Shot 2

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Pragya was on the road searching for that detective agency she saw a board named Oolta Chashma detective Agency! Pragya felt," wooh! What a name yaar!" She went near the door and said, "Excuse me May I come in?" She heard a voice reply, "Yes come in." Pragya thought, "Why do I feel I have heard this voice somewhere." She went ahead and both Abhi and Pragya at the same time said, "Tum!?" ( You) Pragya corrected herself and said," Aap!? (You with respect) and Purab you are working here for part time, you are gone man he is such an irritating person." Abhi said, "Can you stop it, it was your mistake." Pragya said, "No it was your mistake." Abhi said, "No it's yours." Purab said, "No, It's my mistake making you both meet." Both Abhi and Pragya said, "What!?" Purab said, "Or what else should I say you both keep fighting I am leaving." Pragya said, "Sorry Purab I got irritated seeing this guy." Purab asked," What happened di? Why are you irritated seeing him? What he did?" 

FB begins...

Pragya was riding her bike in a market suddenly someone came and fell on her bike ( She applied breaks immediately) She asked, "Who are you? What happened? Why are you running like this without even noticing a bike coming on your way?" That guy said, "Someone is chasing me ." Abhi was coming in a bike after that guy, he saw that guy speaking to Pragya. He got down from the bike and said, "Oye Ramu you can't escape from me come here." Pragya stood in front of Ramu and blocked Abhi's way. Abhi asked, "Who are you? Let me speak to him." Pragya said, "Why do you trouble that guy? Let him go." Abhi saw that guy running away and said, "Because of you I lost him." Pragya said," What do you mean ? You were troubling that guy I helped him escape." Abhi said, "Do you have any idea who is he!? What is the use in telling you Chashmish (Person wearing specs)". Pragya asked, "What you said!?" Abhi said," Chashmish" again. They both started fighting blocking the way for others to move around ( it was a narrow lane). People started to blow horns they both came to sense and said because of you all these happened and both went their way murmuring 'Chashmish' and 'Idiot.' Both turned back, saw each other smirked and went off.
FB Ends...
Purab started laughing both Abhi and Pragya hit him on his back and said, Bilkul chup! (Shut up!)  Purab said, "Sorry di and Abhi I wasn't able to control my laughter you don't know what Abhi did after coming back. His expressions were worth watching." Abhi asked," Di?(sis) I am also elder to you why don't you call me bhai? (Bro)" Purab said," She is my senior in college I am used to calling her as di. And you only said no need of bhai, behen(Sister) here, be professional so.." Abhi said, "Ok enough enough." Pragya was cursing Bulbul in her mind saying, "I am gonna kill you Bulbul where have you brought me and you even said he looks hot & handsome this guy looks like a toned chimpanzee" and was laughing thinking of it. Abhi was thinking, "Who asked this Pagal (Mad Person) to be here?" Purab said," Di why are you here?" Pragya said," I thought Bulbul would have informed you guys about that." Abhi said," So you are the one who saw that guy? Tell me how does he looks like?" Pragya said, "Actually I dint see my friend saw him." Abhi asked, "Then why are you here? To irritate me right!?" Pragya said, "I am leaving I came here so that you can help my friend but i don't think it is possible now." She started to leave. Abhi called, "Pragya." She turned back. He said, "I am sorry let us leave our personal differences behind and get to work." Pragya narrated what all happened to Tanu. Abhi said, "Poor girl she dreams of that everyday? And what you said, that someone is following her from hostel to college?" Purab today you have to check that out. (Purab nodded affirmatively) and Pragya be careful with your friend don't leave her alone he is a filthy blood loving animal he may kill her too." Pragya said, "Oh my god it's time for my class and yes I will definitely take care of her too." Purab said," Di I will also come with you." Both Purab and Pragya left the office leaving Abhi alone to think. Abhi said," I am coming for you be ready Mr. Killer." Outside of the office Pragya asked," Purab what kind of detective office has such a name!?" Purab said, "Di it is meaningful too i.e., See everything in a different manner so that you can understand It better." Pragya asked, Matlab!?(Means) How does it match with the name?" Purab explained," Wearing your specs normally you can see normally but when you wear it upside down your view is different through it." Pragya said," Hmmm I thought this guy is stupid but he is intelligent and I like the concept, he is different in his thoughts." They both reached coll Pragya rushed for her classes informing Purab of Tanu's timing. Purab was waiting for Tanu to come, he saw her coming and hid behind a tree.He saw a guy was following her he rushed behind that guy and caught him red handed. Tanu heard some noise and turns behind to see Ronnie in Purab's grip and asked, "Ronnie, Purab what are you both doing here?"  Purab said, "Di he was following you and I caught him." Ronnie said," I heard of your dream and your fear for that guy that's why I started following you to ensure that you reach safely."Tanu said, "You are so sweet Ronnie thank you so much" saying this she left. Purab saw Ronnie blushing and asked him," What is the matter are you interested in her?" Ronnie unconsciously nodded his head and said, "No.." Purab started whistling the song, Pehla Nasha and went off leaving Ronnie blushing again. Someone was seeing all this hiding behind another tree. Pragya came back to her room and saw Tanu who was murmuring something. She went near her to hear what she was saying. Tanu said, "Ronnie ke bacche! You frightened me you know!? But so sweet of you, to follow me just to ensure I reach hostel safely. Where is this Pragya I need to tell her what happened, but why Purab followed Ronnie!?" Pragya said," Abhi told him to follow you, You were followed by Ronnie so he followed you both." Tanu turned back, saw Pragya standing behind her and hugged her. Tanu said," Now tell me who is this Abhi!?" Pragya narrated whatever happened there. Tanu said, "Oh that Hot guy!? I love to see him tell him to come to coll please pretty please." Pragya thought, "Why every one thinks he is hot? I don't think so I can only see a toned chimpanzee hmm not just toned chimpanzee but intelligent toned chimpanzee." Pragya was smiling like an idiot. Tanu said, "Don't tell me you are day dreaming about him." Pragya said," No way Tanu" and narrated that market incident to Tanu. Tanu said laughing, "So he was the one!? Oh my God you let some criminal escape from his grip? Very bad Pragya." Pragya suddenly said," How did Bulbul know about Purab? I think I forgot to ask him regarding this." Tanu said, "Whatever i am feeling hungry let's eat."

Oolta Chashma Detective agency:

Abhi was seeing a board in which every murder done by that killer is pinned and who all was there at that moment noted on it. When he carefully observed a name was repetitive no matter which ever place it was that guy was seen around the murder spot. He thought of enquiring that particular guy but how? He thought, "Have to get these blood samples tested after taking his blood sample but how to test? I don't even own a laboratory here."
Abhi went out for a break and while coming back he was admiring his own Signage board ( Ooltah Chashma) and thought, "That chashmish is a brave girl yaar! She stood against me to help that guy, even though she let a criminal escape I like her brave attitude" and said, "Come on why am I thinking about her now?? Abhi you are out of your mind!! Come back to your detective agency Ooltah chashma! Oh my God! Now even my signage board reminds me of her." ( Smiling like an idiot).
At the same moment a guy wearing specs is seen entering the college premises. He went inside got hold of a guy and asked," Do you know where is Tanu?" He said, "There are so many Tanu's here whom do you want to meet?" That guy replied, "Tanu Dutta."He said," Oh that Vampire!? She will be in the last class over there "( Pointing towards a class).
That guy said to himself, "Will go and surprise her and stopped himself and said, After my class gets over." He got hold of another guy asked him something and headed towards the staircase. Pragya is seen keenly observing about what the lecturer was teaching. A guy interrupted and said, "Excuse me May I come in?" (With a smile). Pragya felt something strange after seeing him. Lecturer welcomed him saying,"He is the most talented student I have ever seen, and he just got transferred to this coll because his relatives shifted here." He went and sat next to Pragya and said, "Hi I am...." and he spoke about his other coll and finally forwarded his hands and said, "Friends!?" Pragya hesitated a bit and nodded her head and accepted his friendship. 

Ooltah Chashma Agency

Here Abhi is seen engrossed with a pile of newspapers beside him. Purab entered shouting, "Abhi I saw a new guy enquiring about Tanu I find this fishy and he is in Pragya di' s class now." Abhi looked up and said, "You are right it's very fishy have to find out before anything wrong happens again. "


Tanu is happily waiting for Pragya to tell something to her.
Pragya entered telling, "Tanu today a guy joined our class, I don't know why but I feel really fishy about it." Tanu interrupted and said, "Come on you started to speak like me now? I was waiting for you to tell something, Hey I met my old friend today, he is looking lot more handsome now.!"

 Ooltah Chashma Agency

Purab said, "I even heard that he is staying in the room opposite to mine in hostel, Shall we go and check out?" Abhi said, "Ok come let's go. But Will they allow me in?" Purab said, "You are my bhai who came to see me from far, you can stay in my room tonight" (winking at him). They both headed towards hostel and saw that guy going towards his room. Both Abhi and Purab got hold of him and dragged him to Purab's room and started questioning him. After an hour they bid good bye to him smiling and said," We are unbelievable now a days. This guy can never do something like that no way. "(Laughing).

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