Vivid dreams

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???'s POV

She's asleep, finally, it's time.

Y/n's Dream POV

My body feels heavy as I step forward, I'm in a dark room with no lights perhaps a large closet? I'm not quite sure. The wall seems to be padded, sound proofing I'm sure cause of my experience with the stuff. Blindly reaching forward i feel around for a door but find a body instead my face finding it before my hands do, clumsy me.

"Oh Sorry, Uhm do you know a way out of here?" I ask stepping back giving the person space but they step forward again.

"Now why would you want to leave?" The voice sounds masculine but of a higher pitch, the way the man says this is quite sinister, kinda sounds like the joker.

"Uhm because..." I struggle to think of anything to say a hand to my cheek snaps me out of my thoughts. The hand rests there the mans thumb brushing across my cheek. "What are you doing?" I ask. He doesn't reply instead he steps closer barely a hairs width between us and wraps a arm behind my back, I begin to grow worried of his intentions.

"Could I have some space please" I want out of this situation, this is uncomfortable. "Let go of me"

The man steps back, I'm unable to see him or even know where he is now and it's nerve racking. Suddenly my arms are pinned above my head and I'm stuck to the wall like a piece of paper the man being the tac. My hearts racing at the scare, ask struggle to release myself I hear laughter. Very creepy, high pitched laughter.

"There's no escaping me"

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