.

"Every time I showed up he would tell me to go away and leave Y/n alone" I said swallowing the last bit of my Guinness "scolded me like a child some times"

"Yeah. Well Anti I better be going" Dark says chugging his drink until it's gone

"Alrighty then" I said also downing my drink "we need to do the more often" I say

"Sure. Bye Anti" Dark says waving and leaving.

"Bye Dark, see ya next time" I say waving back before heading out, once the cost is clear I teleport back to Y/n's place.

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