18.) Shattered

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Yukio watched uncertainly as Rin began to approach Shiemi's collapsed form, that unnerving smile plastered on his face. As he stared, the air full of tension, his brother bent down next to Shiemi, and grabbed her chin. He turned it towards himself, and the girl looked directly into his eyes.

"R-rin...? Are you okay...?" Her gaze seemed glued to his face, not leaving his eyes for the slightest moment. She appeared to be searching them, as if she sensed some slight but horrible difference in the deep blue pits.

"Why in the world would I not be? C'mon, stand." He held out his hand, pulled her to her feet, and grabbed her arm. His smile then grew wider, and his grip tightened.

"Ah! Rin...! Let go! You're holding way too tight..." Shiemi tried to yank her arm away, but Rin seemed not to notice. He was looking at the cuts on her face, and murmured something under his breath. "Eh...? Rin, let go! Rin!" She tried to rip her arm away again; when he didn't respond, she cried, "Let GO!"

In an angry and pained panic, she slapped him across the face. He snarled at her, and roughly threw her to the ground. She yelped in pain, and began scrambling backwards. Yukio, beginning to panic, drew his guns and aimed them at Rin, his hands shaking.

"Rin! What the hell're you-"

"Shut the fuck up, Yukio." Rin snarled, picking up the discarded dagger that Kurumao had dropped. "You might just be up next."

He strode towards Shiemi, dagger in hand. Tears were pouring down her cheeks as she desperately scrambled back. She hit a pile of boxes, and, with nowhere else to go, began to cry even harder.

"Rin! Rin, oh god, no, no, no... What are you doing? Please, oh god, please, no... What... Why are you... What are you... no..." She was crying, screaming, begging him to stop, snap out of it, but he still had that cold, muderous look on his face. Yukio ran forwards, his guns aimed at his brother. His fingers squeezed the triggers, but he couldn't bring himself to shoot. He knew what was happening, but it didn't feel real.

"Rin! Get away from her, or I will have to shoot you, goddamnit! Rin! Rin! RIN!"

"I told you... NOT TO INTERFERE!" He whipped around, and released a stream of flames at his brother. The fire struck his weapons, and the metal became red hot; Yukio cried out and dropped them as the gunpowder in the bullets exploded. The blast threw him back a few feet, and when he looked up, he saw Rin pin Shiemi to the ground, raise his knife above her stomach. He then brought it down on the sobbing girl pinned below him. Her screams echoed throughout the warehouse, and out into the dark night.


Bon, Izumo and Shima were startled out of their bored silence when a bloodcurdling scream erupted from the furthest left warehouse. They all glanced at each other, and started running in the direction of the screaming.

"Was that-"

"Shiemi." Bon confirmed. As they were running, they ran into Shura, Koneko and Takara.

"What the hell?!" Shura cried as she sprinted through the warehouse. "Suguro! Get a medical kit ready in case she's hurt. We gotta go. Hopefully Rin and Yukio can hold it back..."

As they began to approach the warehouse, they heard what sounded like laughing. It was gleeful and off-kilter, almost laced with a bit of insanity; what worried them the most, however, was whose it was. They had never heard Rin like that before, and just hearing it sent chills down everyone's spines. Grabbing the door handle violently, Shura slammed her shoulder into the door. Rather than opening, however, it hit something blocking it. It was a collapsed pile of boxes, she realized; it wouldn't be easy to get through. From inside, they heard Yukio's shocked voice echo off of the metal roof:

"Oh, my... god... Rin... What did you..."

"What? Upset, little brother? No one will miss her. I told you a long time ago, I would make your jaw hit the ground, and look at this! I have finally succeeded. But what to do with you..."

"Rin... You... You're a... a monster...!" His voice raised, and began audibly shaking. "Do... do you know what you just...! Rin... Oh, god, Rin... You... You killed her...!"

At this, Shura froze in shock, as did the rest of the cram school.

"He... killed her...?" Izumo's voice trembled, and for the first time in front of the cram school, her eyes began to water. "No... he wouldn't..."

"Rin..." They heard Yukio say his brother's name, almost desperately. "Please, by God, snap out of it... Rin..."

"What? Afraid of me? Ha! You should be. You're next, and then that obnoxious woman... You've always disliked her, haven't you? What would it matter if a whore like her were to be killed?"

"We need to help Yukio..." Bon said quietly. He approached the door, reluctantly grabbed the handle, and began slamming himself into it, hoping to knock over the boxes in front of it.


Feeling as if he were trapped inside his own body, Rin was mentally screaming and struggling to regain control. He was pounding on the invisible barrier between himself and the monster controlling him. He saw everything it saw, and he desperately wanted it to be a dream; he had seen the light leave Shiemi's eyes, the pain and horror and betrayal they contained when she drew in her final breath to unleash a horrified and pained shriek. He had his own hands stab her repeatedly after her heart had ceased beating, and seen the fear in Yukio's eyes as he realized he was next... All he wanted was for it to end. He fought with this other side within him, the murderous part that wanted everything to burn; he fought for control over himself, but deep down he knew it- he was gone. His time had ended and the time of this monster begun, but he still fought for control. He wouldn't give up... He couldn't.

He watched as he approached Yukio, who was desperately backing up. He was glancing around, looking for some sort of weapon, when he saw a box cutter on the ground. He lunged for it, grabbed it, and quickly stood again to face his brother.

"Oh, god, Rin... Don't... I don't want to have to..." He gulped, and Rin was horrified. He was going to kill his brother, and all he could do was watch. He continued to walk calmly and confidently towards his brother, and roughly grabbed him by the shirt. Yukio, knowing what was coming, desperately racked his brain for a plan. Eventually, he found one; while Rin had been killing Shiemi, his tail had unravelled from the position around his body it was usually at. It was now swishing behind him. If he just got a strike at it, he might be able to escape. As soon as the tail flicked towards him, Yukio grabbed it by the tip, and sliced across it with his weapon. Rin wailed in pain, and stumbled backwards.

As the knife had sliced across his weak spot, Rin pushed past the monster he had been and came back to himself. He gasped and tears began to stream down his face, falling to his knees.

"O-Oh... my god. I... I killed her... Yukio... I'm so sorry... I... Oh my g-god..." he cried even harder, the tears blocking out his vision and the sobs ripping so violently through his body that he could barely breathe. This sudden transformation caused his brother to freeze, unable to avert his eyes from Rin's distraught form.

"I... I killed her...!" Through his faded vision, Rin turned the dagger in his hands. He knew what he had to do to prevent anything from happening again. There was no way he could atone for the life he had taken, no way to make it right; he needed to end it all, so that he couldn't hurt anyone else. He had to... to...

"I... I'm so... I'm so sorry... Yukio. I didn't mean to... to lose control... I guess this is what I for being the son of Satan. I always knew this would h-happen..." Outside, Bon was slamming himself against the door, sending echoes through the room. Rin barely registered the sound as he lifted the dagger and angled towards his stomach. Then, finally, Bon knocked over the stack of boxes covering the door. The Exwires broke into the room, and at that moment, Rin swung the dagger roughly through the air and into his own stomach. He coughed blood, and wispered an apology one last time. His bloody, crying form slowly slumped and then fell over, his eyes becoming lifeless as they stared silently at the metal ceiling high above them.

Shura and the Exwires were shocked into silence. They took in everything; Shiemi's dead body on the ground in a pool of blood by a stack of boxes, Rin's in the center of the room, and finally Yukio, who held a bloody box cutter. It slowly slipped out of his hands, his eyes wide with horror and shock. His eyes never left his brother's form. After a few moments, Shura managed to bring herself to speak.

"Yukio... Are ya okay...? Did he..." She cleared her throat, her voice seeming unnatural in the current setting. The place felt no longer like a warehouse, but a tomb; it felt wrong to speak in that blood-spattered room. Now wispering, she said, "Yukio...? Come on... I called Mephisto while we were outside. He's coming to pick us up... "

He didn't respond; he still stared at the bloodied form. No comprehensible thoughts went through his mind- all there was was a jumbled roar, drowning out everything around him. He was frozen, as if time itself had stopped. Nothing around him affected him, and it was as if the following events were but a blur; Shura wrapping her arm around his shoulder and gently leading him away from his brother and Shiemi, Mephisto meeting them outside, a somber look on his face, even the journey home... None of it seemed real. He was in a daze. None of the other exorcists had ever seen him like that, and worried for him as they mourned their losses. They worries were solidified, however when they had to mourn also Yukio, for that night, he grabbed one of his replacement pistols, lifted it to his temple, and pulled the trigger. That was the end of the Okumura brothers, but even as the years passed by, they were never forgotten; they were engraved into the memories of their friends, whom with they stayed until the end of their days.

-|•°•°•°•|-          -|•°•°•°•|-          The End          -|•°•°•°•|-          -|•°•°•°•|-

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