Chapter 6: Move On and Fight On

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"Celebrating the end of communism is inappropriate. It is creeping back in different forms under different flags and slogans." - Vaclav Klaus Havel, first president of the Czech Republic after the end of communism and dissolution of Czechoslovakia in 1993.


1st Lieutenant Ryutaro Hatamoto

3rd Special Forces Regiment, Japanese National Army (JNA) Special Forces Brigade

Two days later.

"Farewell, friend." The only word out from my mouth as Maruyama's ash went on to its final resting place.

"Present arms!"

Part of it was sent straight to his wife and daughter.

My first mission and death had already taken one of us away from our grasp. Something we learn to always expect...

"Bang!! Bang!! Bang!!"

... But when it comes, it changes people in its wake.

Prayers were said for his soul's repose, and for his family to be able to cope and keep living on in his memory...

"... on behalf of the Emperor, The Government, the National Army, and a grateful nation, please accept this Flag of Japan as a symbol of our appreciation for your loved one's honorable and faithful service..."

As Colonel Takasaki consoled the grieving family, no operators wanted to say anything except as ordered by the protocol, up to the time we're to head back to Yokosuka, where the Brigade's 3rd Regiment calls it home.

"What we're going to do now?"

"We're going to need a good rest, as our next destination is awaiting us, Kokoro."

"That's right, people. Tomorrow, we're going to the Philippines."

"Aye, Captain.."

"It's more fun there, compared to Cambodia." A few of us burst to chuckle upon hearing Izumi's statement. Especially Sergeant Katsuyama. "Well, did you people know that I am half-Filipino?"

"I just know that, Sergeant," replied Yadomi. "Care to tell us more?"

"I got Filipino blood from my mother's side, Captain."

"Oh, I see," I replied when realization comes at me, a reason why his appearance had a hint of mixed blood on it compared to most of us. "Trust me, you are just like us."

"Thank you, Lieutenant," he replied as he got inside one of the armored SUVs who are going to bring us back to Yokosuka. Kokoro and I decided to join him. Izumi and Himari were in the other car.

The motorcade containing us left the cemetery and into the regular, ordinary daytime traffic around the Greater Tokyo Area.

As it passed through the expressway to shorten our time on the road...

"Okay, where are we left off?" Katsuyama began. "Well, to begin with... mind a little personal stuff here?"

"No problem, Sergeant," Kokoro told him.

"Before I go Army, I often got picked up at school, especially when I am in middle school." Nobody interrupted him. "Those who're particularly vicious did call me half-breed, imagine that..."

"...and so I'm often got into fights."

I nodded, all of us still focus their attention.

"...I'm lucky to have Nakagawa-sensei, who's also a serviceman once."

"What branch he was, and his full name?"

"...Army, Captain. His full name, Yuzu Nakagawa. Still teaching at Kurumi Academy, that's my school... He's one of the last who serves during Jieitai times and got discharged in 1990 as a Sergeant Major. And from him..." We can see his face beamed in exultation "...I fall in love with basketball."

"That's cool," exclaimed Terauchi, who sat behind us on the third-row seat. "I remember how I often get into trouble in stopping your shoots when we play against each other, in the full team, or 3 on 3..."

I nodded at the more senior lieutenant and then looked at the sergeant, "Well, Katsuyama, out of many in the regiment, we all know you're the best shooter when it comes to basketball."

"Come on, Lieutenant, don't get yourself down. You are a better swimmer and runner than me, as well as a maestro when you play the piano... Okay, back to the topic... "

Then a vibration was detected from one of my trousers' pockets, I put out my phone from it.

"Sorry, guys. Family call."

"Go ahead."

"Yes, Captain."

And so they left me with my phone, as my father had arranged a split-screen group call.

"Ryutaro, hello."

"Hey, dad, How's home?"

"Everything is in order, and your brother Katsuma wants to say hello as he's done with his studies today. Mum too."

And so they left me with my phone as it began to split-screen for a group call that my dad had arranged. Family news, even if it's brief, really helps.

"Katsuma, how's your study today?"

"Well, onii-chan." He began. "You know that I am studying and help Dad in the office at the same time, you know that? Tough, but it can be done and I am doing well with that. "

"Keep this up then, and don't ever forget me, okay?"

"Why this time?"

"Well, Katsuma, you understand the danger of my job. Mum and Dad too."

"Anyway, when you'll come for a visit?"

"Dad, as much as I want to be at home for a while and play my piano like old times, the world is always changing and we're having a mission soon enough. Can't go into details, but it's in the Philippines."

"I see... well, be safe out there, then, By the way, Is Kokoro there with you?"

"Indeed, Mum."

"Tell her we say hi."

"Well, mum, wait... Kokoro!"

"Yes?" she replied.

"My folks want to say hi to you." A smile parched on her face and she told me the following. "Give me the phone."


I concluded the family time just a few meters before we reach the gate of Camp Takeyama, and a few meters inside, our regimental home.

"I think you should call your mum and dad too before we're going to the airport."

"I agree," she replied before pulling out her balaclava from her pockets. According to JSOCOM (1) regulations, all operators from its constituents must wear these face coverings outside the barracks when in uniform, even on ceremonial occasions except otherwise commanded.

"We'll have lunch, and after this, we're going straight to the briefing. Colonel's order." Commanded Yadomi.

"Yes, sir."

And things went on from here.

"Alright, people, let's get down to business."

Hold yourself together, Ryutaro, I thought, as Kokoro took matters to her hands and sat on my side.

"First thing first, Captain Yuta Yadomi, will you step forward?" Takasaki asked. The said officer head for the CO, and then comes the reason. "Captain Yuta Yadomi, thanks to your success on our operation in Cambodia... effectively today you have been promoted to Major."

"Thank you, sir." Yadomi shook the colonel's hand as the latter put on the appropriate insignia on his shoulder; two yellow bars below one sakura flower.

"And now, we're heading for our main purpose of this briefing. To confirm the intelligence that Dragon Team has obtained about Christopher Huang, a Filipino senator who is thought to be working with the Black Tiger..."

"Also, when we were in Cambodia, boys and girls of the 1st Regiment had managed to spirit a Chinese intelligence officer out of Hong Kong with important pieces of information about the man behind 'Black Tiger' which will greatly help us in the long run..."

Kokoro patted me on the back as old memories went back, burning every part of my system as Colonel Takasaki began his explanation.

"... Senior Colonel (2) Sun Weixiang, 37. The youngest officer ever attained this rank in China when he was 34. Along with masterminding the assassination of Prime Minister Hatamoto... he's also involved in many operations at the behest of both civilian Guoanbu (3), and the PLAIB (4); espionage, propaganda, influence peddling, dissident intimidations overseas, cyber operations, organized criminality, and last but not least, kinetic actions (kidnapping and assassination)..."

"... Back to our target... Christopher Huang. He's one of the closest associates of the Philippine President, Jorge Iriberri. His work included facilitating the entry of Chinese intelligence and military assets, many under cover of economic investment or corrupt immigration schemes, frustrating the country's military modernization, ..."

And he heads for the technical aspect of the mission. "You are to provide security to our men on the ground who are going to break into his laptop... and see what intel we can get from here pertaining to Black Tiger and or the other assassins of PM Hatamoto... You people are to also make contact with one of our assets inside their military, codenamed 'Tamaraw', and stay in the country until further orders..."

I was about to ask the following to the Colonel, "why we don't just use email or anything laced with malware to do the job." but I decided to put it aside and we should not underestimate our enemy and their defenses against all type of attacks including cyber, hence a need to be close and personal.


It was two o'clock in the afternoon, and I know where I should head for.

At the recreation room, I found Izumi and Himari there, having fun playing chess and few other operators with their own fun; Terauchi and three male sergeants were watching TV discussing which celebrity they would date, from actors and band members to idols and voice actors/actresses, Japanese and overseas.

Then I happened to pass by Major Yadomi who was sitting in a sofa reading a book, which title I immediately recognized.

"Sir, I never know that you are into Hunger Games."

"That's right," He put down that book and his eyes focused on me. "You know, son... People said that Hunger Games was a rip off from Battle Royale. But I don't give a damn. A good book is a good book, regardless of what influences them."

"I got your point, sir. To be honest, I did watch the complete movie with J-Law played Katniss beautifully back then, she's really grasped her essence; stubborn, determined, brave. However, I have not yet read the books."

"One day, son... you should read the books too, just like when you are dealing with Harry Potter."

"Sir, you know that Harry Potter is part of my childhood and teenage days... up to the point that my parents spare their time to bring me and my little brother to the Wizarding World in Osaka."

"Other than Harry Potter and those related to piano music, what book do you like?"

".... The Chronicles of Narnia series." Before I continue, however, "Shall we play like old times, love?" An interruption caused me to look back and found Kokoro smiling at me, her violin on her back.

"Of course, Kokoro." I nodded at her then looked back at my superior. "I almost forget my purpose of being here, Major."

"I see. Books can be left to be read tomorrow. It's good to listen to a few music, anyway."

"Well, come on, Major."


A mini stage inside the big room. There were already a few operators and support personnel.

"Finally, our piano and violin maestro graced us with our presence."

"Thanks, and at ease, Murasame." I told the sergeant who had just stood in attention as Kokoro and I entered the room, meanwhile Kokoro only smiled at one of her, and my teammate back in Cambodia.

"Lt. Hatamoto's mum was once a professional pianist before she went to politics..."

The hushed statement from one of the enlisted operator, large built and sporting a goatee, was replied by his friend, smaller and more like an average in body frame. "Yup. Hatamoto Miku. Both her music and Lieutenant Hatamoto's inspired my little brother to take piano lessons on his own. I often think that he is actually better be a pro, or in an orchestra... If only... you know."

The music is on. The whole regiment were used to the undeniable truth that when Kokoro and I joined together in music, we are one. Being both in the force only served to solidify it, radiating from the notes we play.

As we proceeded into a second song; in this case, Hero by Mariah Carey, that we are to continue fighting even with the loss of a comrade of ours; we are to keep our heads high, and music is one of the means.



1) Not exists in real life, the JSOCOM or Japan Special Operations Command is the Japanese equivalent to US Armed Forces' Special Operations Command or USSOCOM, a command charged with overseeing, planning, conducting, and supporting special operations.

Also, I took liberty in naming Japanese spec-ops unit thanks to their numbers here is larger than implied in real-life JSDF.

Army: Special Forces Brigade (Special Forces Group in real life)

Navy: Special Warfare Flotilla (Special Boarding Group in real life, also often called Japanese Navy SEALs)

Air-Space Force: I have no idea about the exact name of the real-life unit, but a group of "paramedics" are Ranger trained and used as a combat rescue force of the JASDF, a rough equivalent to USAF Pararescue.

In this story, the combat rescue capability along with other Air Force special operations such as units who direct airstrikes (Combat Control in US Air Force parlance) is grouped under the umbrella of Air-Space Force Special Operations Wing.

2). The People's Republic of China has no Brigadier General rank, instead, it has Senior Colonel, considered as a field grade higher than Colonel, while the lowest general rank in this system is Major General. The PLA Navy used Senior Captain in place of Commodore or Rear Admiral (lower half), while the Air Force used Colonel-Commandant in place of Brigadier General or Air Commodore.

3). An abbreviation in Chinese for Guójiā Ānquán Bù or better known in English as Ministry of State Security (MSS), Chinese secret police.

4). A simplified designation for the Intelligence Bureau of the Joint Staff Department of the Central Military Commission, the military intelligence department of the Central Military Commission, a state and party body (de jure separate body for each other but de facto the Party CMC is the dominant organ) that exercises command and control of the People's Liberation Army; PRC's armed forces.

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