Chapter 3: Connection

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"I have no prejudice against sect or race, but want each individual to be judged by his own merit." - Ulysses Simpson Grant (1822-1885), American Civil War military leader and 18th U.S. President.


Nerima, Tokyo, Japan.


It's just another weekend in this quaint neighborhood, without any particularities.

A group of seven Tokyo kids, tucked on their bicycles, ready to show the best they can.

"Who's the first to reach Hikari Park will be the first to request a song for me to play on the piano there!"


"Got it, Hatamoto-kun!"

Yes, this is me, Ryutaro Hatamoto. Some people thought me as a potential pro musician. But in reality, it's more than just that. You'll see for yourself.

Today I got a new friend joining us, Kokoro Yamaguchi.

Originally from Nagoya, Aichi Prefecture, her family moved to Tokyo in 2002. We were classmates at school, and attend the same church together as she and I are Christians, and hang out a lot, especially as we discovered our common ground.

"I think I saw you playing the piano before. I love it!"

"Oh, really?" I was surprised someone like other than my two best friends, Himari and Izumi, had seen me playing the piano.

"Yes, six months ago!"

"Oh yeah." My memories went back to the time I got first place in a competition for a second time.

"And I play the violin!" Her brown eyes sparkling just like stars above as she explained her hobby.

"Wow..." I mumbled. "Amazing!"

"I also learn how to swim, too. How about you?"

"Well, not yet."

"Don't worry, we'll learn it together."


"Can we play music together one day?" Kokoro suddenly changed the topic.

"Wait, you saw Hatamoto-kun playing the piano before?"

"Yes" she replied at the brown-haired girl in front of her who had just interrupted them. "By the way, what's your name?"

"I'm Himari. Let's be friends!" She grinned at the black-haired girl. Then a boy of the same height as Himari stepped forward and went closer "Who is she?"

"She saw Hatamoto played the piano."

"I don't know that. Anyway, I'm Izumi! Nice to meet you!" And so he took charge for a game of tag with each other.

And today, it's her first time to hang out outside of school.

"May I have a request, Ryutaro-kun?"


"If I win, I'll buy an ice cream for you."

"I love it!"

"Well, what we're waiting for, our parents are waiting there!" Then she dashed off.

"Wait, Kokoro!"

With all of my might on the pedal, I soon overtook her and covered half of the distance required. Behind me, roughly three meters was Kokoro.

"I won't lose to you, Ryutarou!"

"In your dreams, Kokoro!"

Ah, that voice of Himari, betting on her reputation as a potential baseball player. Her momentary distraction helped Izumi to overtake her mere microseconds ago.

A little fact of me; while I play classical music in competitions, I also play other genres like pop. For example, Maroon 5. I love to play their song 'Makes Me Wonder' which was their single for their 2007 album.

Of course, there are many other songs from many other artists, Japanese and foreign, outside the classical music genres that I play.

Before I know that, Kokoro picked up the pace and nearly caught up to me.


In the meantime, Himari and Izumi took turns to overtake each other, and soon enough, I want something different.

"Catch me, Kokoro!"

"I know this route too, so watch me!"

There's a small alley on my left which I promptly turned the direction of my bicycle. Himari and Izumi were so caught up in their competition that they didn't realize that Kokoro and I have taken an alternate route, until the end of our run.

"How can you be there so fast, Ryutaro?" They asked me as they finally arrived at the park, four minutes later after us.

We laughed together, then head for our respective parents.

Soon it's time for the reward. My mother ushered me. "Play whatever you want, son." Her lips touched my cheeks, and I head forward for a gazebo where there was a piano inside.

Both Mum and Dad dedicated their day off work for things like this.

Kids and adults alike paid attention as I sat in front of that piano. Kokoro was the first to request a song from me.

A simple and innocent song. 'Twinkle Twinkle Little Star.'

More kids gathered at the park that day and they requested that I play nursery rhymes but also a few pop songs.

Of course, they were engulfed by my music. It was a perfect carefree environment, much more with our parents were with us.

"We want more! We want more!"

But something else went through my mind...


Out of the blue, Kokoro's eyes sensed a narrow opportunity.

She stepped forward with her violin on her hands while Himari and Izumi went their separate ways from us and chase each other for their own fun.

"Kokoro, what are you doing?!"

She stared at me.

"You want to play your violin?" I asked her.


"Then, let's play together! I'll play the piano."

Silence reigned, before it changed to cheers as I sat on the piano once more, this time with her on my side.

The first note immediately opened the floodgates full of music, two times gorgeous than all the previous performances.

This is what we love to do. The more time we play together the better.

Her long silky-black hair and gray eyes were adorable.

"Amazing as always, Ryutaro."

"Don't feel bad, Izumi, you are better with the ball than me!"

"He is right." Himari's giggle prompted me to laugh as well.


"Cycle our way to the park and then played together, you guys know how to have fun."

"Not only fun things we do, Kokoro." I replied. "Izumi and Himari here sometimes come to my house to study together."


"Kokoro, we're glad to see you happy when you are with us. Trust me, you are meant to be with Ryutaro."

Our face went from pale to red. It took a few second for a coherent response from Kokoro's mouth.

"Happy, Izumi!? That was the most fun I've ever had in my life! Guess what, let's come down here tomorrow! I'll bring my bat."

"Wait a minute, you play baseball too?" Himari asked the long, black haired girl in front of her. "Great idea!"

"I like that."

"We'll see who are the best, then."

"You bet, Himari." I replied.

"Ryutaro, come here."

"Well, my mum is calling. I have get back home. See you next afternoon, minna, four o'clock!"

"After church."

"Almost forget that." My, how I can't stop smiling if she is with me.

"See you, Ryutaro!" Izumi and Himari head for their respective parents as the sky grew darker.

We'll meet again. And life goes on.


A/N: What do you think about this chapter's expansion?

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