10.) Cold Hearts

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The next week seemed to pass by slowly, as if I were stuck in molasses. The days dragged on, each moving slower than the one previous, until I felt as if I were losing my mind. Everyone seemed to avoid me, as did Shura (I didn't blame any of them for it- I probably would have done the same if I were in their shoes). I didn't go to my training with her, and I bet that even if I had shown up for any of them Shura wouldn't have given me my sword. Then, although the days went slowly, the fact that I had to go to the True Cross Anniversary Dance snuck up on me. So, there I was that Saturday, scrambling to get ready, rushing to find the suit that I knew I must have somewhere in my tiny closet. Kuro was sitting next to me, with the small tie I had bought him tied around his neck, watching me with interest.

'The suit is in a white box, Rin,' Kuro said helpfully. 'You wore it to that job interview a year or two ago.'

"Oh, yeah... Aha!" I cried out in triumph as I pulled it out of the closet, brushing off the dust. "It should fit, I think... Haven't gotten much taller since then. Yukio, on the other hand... Sheesh, the guy is practically six feet tall. I can't even catch up..." I scratched the back of my head distractedly.

'Um, Rin, we need to be there soon... I'd hurry up. Yukio would be pretty angry if we were late... He left ten minutes ago...' I glanced at the clock, and realized the horrifying truth in his statement.

"Ah, shit!" I frantically ran a brush through my hair, and changed into the suit. It smelled faintly of moth balls, but I didn't care at the moment. I was more worried about a), being late, and b), controlling myself. I had been having even more trouble since going to school again,and had been having nightmares almost every night. I was doing a fairly good job hiding my struggles from everyone, including Kuro, which was why I was acting so cheery. I was actually on the verge of a panic attack; there would be so many people there, and I didn't want to accidentally lash out. My worst dream kept flashing through my mind- attacking Shiemi and then getting killed by Yukio... I didn't want that to become reality. I couldn't let it.

'Rin, come on, we have to go!' Kuro sounded worried, and glanced at the clock.

"I'm coming, I'm coming." I slipped on my dress shoes, and scooped up Kuro. Cat tucked under my arm, I ran out the door, and used my key to the cram school to get in. I ran through the halls, down to the huge ballroom where the dance was being held. Before I even reached the door handle, I froze. I could smell all of the blood, even from outside. It was so strong that my head was spinning. My face unconciously twisted into a smile, undoubtedly the same one I gave Shura as I reached for the door. Yes, the blood... I chuckled softly. Kuro, Stull tucked under my arm, suddenly jumped out and stared at me.

'R-Rin?' He asked uncertainly. My silent chuckles bacame louder, and I my mouth was watering. Ah, yes, the blood. All of it was mine... All mine... A small part of my mind was fighting it, telling me that I needed to get away, but it was quickly shoved aside and silenced. It was all mine, all there, just for me...

"Just for me..."

Kuro finally realized what was happening. Crying out in horror, he dug his razor-sharp claws into my shin and began shredding the skin on my lower legs. 'Snap out of it! Rin! R-Rin!' The pain immediately brought me back to reality, and the smile was wiped off of my face. My eyes widened with horror, and I covered my mouth with my hand.

"Oh, my god..." I stumbled backwards, away from the doors. I hit the wall behind it, and stood there. "Oh, my god... I... I just..."

Just then, Yukio walked out of the room, and appeared to be looking for someone. When he saw me, his face filled with relief.

"Ah, there you are! I was looking for you... I was wondering if you were here yet." Noticing my expression, his eyebrows knitted together. "What's wrong?"

"I, uh... I guess I just... Y'know, I was thinking I shouldn't be going, since the Vatican already hates me. So, me being there would just cause unnecessary tension." My voice was shaking badly, and Yukio obviously knew that what I was saying was a lie. But after staring at my shaken form for a moment, he sighed.

"Fine. But I expect a complete explanation when I get back." With that, he turned briskly and walked down the hallway, disappearing into a separate room. I, still shaking, turned my eyes towards Kuro.

"Thank you for... For stopping me." I wispered, my head hanging low. Tears were streaking my face. "Really, we should get out of here..." Kuro nodded in agreement. We both left as quickly as possible, out the door. After a while of walking the streets, I turned to Kuro.

"I'll be fine. Go back to the dorm. I'm just going to wander around, anyways." Kuro eyed me suspiciously.

'B-But... you might lash out again...'

"I'll be fine, I promise." I glanced at him, smiling sadly. "I just can't be in huge groups anymore, that's all. There's barely anyone around."

'Mmm, fine. I'll be at the dorm, if anything happens.' Glancing back at me one last time, he walked away, his two tails swaying behind him. I watched him go, then stuck my hands in my pockets. I started walking. Where I didn't know- I let my feet carry me, not looking up from the ground. After a while, when I did look up, I realized that I had reached the square that I had sat on a bench in just over a week before, just after I had considered killing Yukio. The square was now empty, the bench abandoned. I sat down on it, and put my head in my hands.

"Ugh... What do I do now..?" I sighed. Suddenly, I sat upright, completely alert. The smell of blood, so strong that it practically drove me crazy. It was as strong as the smell of the party, if not worse. I looked around, and when I saw what it was, my face filled with dread. A little girl of around five was staring at me, her large, innocent brown eyes staring at me with interest.

"Mister, did you see my ball? I lost it." Her voice, high pitched and sweet, made me smile. It was too bad, to... My mouth curved upwards into a wicked grin. The girl innocently smiled back at me. Part of me was screaming to stop, to get out, but as before it was silenced.

"Of course I did." I stood, and walked into a nearby alleyway. "It was just down here."

"Thanks, mister!" She trotted after me into the dark, and her smile turned into a confused expression. "Where is it?"

I shoved her to the ground, and she started crying.

"Ah, that hurt!" My smile grew, and she noticed my fangs and pointed ears for the first time. She screamed. "You're a demon! My momma said demons are bad, bad people! Get away, get away, GET AWAY!"

"Well then, I guess you should've listened to your momma." I sat next to her, and pinned her down with my knee. Her eyes filled with fear; deep down I was screaming to get away from her, stop, but my instincts had taken over. It was too late now. I grabbed her arm and bit into it, pulling a chunk of her flesh out. She screamed louder, her body now wracking with sobs. I then grabbed her wrist, and dragged my fangs across the large vein. It punctured open and I held it above my mouth, my body filling with delight as the coppery substance dripped into my mouth. I laughed and laughed, and it didn't take very long for the girl to fall unconscious. Her blood soaked my clothes, and loved the smell, the taste. Only when her body was long cold did I realize what I had done. I stood up from the body, horror and disgust filling my body. I threw up, sobbing as I processed what I had done. I had killed the girl I cold blood, and deep down, I didn't regret what I had done. That feeling of apathy scared me. From behind me, I heard a cry of horror.

"O-oh, my god... You... You killed that girl, you monster..." I recognized the voice as Shura's. I ran, lucky that my demon side made me faster than her and that the alleyway was dark. She couldn't see who I was. I scaled a brick wall, jumping onto the roof. I sprinted, losing her quickly. I went back to my dorm as fast as I could, and into the bathroom. Kuro heard me come home and pottered in to see me, my face streaming with tears. I leaned against a wall, and sank down into sitting position. I wrapped my arms around my knees and hugged them close, my head down. My body was shaking, and my anguished wails echoed through the halls. In between sobs, I cried,

"What have I done?"

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