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     "What do you mean, 'come with you'? Where would I be going?" Spencer asked.

     "Heaven, of course. Cal hates me."

     "Well, yeah. I knew that."

     "I think he's jealous because I'm better looking," Garrett said with a wink.

    "Excuse me?" It was Cal. "Not only am I better looking than you, but I'm not nearly as annoying."

    Garrett smirked. "Well, I'm bound to her by blood."

    "Well, so am I! We did a blood binding ceremony last night, thank you very much."

    "You did a blood binding?! Do you have any idea how dangerous that is?" Garrett was freaking out.

    "Well, yeah. But you see, I'm good at magic."

"What the frick is a blood binding ceremony? And why am I not aware of the fact that I partook in one?" Spencer felt really left out among these two.

"You don't know that you did it...holy cram," Garrett whispered.

"You know, I almost forgot you can't curse. It's funny every time you try to," Cal said with a grin.

"Cal, what's going on?" Spencer asked.

"Well," Garrett began. "It seems Cal can't explain things to you, so I think I'll take it upon myself to educate you, darling."

"Don't call me darling. It's cringe." Spencer stuck out her tongue.

"As you wish," Garrett said with a shrug. "Blood binding is like...well, it's like you're two parts of one soul. Now he can't perform magic as well without you to accompany him. Because half of his powers transferred to you. And that also means he's bound to me, too, since my blood runs through your veins." Garrett shivered at the thought. "The three of us are bound together by darkness, thanks to Cal."

"Why, you're welcome, Gare Bear. Anytime," Cal said with a snicker.

"This is no time to joke, Calloway. I can't be bound to you. You're soulless!" He fell to his knees. "Please forgive me, God." His wings enveloped him like a blanket.

"Soulless?" Spencer asked. "What do you mean, soulless?" Cal wouldn't look Spencer in the eye. He looked at his feet and waited for Garrett to explain. "Garrett?" Garrett wouldn't look up, either. He was still curled up on the ground in despair.

"You're both a bunch of wimps. What did Cal do, sell his soul or something?" Neither of them would look at her. "He did...holy shit..."

    "Okay, stop cursing sweetheart," Garrett started walking toward Spencer to cover her mouth. She pushed his hand away so he kissed her to keep her quiet.

    "What the hell was that?"

    "Angels kiss each other all the time. Is that not normal?"

    "Well, no. Back away from me, crapbag." Garrett backed up reluctantly, wishing his bloodchild would be kinder to him.

    Cal smirked. "That's my Spence." He put an arm around her shoulder, smiling at Garrett.

     "Spencer," Garrett said soothingly, "Calloway sold his soul two years ago in exchange for-"

     "Don't tell her why I did it! Don't be cruel, Garrett," Cal pleaded.

      "Fine," Garrett huffed. "The point is, the boy sold his soul to he who shall not be named. Meanwhile, I'm an angel. I'm your angel. He'll use your powers for evil, but I'll help you learn how to use them."


    "Well, yeah. Being part angel isn't totally useless."

"Like what, I get wings or some crap like that?"

"Um, not exactly. But I can teach you how to use your powers."

"But if I go with you, one could only assume I could never return."

"That's right."

"And you just expect me to be chill with that? Are you tripping?" Spencer raised an eyebrow.

"No, I'm perfectly fine. I didn't expect you to want to leave earth. But if you'd like, I could stay and teach you."

"Um...maybe...if you tell me why Cal sold his soul..."

"Spence, please. I wouldn't hide it from you if it weren't totally awful." Cal's eyes were pleading for her to let it drop.

"I'm sure there are plenty of things you hide from me. We haven't known each other for a week, for God's sake!" Spencer scoffed. "I don't see why this is such a big deal, honestly."

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