008. A knife for your dinner

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008. A knife for your dinner (2.15)

April 2001

       They say all roads lead to Rome and perhaps that's why Anastasia finds herself there. In this gorgeous villa from the fifteenth century, still somehow younger than her. She's not all enamored by it, it'd been Klaus's pick, anyway. He holds a fondness for art and architecture that resembles art.

       Anastasia used to love it, back when she'd been in love and she loved everything he did. Though that's not to say he can't weave a tale and make her feel like she still loves this, the feeling goes away when his words cease.

       Rome. It'd been one of the first cities they lived in together, back when Klaus was still running from his father, so returning here feels like coming full circle.

       Perhaps, that's why he's brought her here. Just like her, he's trying to chase that feeling back.

       She's in their shared room, mind elsewhere like it's been since she got to this city. It appears his plan isn't working for her—not when she won't let herself enjoy this again. 

       Her distracted mind is due to the Morrigan witch's existence she's recently learned about. She thought their bloodline had ended back in the twenties with Claudia Morrigan.

       All because the witch had foolishly died—or rather, been killed.

       It hadn't been by Anastasia's hand. No, she would've never hurt her. She needed her. But it had been by someone close to Anastasia.

       She considered all hope to be lost after the death of Claudia. But now, with Margot's existence, she lets all that hope flood back in.

       Someone who owed Anastasia found her, paying up that debt by sharing Margot's whereabouts. Margot lives in Boston, Anastasia has people following her to make sure she stays intact. She's had some pictures mailed to her, all of Margot's everyday activities. Going in and out of work, that coffee place she frequents, and her boyfriend whom she seems all too happy with.

       Anastasia has those pictures sprawled over the bed and a laptop by her side, googling the last restaurant Margot was seen at. It has good reviews, upscale cuisine and it's located in the city's downtown.

       Halfway through her crazed search, Klaus walks into the room. She's too enthralled that she doesn't notice it—not till he's standing by the edge of the bed and she sees the outline of his jeans.

       She looks up at him, almost as if asking what he's doing here. Although she hasn't seen him for six days, she hasn't noticed the absence.

       He'd been away in business (also see: negotiations by brute force).

       "You've been busy, I'm glad," he says. It's hard to fully read him, but she can tell he hasn't gotten what he wanted by the unstained fabric of his shirt.

That puts him in a delicate state.

       She could try to lighten his mood, ask him how Taormina was, but all she says is, "If you're thinking of laying down, go somewhere else."

       His gaze goes to the pictures then. He grabs the nearest one, the one she had been looking at, Margot with her red hair, getting into the back of a black SUV. The restaurant she had been at was in the background. He asks who this is, more so out of curiosity than concern.

       "It's her." Klaus knows exactly what she means. "Remember the witch with her prophecy? That old whorehouse we burned down in New Orleans. I paid for her services, clairvoyance and all. Told me that the witch who cursed me would be the one to undo it."

       "I think she just wanted a penny out of you."

       "I believed her."

       Klaus isn't surprised by this. He often condemns her gullibility when it comes to this.

       "I think this is her," she says, all confident, just like she had been with Claudia. "She's a descendant of the coven."

       He asks for her name and she gives him more than that. "Margot Morrigan, twenty-six, magazine editor, gets coffee every morning and likes to go to restaurants with her boyfriend."

       He gives her this half-serious, half-teasing tone. "I pity her. She's going to meet you."

       "We're moving to Boston."

       "We've been in Rome for less than a month."

"I got us a nice apartment in the city's downtown." She's only known of Margot's existence for five days.

"And if it's not her? I don't want you getting your hopes up, sweetheart."

Her eyes draw into slits and her words are laced with that resentment Elijah will later accuse her of still holding. "If this was about you, we'd already be there."

Mystic Falls, 2010

Anastasia is out on a guided tour by Elijah, accompanied by Jenna Gilbert. He takes them around the old ruins of Mystic Falls, talks to them about the falsity behind the founding families. Salem witches had settled in Mystic Falls before them.

(And the Original family before them.)

       This is all new knowledge to the women. It's clear Elijah knows his history and he makes a compelling story out of it. That's another thing, he claims to be an author, writing his latest book on Mystic Falls.

       But really he's looking for an old house that harbors the power of a hundred dead witches.

       It's all clever thinking.

       Their tour comes to an end when a car pulls up onto the sidewalk. Alaric gets down from the car, acting very much like a jealous boyfriend that can't stand the thought of Jenna alone with another man.

       Anastasia turns slightly to whisper by Elijah's vicinity. "Who invited him?"

       Jenna looks all embarrassed for Alaric's impromptu appearance. She gestures to him when he's standing by her side. "Uh, this is my friend, Alaric Saltzman." She takes a step back, hoping Ric follows her. "If you'll excuse me."

As Jenna is busy with Ric, Elijah turns to Anastasia, dismissing Alaric's presence and bringing back their witches' talk.

"Your fascination with the young witch." Eva Morrigan. "From what I've gathered, she's a blood-born Bennett and Morrigan witch. Is it her?"

Centuries ago Elijah helped Anastasia take down the Morrigan witch that started it all—the one that nearly brought them to their demise.

Scarlett Morrigan. The one behind the letter.

"She has to prove herself first," Anastasia says. She's sure Eva is the witch she's been looking for, she just doesn't want Elijah to know.

"Has Klaus been there to help you?" With the curse, he means.

"Are you concerned, Elijah?" It's not something she believes.

Elijah looks up at the sky, it's cloudy today. Though Elijah has done things that might warrant otherwise, this lack of care is something she's concocted by herself. Elijah has never said that he doesn't consider her family.

(But he's never outright said that he does either.)

Anastasia wraps an arm around herself. "He has been there for me—as surprising it is to hear."

"It's not," Elijah disagrees. "After centuries of devotion."

"Devotion, is that what you'd call it?"

"What else? Love?"

Anastasia laughs, feeling like playfully smacking his arm."Those two aren't quite the same, are they?"

She finds it amusing how Elijah recalls that they are always claiming their relationship is above romance.

       "Fine, alright," Anastasia cedes. "You have your reasons to be here. I have mine."

       Eva is the reason she's in Mystic Falls.

Eva has not told her anything about what she got out of the spell. Apparently, just like her, Eva chooses what to share and what not to.

Jenna comes back with Alaric. He greets the pair of them, then Jenna says, "We're heading out to the grill, you're welcome to join."

       Anastasia gives Jenna this small, genuine smile. She likes her and her easygoing charm. "I'll sit this one out, but thank you."

       Jenna nods, tells her it was good to meet her. Elijah says he will be coming to the grill after this silent staring contest with Ric.

When the couple walks away, Elijah and Anastasia linger for a bit. He brings a hand to her arm, making her look at him. "The Salvatores have a dinner planned. Accompany me."

       Elijah takes her to Damon and Stefan's home. He picks her up, then acts like a gentleman. It nearly makes her miss having him around.

Elijah compliments her appearance. But she thinks of Klaus and what he would've said to her. He would've called her ravishing and given her one of those crooked smiles. Her body warms at the thought; only reminding her how complicated her feelings are.

But for tonight, she'll be dining with Elijah in her classy black and white dress.

He rings the doorbell as she's telling him about her summer in France.

       "Thank you for coming. Please, come in, Elijah," Damon says, then his eyes go to Anastasia, mind going to the time he met her. "And..."

       "I'm sure you remember me."

Damon sends Elijah a look, telling him that they never mentioned plus ones. He returns his gaze to Anastasia, fake smile plastered on his lips. "As I like to say, the more the merrier."

       Anastasia goes in first with Elijah motioning his arm for her to do so. She stands inside and waits for him, giving Damon this fake though charming smile.

Before stepping into the house, Elijah says, "Just one moment. Can I just say that if you have less than honorable intentions about how this evening is going to proceed, I suggest you reconsider."

"No, nothing dishonorable. Just getting to know you."

"Hmm. Well, that's good." Elijah steps past the threshold. "Because, you know, although Elena and I have this deal, if you so much as make a move to cross me, I'll kill you and I'll kill everyone in this house. Are we clear?"

       Damon nods. "Crystal."

       Jenna comes into the foyer, thankfully she did not hear a word of Elijah's threat. Elijah puts on a smile just for her. He goes to her and tells her that it's wonderful to see her again.

Anastasia turns to Damon. "I believe we got off on the wrong foot. Apologies for that," she says, it's hard to discern if she's being sincere. She glimpses towards the spacious living room. "Beautiful house by the way."

She walks away from him. Damon fishes out his phone and types a text to Eva.

Your weird sister is here.

Here? At your dinner party?

As mr Original's date
How the fuck does she know him?

Eva doesn't reply after that, even when Damon sends her one persistent question mark. How could Anastasia know Elijah? This doesn't feel like a coincidence, there's something deeper going on.

Grams' words come back to her. Don't trust her.

       For all of history's knowledge, Anastasia and Elijah were to never be seen working together again. That might've been true—for the last ninety years.

It's also what John Gilbert—one of the dinner party attendees—believes.

She introduces herself to him and at the sound of her name, a dark look flashes through his eyes. He knows his supernatural history. Anastasia immediately recognizes this as a problem.

"Anastasia," John repeats. "Historic name."

It's a strange thing—to finally put a face to the name. Her physique doesn't fully align with the stories. She's manipulated most of those fabrications, anyway.

Anastasia gives his hand a firm shake, using enough force to underline a threat. "Yes, the Romanovs."

       His mouth does this smirking thing that messes up his features. He thinks this is in his favor.

They sit down for dinner. John and Damon at each head of the table. Anastasia makes sure to sit beside Elijah. Jenna pours wine into their glasses, mentioning a malbec grape.

The conversation drifts back to the one from earlier today, the original settlers in Mystic Falls. Elijah retells the story of the alleged Salem witches who fled to this town. Though, this time, he adds how these witches were once again prosecuted in Mystic Falls and rounded up by the neighboring settlement.

The women were killed in a fire.

      "So, why do you want to know the location of these alleged massacres?" Damon asks.

Elijah recognizes the accusation in his tone, so he lies. "You know...a healthy historian's curiosity, of course."

Damon plays along. "Of course."

       The location of this massacre is related to his plan to take down Klaus. Just like Damon, it piques Anastasia's curiosity. She hasn't discussed the technicalities with Elijah.

Damon brings up a bottle of cognac he's been saving, directing Elijah to the study. Probably as a means to question him privately because Alaric suspiciously sits this one out.

       He exchanges secretive and harsh words with John. Andie, another one of the guests and Damon's current girlfriend, makes Anastasia company. She refills their glasses of wine and Andie is particularly inquisitive with Anastasia. It makes her wonder what she wants from her.

       But then, Alaric returns with John, more tangible tension than there'd been between them. Jenna notices this as she's clearing the dining table, blames John for it even.

Anastasia, who isn't used to cleaning after herself, hands her dishes to John who's already carrying some after Jenna forced him to make himself useful.

       After all dishes have been carried away and everyone's back, Jenna says it's time for dessert but that it isn't quite ready yet. Damon sends his girlfriend a look and with that look, Andie turns to Anastasia. "Anastasia, would you mind helping Jenna with dessert?"

It's by Damon's request. Anastasia knows this, it annoys her.

Jenna waves a hand. "Oh, it's fine. No need."

Anastasia looks up at Jenna, hiding any vexed feelings. "It'd be my pleasure."

Jenna gives her this shy, thankful smile, then leads Anastasia to the kitchen. Anastasia gives the men the privacy they want. By doing that, she'll easily know what they're planning through eavesdropping.

In the kitchen, Jenna shows her the coffee cake she's been trying to fix while making small talk. She asks her how she likes Mystic Falls so far and if she's lived in a small town before. But since she's busy overhearing the men, Anastasia gives a short response, it's nice. Jenna isn't discouraged by her curtness, she continues, "You're staying with Halle, right?"

Anastasia nods, though doesn't follow up, ears too focused on the conversation happening on the other side of the wall.

It's John Gilbert who speaks this time.

"What I'd like to know, Elijah, is how do you intend on killing Klaus?" He's too bold for a human. "Is Anastasia to be your weapon? There's a history to that, isn't there?"

       Anastasia frowns at this. John's knowledge disconcerts her. She has to return to the dining room. She leaves the kitchen by telling Jenna she's left her phone over there.

As she enters the dining room, her timing is either terrible or perfect.

She sees Alaric standing behind Elijah, then suddenly Elijah is gasping, falling back on his chair. Alaric reveals his hand, grasping a familiar dagger. Klaus's daggers. He's stabbed Elijah with it through the back of the chair. Even if he's pierced his heart and Elijah is currently desiccating, Alaric has taken the dagger out of his body.

Rookie mistake.

As this goes down, Anastasia simply stands there. Too much to process at once. What is hard to process is not that they've planned this dinner as a reckless murder plan but rather that Klaus has let go of one of his daggers.

       It means he knows Elijah is in Mystic Falls. Never once did he mention it to Anastasia during their calls. Granted, neither did she.

       Still, he planned this without her.

       A part of her, though self-important at best, wonders if it's a sort of message for her, warning her that he knows all about her slyness. What else does he know from everything she's been keeping from him?

       As she is glued to her spot, Damon isn't. He turns to her with this annoyed look on his face, telling her she was meant to stay in the kitchen.

       "As for you," Damon says, eyes doing this ogling thing as they're locked on Anastasia. "I kinda need to know how much you know."

Anastasia keeps an empty look, she doesn't want to give away her turmoil of feelings. "He's dead. That's all you need to know."

Alaric luckily steps in. "Damon, not now. Get rid of him before Jenna comes back with dessert."

"All right," Damon withdraws, then he cocks his head towards Anastasia. "But take care of this one."

Damon's second rookie mistake.

       While Damon carries away Elijah's body, Anastasia is left alone with the lot of them. All human. It makes this so much easier.

       Jenna is still in the kitchen, completely oblivious.

       Anastasia sets her gaze on the dagger that Alaric has left on the dining table. He notices this and retrieves it, gripping it in his hand.

       Alaric is unsure of how to approach this, but John isn't. "Alaric, she's a—"

       "Silence," Anastasia cuts him off, then it starts. That terrible song.

       It takes Andie down first, then Alaric, knocking them unconscious. But she leaves John standing

      "You're to blame, aren't you? The only one smart enough to know his history."

       John claims that he knows her tricks. "I know more than you think."

       "That's impossible."

       "I was sent here by someone that dedicated her life to researching the Originals."

       "A groupie. How endearing."

       And before John can lay down all of his cards, Anastasia knocks him out too.

       Unfortunately, it's the moment Jenna steps back into the room, asking what's going on after hearing all the noise.

       Anastasia turns to her, face calm. She notices the state of shock she's in, eyes darting between all of her unconscious dinner guests. Anastasia walks over to her, just as Jenna starts backing away.

When Jenna tries to get away, Anastasia lunges at her, wrapping her arms around her.

       Jenna screams. Anastasia mentally curses, thinking Damon might finally come running back. "It's okay, it's okay," Anastasia coos, though her arms don't loosen around Jenna. "I'm not going to hurt you."

       Jenna tries to elbow her away. With a frantic tone, she asks, "Where's Elijah?"

       Anastasia smiles. She wonders why she's taking her time with Jenna. There's some sort of enjoyment she gets out of her fear. That's why she starts humming softly into her ear, song quickly coaxing her into sleep.

       Jenna goes limp, falling unconscious into her arms. Anastasia pushes her way, making her hit the floor. Her body makes a thumping sound. Though there's no damage done to her.

       Anastasia hears Damon return. He's just in time.

       "Uh oh," Damon says from behind. "Let me guess, you're one of them."

       The Originals.

       Anastasia faces him, brandishing the dagger. "I haven't killed them."

       Damon seems more annoyed than worried. He still stands away from her, though his stance shifts, preparing to attack. "Fucking hope so."

       She twirls the dagger in her hand, eyes locked with his. "But I will be killing you."

Damon speeds to her, making a grab for her wrist. He backs her to the wall, hand holding the dagger pressed against it. "Sorry, princess. You're not killing anybody tonight."

       Damon squeezes till the bones in her wrist start closing in, forcing her fingers to slowly open, almost letting go of the dagger. She winces, this pain is an ugly reminder of her false invincibility.

       Before he can fully overpower her, Anastasia knees his thigh, then kicks his shin with the pointy end of her heel. With the kick, Damon doubles over, allowing her enough time to wrap a hand around his—the one gripping her wrist.

       She returns the favor of squeezing his bones together. Damon is more vocal about his pain. The moment she gets his hand off her, she shoves him away—towards the dining table.

       She's the one caging him now, forcing him to lean down so she can get ahold of his throat. Her other hand still holds the silver dagger. Damon grimaces, says something snide that he considers funny.

       Anastasia positions the tip right against his heart, it crumples up his shirt. "Don't make me stab you, Damon."

       With his airflow being cut off and a quite real death threat posed against him, Damon still opens his mouth. "White flag, white—"

       Anastasia adds pressure to the blade, ripping through his shirt but not yet through his skin. "Be quiet. I need you dead but not permanently. Snapping your neck'll do."

But she makes no move to actually do so, Damon catches on. "What? You want to hear me say it?"

Anastasia smiles, he's finally getting how this game works. It takes her pressing down on his throat for him to do it. With all of his shame, Damon cedes, "Fine, you win."

Anastasia snaps his neck, just like he asks her to.

       Damon is the first to raise back up. He wakes with a groan, neck still slightly cramped. Beside him, his phone is smashed, and he curses Anastasia's name.

Petty bitch.

       All so Damon has a harder time calling for help.

After him, Alaric wakes up, along with Andie. It's a good thing the girlfriend is compelled to not be fazed about the supernatural, the same can't be said for Jenna.

       There's Jenna to compel for everything she witnessed tonight.

       The redhead Gilbert is currently lying on the floor, still unconscious. Damon stands, going over to Alaric, just as John is waking from his magical slumber.

       With a look, Damon asks Alaric if he still has the dagger. Alaric shakes his head. Odds are that Elijah is no longer in the basement as well.

       Damon thinks about the strength Anastasia showcased, it was greater than his. It reminded him of Elijah's strength from that time he removed Damon's hand from his throat as if he were a mere insect on him. While her strength did not quite match Elijah, it was close to his level.

         With a displeased expression, Damon tells Alaric, "Think we just met another one of the Originals."

       "Siren," John corrects. "She's a siren."

       "What's next, fairies?" Damon jokes with certain condescension towards John.

       John tries to say more but the words get lodged in his throat. Siren trick. He can talk as long as she allows it. She has more power than he initially thought.

      This dinner party has turned into a mess and blown out of proportion. All because of Elijah's plus one.

"Stefan," Damon says. "Call Stefan and tell him to get here ASAP."

Alaric listens and dials Stefan's number, disrupting his date night with Elena.

        Before hitting the road, there's someone Anastasia needs to go see. Eva.

        It's been two days since Eva performed that spell and it's been two days of Eva being distant.

        The witch has been extremely careful with her words. Sometimes choosing to not speak at all. This only gnaws at Anastasia's curiosity even more. What did Eva see in that trance?

        She doesn't expect for Eva to come knocking and letting herself in. There's this look of hurt in her eyes that wasn't there this morning.

        Anastasia worries that Eva has learned everything by herself. She keeps rubbing at the wrist Damon squeezed. Perhaps it's her turmoil of emotions that make her feel like Damon is still squeezing. "I'm not—"

        "Stop," Eva interrupts her. "You have to tell me the truth, please. I don't want to think of you as someone I need to beware of."

        "You knew Elijah," Eva accuses. "You've known him all this time and pretended not to. I don't know what to think anymore.  I don't know if I'll find out that you know Klaus as well."

        Eva feels a meltdown coming on, she hates being played. For a moment, Eva thinks Anastasia is taking her for stupid.

        Anastasia crosses her arms. "I never pretended not to."

        "You just omitted it, like you omitted what you knew about my family."

        This is it. The moment her lies start caving in on themselves. She should've stuck to one lie—not this many. It doesn't help that the lies to Eva aren't the only ones she has to keep track of.

        Anastasia wonders where honesty would've gotten her.

        "How do you even know him?"

        "Work," Anastasia says. Another lie. "Writing an article on the same topic he's researching."

        Eva scoffs, making Anastasia instantly regret her lie. "You're unbelievable. I find out you're lying and you just lie again?"

        The only reason that Eva knows Anastasia is lying is because the facts don't add up. Otherwise, Anastasia knows how to keep a convincing act—anyone that didn't know her would've believed her lie.

"Look, I'll tell you everything. I promise." Anastasia means it.

"So, when it's convenient for you."

Anastasia feels her hand tense up, thinking about the dagger she has hidden in the bag beside her. She needs to leave, solve everything with Elijah first. She wonders what she wanted out of this visit to Eva—to feel like she can tell her the truth?

        Anastasia flumps down on the bed and pats the spot next to her. Eva feels reluctant to enter the room, like she's walking into the den of the lion. All this time she'd been leaning against the doorframe but now she approaches Anastasia's bed and sits beside her.

        Anastasia cranes her head towards her, scrutinizes her. Eva feels small in front of her stare, like she can see all of her and all that she hides.

"I did know Elijah before coming here. I've known him for a while now."

"Don't be vague."

        "I was living in Italy, set to get married." Anastasia considers how to proceed. A part of her wants to be honest with Eva, see if she can gain an acceptance from the witch. Perhaps that's a fault in itself. "He was there too. He was my... He was my..."

        Eva finds her stammering strangely endearing, like somehow she has the power to make her nervous. Anastasia with her intimidating stare and unforthcoming attitude. It thrills Eva. "Your...?"

        Anastasia shakes her head, like this really is hard for her to talk about. "I got involved with his brother. He didn't approve of us, for good reasons. But that's how I met Elijah."

        Eva parts her mouth in disbelief. "You were engaged to his brother?"

        A pause.



        Anastasia abruptly stands from the bed, fingers toying at where her wedding ring should be. It's in the drawer of her nightstand.

        Eva looks at how shaken up she is, then remembers something she said upon her arrival. "But who did you marry?"


        "When you got here, you said you were leaving a bad marriage."

Now this is where she has really messed up. Anastasia scrambles for something to say. If Eva was any other person, she would make use of her siren abilities.

But Eva isn't any other person.

Anastasia hasn't realized how much she's been relying on that power till now that she can't use it. Her distressed expression helps her in selling her partial lie. "Italian. His name was Leo. It was complicated—till he died."

Eva gets a crude idea on why Anastasia seems to be on the run. "Oh, my god. Did you...kill him?"

Anastasia really has to wrap this up. Any moment now Eva will find out about what she did at the boarding house.

After she gets no response, Eva replays what Anastasia has said to her. Elijah, a brother, dead husband. Everything is basically at a hand's reach. "How much do you really know?"

       Anastasia frowns, unsure of how to answer the question. She knows everything, she's been here weaving every bit of information for Eva.

       Eva shakes her head, changing her mind. "Nothing. It's nothing."

       Anastasia won't tell her anything she doesn't want to. There's no way to confront her. Eva needs a different strategy. Before Anastasia broke the connection from the spell, Grams had been close to telling her something.

       Anastasia is not who she says. She's also strangely familiar with Originals and has a knack for hiding information.

       Her phone starts ringing then. Eva looks down at the called ID. Stefan.

       It must be urgent for Stefan to call her. This never happens. Eva frowns, then pinches her fingers together as if to say one moment. Since she doesn't want Anastasia to overhear, prime suspect and all, she gets up from the bed and walks out of the room, just around the door.

       Eva answers Stefan's call. The first thing he says after hey has her taken aback. "Have you seen Anastasia?"

       Eva peeks at the room. Anastasia sits on the bed, texting on her phone. Eva nods. "Yeah, why?"

       Eva turns away, eyes leaving Anastasia. She hears some shuffling over the line, then what unmistakably sounds like Damon. Stefan goes back on the line. "She's at your house," he deduces. "Okay, make sure she doesn't leave. I'll explain everything but I'm going over there."

       "With Damon?" Eva asks, then bites her tongue.

       Stefan replies something that she doesn't catch since she peeks back into the room and what she sees stuns her.

       Window open. No one in the room. A few seconds later she hears the engine of a car start.

       "Fuck." She notices she's still on call. "Stefan? It might be too late for that."

Anastasia is by the city's limit when she sees Elijah again.

Her car is parked towards the trees, off the highway. She leans against the back of her car, arms crossed in front of her, when Elijah appears in front of her.

Gotta love vampire speed.

She had called Elijah, texted him where she'd be and waited for him to show. All with the promise of giving him the dagger.

It has to be said that with the use of the dagger, although taken out, it had left Elijah temporarily dead, and so, his compulsion over others broke, meaning Katherine was free to leave her tomb.

Once again, Katherine Pierce gets what she wants.

       While Elijah is still in his suit, Anastasia has changed out of her dress and into a trench with jeans. She's had the time to.

He considered her intentions before coming here. Everything aligned so that it looked like she was saving him. She has proven to be on his side—not telling Klaus that she's seen Elijah or that he's planning to kill him. But the sudden appearance of the dagger could lead Elijah to think otherwise. "I didn't tell Klaus. He found out on his own that you're here."

Elijah suspected it so. "That is where you're headed."

"My cover's blown, no reason for me to stay." She let that happen for Elijah. "I did it for you, may I add."

He almost smiles. "A thank you is in orden then."

She does smile. "Why, you're welcome."

Like this, it feels like they're friends. No old feud to their names; no betrayals in their history.

       In another world, another family, this reunion could've been solely for reconnection. But for who they are, every interaction is laced with ulterior motives.

Though there's no denying that this shared agenda has brought them closer together.

Anastasia hasn't been forthright about it—not like she had the first time. The first time around, when she hadn't seen or learned as much as she has now, she'd been bold with it, told Klaus to his face that she was going to kill him. She'd gotten the means for it.

       Clearly, it didn't work out.

After that, they ended up getting married. The gap between events was not as large as one would expect. Of course, they hadn't married for love but because they were so in step with each other—equals in every sense. Still, they hadn't fully forgiven each other for past indiscretions. Resentments festered, leading to their first separation. And here they are, eight centuries later, still on the same chapter.

Only now Anastasia is quieter with her feelings. But she's letting those murderous desires seep to the surface with Elijah.

Even though Elijah asked her, he knows exactly where she's going—to see Klaus.

He did track down that fake address she gave him, but he didn't find much interest in seeking out Klaus like that.

"I assume you know that when I return, I won't be alone."

With tonight's fiasco, it has only helped her realize how much she wants to be a part of Elijah's scheme. She brings a hand to his shoulder, palm almost brushing his heart. "I'm in, Elijah. I'm all in."

But for that to happen, some things are in order. All so she can leave unscathed from this.

       Klaus cannot suspect that she's turning on him.

Anastasia reaches into her bag, pulling out the dagger. It's striking to think that a steak knife can take down the most powerful. "Now, my gift to you."

Gratitude flashes through Elijah's face as Anastasia extends out her arm, dagger in hand. She offers it up but it's not without slyness, the element of surprise is the one thing that puts her at an advantage with him.

When it comes to his family, Elijah can be as optimistic as he is forgiving, it's no surprise that Anastasia knows just the ways of how to play into that. Even if he sees her as an immoral trickster, he wants to believe that she's still redeemable.

       That's his mistake.

Before Elijah gets to lift his hand, Anastasia wields the dagger, driving it with all of her night. Elijah only gets to hold her shoulder back before the dagger pierces his heart. He doesn't get to overpower her with his strength.

She plunges it in, like she's seen Klaus do. Forcefully so Elijah cannot fight back. It's the first time she's daggered him—one of the reasons he'd been caught off-guard. She's surprised by his screams that get muffled as he starts to desiccate.

She grapples with his weight, making sure the dagger stays in his chest. "You'll forgive me for this."

With no onlookers, Anastasia loads Elijah into the trunk and drives off to Atlanta.

       author's note. oh no. what's gonna happen to lijah

word count: 5619

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