14.) Demon Hunting

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Kurumao seemed almost amused by my horror at her trickery and watched with interest as, after a moment, I stood and stared her in the eyes, my expression now calm and collected. I would not let her fuck up my life even more than it already was. I stood, and brushed past her. For a spirit, she was fairly solid, and my shoulder hit hers as I passed. She sighed.

"What is this bravado you have? There is no need to hide your true emotions. I can see the shaking of your hands, the panic hiding behind your calm facade... Break down. Cry. There is no need to hold it in."

"Get the fuck away from me," I snarled, walking out the door. I slammed it behind me, and my pace quickened. My breathing became uneven, and my panic shown through. What would I do? How would I get rid of her? As I walked into the kitchen, I saw Yukio sitting at the table. He looked at me curiously.

"What are you doing, up and dressed this early?"

"Couldn't sleep," I responded, my voice shaking slightly. I sat down at the table across from him, and stared at it for a while. Eventually, I looked up and cleared my throat. "So, uh, I was reading this book, and, uh..." I stumbled over my words, trying to find the right ones. "I saw this thing about demonic magic? And I was wondering how you would break a demonic enchantment?"

"Why do you ask? Do you know anyone who was enchanted with one?" Yukio, who was previously still half asleep, was now sitting up straight with a serious expression on his face. "What happened? Did y-"

"I was just wondering, because..." I wondered if I could tell him about Kurumao. What would he do? He would undoubtedly be angry, and would not understand without telling him about my bloodlust. He would then tell the Vatican, and I would get killed... But if I said it indirectly... "Because I found this."

I fumbled in my pocket for a moment, and pulled out the summoning paper. Yukio's eyes widened, and he pushed his glasses up the bridge of his nose.

"Where in God's name did you get this?" He grabbed a napkin and picked it up with it, careful not to touch it directly. "It appears to be a summoning paper enchanted using an ancient form of demonic runing... See, if you look closely, the summoning circle on it is made of tiny runes..." His gaze turned out me sharply. "That's not it, either. The design... It's meant to keep a demon trapped in Assiah, and not just any demon. It would have to hold an extremely strong demon, as any ordinary demon would be killed by the strength of the magic surrounding it... Rin. Where did you find this?" He demanded. When I hesitated, he repeated himself: "Where?"

"I... It was just... Around." Yukio stood, and grabbed me by the shirt.

"I swear to God, Rin, just tell me," he snapped. "This is a deadly object that can cause mass destruction, and seeing as it is stiff and almost like stone, it is currently hosting a demon."

"I... I can't explain it! I don't... know..." My words faded into silence when Yukio's expression shifted from anger to horror. He let go of my shirt, and stumbled back.

"You summoned the demon."

"I... I didn't know that..." I cleared my throat. "I didn't know what the paper was. If I had, I wouldn't have... have..."

"Why? What did it tell you?" He snapped. "Where did you get the paper? What was the demon's name? Jesus Christ, Rin... I can't believe you..."

"It said that it's name was Kurumao. She gave me the paper, and I wasn't thinking, and..."

"Why did you take it?!" He cried, running a hand through his hair. "Why the hell did you summon her?" He stared at me, his angry eyes boring holes into me. I avoided eye contact, and shrugged my shaking shoulders.

"I don't fucking know, okay? She showed me some shit, and... and I let her help me." From elsewhere in the building, I could hear Kurumao catcalling to me in the distance.

"Oh Rin~chan!" She sang, her voice at almost a snarl, "Where did you run off to, my prince? You can't hide from me!"

My eyes flicked to Yukio, who was staring at me, his eyes a shining with anger.

"Well, sounds like your friend is here," he snarled, drawing his guns. "You'd better hope we can kill her. If she's attached to the circle in the way I think she is, we can't kill her until we destroy the paper. Since we don't know how to do that yet, we may have to live with her here until we figure it out." With that, Yukio ran off into the building. I began to follow, when he stopped me. "No. Call Shura. I'm not going to let you cause any more trouble." He shoved his phone at me, and I grabbed it.

Quickly dialing her number, I explained the situation. She let out a string of curses, and hung up. She was there in minutes. When she got there she marched up to me, and slapped me across the face. Then, shaking her head, she drew her sword.

"Stay here," She commanded. "Worst comes ta worst, try ta burn the circle offa the paper with yer flames. Don't ya dare try to fight the thing. Yukio and I've got that." With that, she shoved past me, the smell of blood wafting after her and making my mouth water. After she left, I ran a hand through my hair and sighed. I felt like a sitting duck, unable to do anything but watch.

After about a half hour, I heard gunshots in the building. I was immediately on alert, and started scanning the room. I heard Yukio shouting in the distance, and another string of curses from Shura.

"Oi, Chicken, she's headed towards Rin!" I heard this from fairly close by, and went into fighting stance and whipping out the paper. I was prepared to burn it if necessary. Soon, Kurumao came into the room, with Yukio and Shura following close after.

"Burn the damn paper, ya dumbass!" Shura shouted. I concentrated, and blue flames shot out of my hand and and onto the paper. Kurumao's eyes widened, and her mouth curled into a grin. Rather than burning the circle, the fire made the runes glow with a blue light. The circle floated off of the paper, leaving it a blank white sheet. It then slammed into to me and vanished, throwing me backwards and into the wall in the process. Black spots filled my vision, and Kurumao vanished in front of me. As she disappeared, she whispered,

"My prince, I shall be seeing you again." After that, I saw Yukio run up to me, and all went black.

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